Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Fraser Campbell
Blackstone Chambers
‘He is a brilliant lawyer with a remarkable grasp of legal principles across a wide area. His legal thinking is full of great insight.’
Henry Day
Radcliffe Chambers
 ‘Henry is very able. Clever, with a good strategic sense and feel for how to present arguments to best advantage.’
Wendy Mathers
Radcliffe Chambers
'First class advocacy skills; Wendy presents cases succinctly and is able to quickly take instructions in order to reach a solution.'
Saaman Pourghadiri
4 New Square
'He is a very effective junior: bright and personable with a real ability to get across detail quickly and propose well thought through strategies.'
Thomas Robinson
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tom is a leading figure for insolvency and pensions litigation, an overlap which comes up time and time again. A good strategist, his advice is well-judged and practical. He is also personable and precise.’
James Walmsley
Wilberforce Chambers
'James is a brilliant strategist. His ability to absorb vast and complex fact patterns and apply acute legal analysis to them is peerless.'
Michael Ashdown
Wilberforce Chambers
'Michael is incredibly bright with an irrepressible enthusiasm for the finer points of the law, which is combined with an engaging advocacy style almost unusual for someone so technical.'
Chloe Bell
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Chloe is very intelligent and user friendly. She is a pleasure to work with and gets on top of issues very quickly.‘
Nigel Burroughs
4 New Square
'Nigel is always incredibly responsive and clear in his advice, and is on top of the issues and the current case law.'
Jonathan Chew
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Jonathan provides brilliant support to his leaders before and during trial, as well as being assured on his own in the Court of Appeal.'
Emily McKechnie
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Emily is a pleasure to work with. She is very experienced in pensions litigation. She is also extremely hard-working, and very bright.‘