Leading Silks
Keith Rowley KC
Radcliffe Chambers
'Keith is meticulous and thoughtful in his advice, particularly in preparing a case and works exceptionally well in tandem with his instructing solicitors.'
Andrew Spink KC
Outer Temple Chambers
'He is really very good with clients, and incisive about getting to the nub of the case and equally adept at case and matter negotiation strategy.'
Keith Bryant KC
Outer Temple Chambers
‘Excellent knowledge and practical advice in relation to employment and pension law cross-over area; very clear exposition for lawyers and the lay client alike.’
James Goudie KC
'Razor-sharp, encyclopaedic mind, and a brilliant strategist. Always delightful to work with.'
Ben Hubble KC
4 New Square
‘Ben is an excellent barrister and a pleasure to work with. He is responsive and gives clear strategic advice, and is a calm and clear advocate.'
Henry Legge KC
Henry Legge KC
5 Stone Buildings
‘Henry is intellectually very strong and has real charm in court; clients love his style.'
Christopher Tidmarsh KC
Christopher Tidmarsh KC
5 Stone Buildings
'Highly approachable and commercial. Gives a clear steer, turns advice around quickly and cost effectively.'
2023 Silks