Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
James Berry
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
‘James is incredibly approachable, good with clients of all ranks and matches this with an excellent grasp of police law. His advocacy is understated - which suits the subject matter - but highly effective.’
Mark Ley-Morgan
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
'Mark's knowledge and understanding of the law is outstanding. His advocacy is excellent and second to none. He is clear, accurate and never misses any point out. 
Susannah Stevens
QEB Hollis Whiteman
'Susannah is an extremely robust advocate. She fights ferociously for her clients’ best interests. Often, her approach achieves excellent results.'
Colin Banham
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
'No barrister knows more or has more experience than Colin in acting on behalf of individual police officers, whether that be in criminal matters, misconduct cases, associated appeals or High Court challenges. He truly has made this field his own, and has a complete understanding of the numerous laws and regulations, including some of the more obscure ones.' 
Jonathan Dixey
5 Essex Chambers
‘Jonathan is skilled at being able to dissect and analyse complex areas of law, assess litigation risk and provide pragmatic and helpful advice to clients. He works well under pressure and is unflappable.'
Aaron Rathmell
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
‘Aaron is a passionate barrister and has incredible advocacy skills and is excellent at presenting cases in both misconduct matters and employment tribunals. He is always across the detail but able to see the bigger picture.’ 
Edwin Buckett
Deka Chambers
'Edwin is an excellent advocate and very methodical in his approach to the legal issues involved in a case. Very personable with clients and able to make them feel at ease whilst still able to explain any difficulties in the case.'
Ian Clarke
Deka Chambers
'Ian has an in-depth knowledge of police law and is able to advise on practical as well as legal solutions to resolve actions brought against the police.'
Robert Cohen
5 Essex Chambers
'Robert has a particular aptitude for difficult and complex claims relating to GDPR and the Data Protection Act.'
Thom Dyke
Deka Chambers
‘Thom is a delight to work with and always provides top drawer advocacy and advice.’
Cicely Hayward
5 Essex Chambers
'Cicely is a highly effective advocate. She exhibits a balance of knowledge, skill, experience and persistence which in an adversarial situation make her a counsel of choice.' 
Jennifer Oborne
Deka Chambers
'Jennifer is a highly skilled and experienced barrister practicing in the field of police law. With a strong background in the breadth of matters police law covers, she has a particular passion and talent for misconduct and civil actions, which has meant she has established herself as a trusted advocate in the policing community.'
Claire Palmer
5 Essex Chambers
‘Early, clear case strategy based on case merits and wider issues of concern to the police client, such as maintaining public confidence in the service. Claire builds excellent rapport with senior officers, engendering their full confidence.’ 
Robert Talalay
5 Essex Chambers
'Robert is a true expert. Dedicated, hard working and always has the right answer when on his feet. He is also very likeable and gives everything at trial to get the right result.' 
Mark Thomas
5 Essex Chambers
'Mark is excellent in every respect. He is personable, affable and his intellect and attention to detail are hugely impressive.' 
Andrew Waters
5 Essex Chambers
‘Andrew's cross-examination of officers is particularly impressive. His style as akin to an iron fist in a velvet glove, and he knows just when to ask the killer question.’
Jennifer Wright
5 Essex Chambers
‘Jennifer is a very courteous individual which goes down well in court. She has a great knowledge of the area of law she works in.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Remi Reichhold
‘Very hard working with a good grasp of details. Tactically very astute.’