Leading Silks
Oliver Campbell KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Oliver is an unflappable advocate who is extremely astute. He provides pragmatic advice and is adept at advising on complex group litigation matters.'
Charles Dougherty KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Charles' knowledge of this area of law is second to none. His organisational skills mean that he is the counsel of choice in large volume product liability claims.'
Neil Moody KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Neil is very impressive in court. His submissions are incredibly clear and manage to cut through complex legal and factual submissions with ease.’
Marcus Pilgerstorfer KC
‘Marcus is very approachable. He is excellent on paper and on his feet. He is accurate and unfazed by large complex litigation.'
Toby Riley-Smith KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Toby is an absolute delight to work with even if he is on the other side. Annoyingly for his opponents, he charms judges and drives a hard bargain.’
Adam Heppinstall KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Adam is a formidable opponent. He’s robust, hardworking and on top of the detail. You know you have to be on the top of your game when against him.’
Andrew Kinnier KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Andrew's advice was extremely clear, thorough and most importantly commercial so that the client understood clearly the parameters within which it had to work.'
2022 Silks
2023 Silks