Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Isabel Barter
4 New Square Chambers
‘Isabel is massively hard working, with a keen eye for detail and extraordinary depth of knowledge of the law relating to defective products.’
David Myhill
Crown Office Chambers
‘Brilliant in providing very clear advice and cutting through to the central issues. An expert in product liability claims and clearly a KC in the making.'
Eloise Power
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
‘Passionate about her cases and trying to get the best result for clients. An effective advocate, able to present complex issues clearly and attractively. Able to deal with the most complicated cases, and has a deep understanding of product liability law especially in relation to medical devices.'
James Medd
Crown Office Chambers
 'He is excellent. Very thorough, hands on, detailed, responsive, very strategic and first rate in his handling of clients.'
Erica Power
Crown Office Chambers
‘Erica has huge experience in the field of product liability. She is a formidable opponent.  She has a steely determination and resolve. She is an excellent and clear advocate.’
James Purnell
Henderson Chambers
‘James is a highly skilled senior junior. His advocacy in inquest matters is excellent, striking the right balance between sensitivity to the difficult nature of inquests yet also maintaining a robust position on behalf of his client.'
Chloe Campbell
Henderson Chambers
‘Chloe excels in complex product liability claims which require a mastery of expert evidence. She has outstanding analytical skills and a tenacious approach to mastering demanding material.'
Robert Dickason
Outer Temple Chambers
‘Rob brings his serious clinical negligence experience to bear on products cases. He really has a detailed understanding of the technical side of these cases.'
Anna Hughes
2 Temple Gardens
‘Anna is very intelligent with a keen eye for detail. She has a very good manner with clients and witnesses and gets to grip with the key issues quickly.'
Alistair Mackenzie
2 Temple Gardens
‘Alistair provides mature and helpful insight in a legal team and is likely to be an ever-increasing presence in the product liability world.'
Lucy McCormick
Henderson Chambers
'Lucy is very diligent with both a strong eye for detail and good strategic sense. She thinks outside the box, identifying potential issues well in advance.'
Carlo Taczalski
Crown Office Chambers
'Carlo's enthusiasm and eye for detail are exceptional and he adopts a common sense approach to strategy which is a significant benefit to both us and our clients.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.