Leading Silks
Tom Adam KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tom is a force of nature. He has the most incisive brain of any barrister, and his advice is always robust and powerful.’
Nicholas Davidson KC
Hailsham Chambers
‘Nicholas has a brilliant mind, his knowledge is second to none, but it is his ability to impart that, both in writing and orally, which sets him apart.'
Michael Douglas KC
4 Pump Court
‘Michael is a go-to KC for insurance professional negligence work. His advice is full of clarity and common sense.’
Ben Elkington KC
4 New Square
‘Ben is excellent and turns round matters quickly. He is always reliable and a very strong advocate; an excellent cross examiner who gets to the heart of issues.'  
Justin Fenwick KC
4 New Square
‘Justin has an astonishing grasp of figures and facts. He has very sound judgement  and gives very clear advice.’
William Flenley KC
Hailsham Chambers
 ‘Clear, considered, detailed and well structured advice, both written and in conference. Understanding and considerate of views of clients. Always fabulously well prepared. Respectful and never too busy to discuss.'
Jonathan Hough KC
4 New Square
‘Jonathan is very easy to work with for solicitors and very clear and reassuring to clients. His written work is clear and precise.’
Ben Hubble KC
4 New Square
‘Ben is a phenomenal lawyer a KC of choice for professional negligence matters. He is calm and unflappable in times of high stress, cuts through impenetrable detail easily and always impressive on his feet.’
Patrick Lawrence KC
4 New Square
'Patrick gives you the feeling of a really top class service in every aspect of his work, including dealings with the client and other parties. Having him on board gives you the winning edge.'
Mark Simpson KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Mark is an inspiring, constructive, driven leader who leads his teams well, and is always willing to listen to ideas, and gives his team members opportunities to shine at whatever level.’
Jamie Smith KC
4 New Square
'Jamie is a joy to work with. He is incredibly diligent and careful in the advice he provides. One is never in doubt that Jamie cares deeply about getting the best result for the client.'
Roger Stewart KC
4 New Square
 'Roger is a formidable and pugnacious opponent, but with clients he is helpful and practical. His work is obviously excellent, and despite how busy he is, he is good with deadlines.'
David Streatfeild-James KC
Atkin Chambers
 'Exceptionally clever and considered - extremely good advocate, persuasive and clear and very commercial and strategic whilst being the ultimate team player.'
Marcus Taverner KC
Keating Chambers
 'Marcus has boundless enthusiasm for his subject matter, tempered by a deep understanding of the dispute and a steely eye for what really matters.'
Nigel Tozzi KC
4 Pump Court
- 'Nigel has been a pleasure to work with - providing constructive and highly pertinent guidance, cutting to the key issues and conveying them in appropriate terms for his audience - be it senior or junior team members or directly client-facing.'
David Turner KC
4 New Square
'David is exceptionally able, focused and clear. As an advocate he does not waste words and is realistic about the strengths and weaknesses of his case.'
John Wardell KC
Wilberforce Chambers
'John is a formidable advocate and a real star in court. He provides exceptional strategic advice to clients while also able to get to grips with the details of the matter and focus on the important issues.'
Thomas Weitzman KC
3 Verulam Buildings
 'Tom is rightly a very successful and popular barrister. He is very technically-adept, but he combines that skill with very sound judgement as to strategy and an ability to explain his views clearly to the client and win them over.'
Jeremy Cousins KC
Jeremy Cousins KC
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Jeremy is very thorough and a pleasure to work with.’
Rebecca Sabben-Clare KC
Rebecca Sabben-Clare KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
'Rebecca is a no-nonsense barrister- she delivers clear, practical and helpful advice from the perspective of the client.'
Rachel Ansell KC
4 Pump Court
‘Rachel is definitely a team player. She does not sit on the fence with her advice and is very supportive of her instructing solicitors. She is an effective and measured advocate and analytical skills are second-to-none.’
John de Waal KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘John is very practical, pragmatic and user-friendly.  John demonstrates good in-depth knowledge of professional negligence in the property sector.’
David Halpern KC
4 New Square
‘David has useful insight into how judges are likely to approach questions of law and evidence. An astute tactician who holds sound judgement and is strong on the law.’
Matthew Hardwick KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Matthew is a brilliant advocate who is incredibly impressive to watch. He is all over the details and the law. He is a highly persuasive advocate and a true champion of the commercial Bar.’
Nigel Jones KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Nigel is incredibly intelligent and accurate but also able to make complex policy explanations clear and friendly. He is also great with clients in conference.'
Tim Lord KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Excellent leader of the team, great people skills, excellent in court, particularly in cross-examination, has a good commercial sense and gives incisive and realistic advice.'
Siân Mirchandani KC
4 New Square
‘Siân is an excellent advocate. Very clear and persuasive. Her advice is always excellent gets to the nub of the issue. She provides practical solutions to complex issues.’
Neil Moody KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Neil is known for his tactical acumen and his ability to see the bigger picture and path to success in any particular case. His advocacy is powerful and authoritative but measured – judges love him.’
Ben Patten KC
4 New Square
‘Ben is extremely thorough is giving his advice and has an excellent feel for the merits of difficult points. An extremely strong advocate, he is a go-to for complex professional negligence claims.’
Dominique Rawley KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Dominique is a very accomplished advocate and a very safe pair of hands. She has a good sense of what to include and not to include.’
Paul Reed KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘An insightful advocate, intense in depth knowledge of the subject, agile and alive to the moment in cross examination.'
John Ross KC
Deka Chambers
 ‘John is great listener, strategist, and an excellent all round Silk who is ahead of the curve and reads the situation and what’s coming over the horizon.'
Keith Rowley KC
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Keith is a very experienced pensions professional negligence silk. He had deep knowledge of the pensions authorities and can read a court in a way that few others can. Judges listen carefully to him.’
James Brocklebank KC
James Brocklebank KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
'James is easy to work with, responsive, and really excellent.'
Mark Anderson KC
No5 Barristers’ Chambers
‘Razor-sharp analysis and clarity provided within his advice. Delivered with complete calmness and always finds the answers. Mark is very responsive and works very collaboratively.’
Adrian Beltrami KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Adrian is an excellent, imperturbable advocate that commands the attention of everyone in the court including the judge and his peers. He is extremely client friendly and instils confidence in all those he speaks with.'
Chloe Carpenter KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Chloe is deeply impressive, with strong subject area knowledge and vast experience. She quickly identifies the best strategy and then pro-actively drives her client’s case forward.’
Graham Chapman KC
4 New Square
‘Graham is tremendously clever, lightning fast on his feet, well-liked by judges and clients, a brilliant legal mind and thoroughly commercial – in short, the complete package.’
Serena Cheng KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Very bright and hardworking, Serena turns instructions round quickly, gives first rates legal advice and is commercial and easy to deal with. She is also an excellent advocate.’
Aidan Christie KC
4 Pump Court
- 'Aidan has an encyclopaedic knowledge of insurance law and cases. He is authoritative whilst being collaborative, creative with arguments, and hugely patient.'
James Cross KC
4 Pump Court
‘ His understanding of the interaction between the construction and insurance markets is unrivalled. Charming and ruthless in equal measure. ’
Thomas Grant KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tom has an untiring attention to detail, is meticulous in his preparations for hearings and is forceful yet amiable on his feet. Put quite simply, he is the pinnacle of the London Bar.’
Simon Hargreaves KC
Keating Chambers
‘Simon in immensely knowledgeable, enthusiastic and hands-on. Great at getting stuck in and brings a calm authority. He is also terrific fun to work with.’
Neil Hext KC
4 New Square
‘Neil is very thorough, hard-working, bright, an excellent lawyer, and a very good cross-examiner – a tough opponent whom it is a pleasure to be against.’
Daniel Lightman KC
Serle Court
 ‘Daniel is a true pleasure to work with. He has an extremely able mind and is often able to see the wood for the trees when others cannot. He is a skilled black-letter lawyer with an incisive intellect.’
Ben Lynch KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Ben is meticulously detailed and very knowledgeable in the field. He has a very impressive attention to detail, yet at the same time is able to grasp complex issues seemingly effortlessly, and very quickly.'
Lynne McCafferty KC
4 Pump Court
‘Lynne is an excellent barrister, her cross examination skills are second to none and certainly not to be underestimated. She is especially gifted at very complex and detailed cases with an ability to quickly absorb a lot detail and hone in on the critical issues.'
Manus McMullan KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Manus has many strengths. He is a fierce cross-examiner and a highly articulate advocate. He excels at complex cross-examination of expert witnesses.’
Jeremy Nicholson KC
4 Pump Court
‘Jeremy is a top class construction silk. He retains fantastic attention to detail and precision in his drafting, whilst getting the big strategic decisions right.’
Benjamin Pilling KC
4 Pump Court
‘A superb all-rounder. A fantastic advocate, calm under pressure and with the ear of the court, because he has the ability to pick out the key points and present them in simple terms to the judge. Lovely drafting too.’
Thomas Plewman KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Very sharp and clever, he cuts to the chase and doesn’t waste time on non-issues. He is easy to work with, flexible and generally available and good on his feet.’
Daniel Shapiro KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Danny is bright, exercises good judgement, is approachable, pragmatic and practical where necessary, knows his law and is very easy to deal with. He is liked by clients and his solicitors team and is a fearsome opponent.’
Andrew Spink KC
Outer Temple Chambers
 ‘Very experienced and a compelling advocate, both on paper and on his feet. His advice is clear and well-reasoned, and he does not lose sight of the client’s commercial objective.’
Clare Stanley KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Clare is a brilliant advocate, who excels at building a rapport with the bench and adapting on her feet as a case develops. She is extremely impressive in cross-examination, and dealing with complicated facts and subject matter.’
Andrew Warnock KC
Deka Chambers
 ‘Andrew has an unfailingly calm and authoritative approach, which obviously comes from his deep knowledge and experience in inquiries. His ability to identify and maintain a clear strategy is invaluable to our clients, as well as his approachability and his skill as a concise and persuasive advocate.’
Geraint Webb KC
Henderson Chambers
 ‘Geraint’s ability to assimilate large quantities of technical information within a short amount of time and cut straight through to the core issues is hugely impressive. He is also highly personable and client friendly.’
Stephanie Barwise KC
Stephanie Barwise KC
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Outstanding - Stephanie provides game-changing advice.’
Nicholas Dennys KC
Nicholas Dennys KC
Atkin Chambers
 'Able to quickly grasp issues and provice pragmatic, helpful advice.'
Gary Blaker KC
Selborne Chambers
'Gary is a master-strategist and his advocacy and cross-examination in particular are exceptionally well planned to draw the judge to compelling conclusions.'
David Blayney KC
Serle Court
‘David is always measured as an advocate, and his submissions are always meticulously well-thought-through, particularly those involving the financial dealings and share valuations.’
Martin Bowdery KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Excellent advocacy and tactician in developing a strategy that best fits the clients' interests and the nature of the case. He has a good way with clients who tend to have confidence in his approach and his advice.'
Andrew Butler KC
Tanfield Chambers
 ‘Andrew gives confident and robust advice. He is clear and definitive in his advice to clients explaining very clearly where he thinks they have a good or bad case. This makes it easy for clients to make decisions as to how to proceed.’
Michael Curtis KC
Crown Office Chambers
 ‘He has a tenacious work ethic and provides clear advice. He is very personable and has an ability to tailor his advice to his audience, whether they be lawyers or laypeople. He has a forensic eye for detail.’
Clare Dixon KC
4 New Square
‘Clare is really approachable and good with clients. She communicates with clarity, is responsive and always has time for questions.'
Edward Faulks KC
Deka Chambers
 'Insightful, analytical and is exceptional in being able to cut through the evidence to understand the crux of the claim.'
Lucy Garrett KC
Keating Chambers
'Lucy is a complete star. She has an outstanding legal mind and is adept at dealing with the most complex legal and technical disputes as well as providing sound advice on strategy.'
Karim Ghaly KC
39 Essex Chambers
 'Karim is a wonderful advocate, with a particualarly methodical and devastating cross-examination. His ability to learn a complex case, break it down into the key issues on which the matters actually turn and devise effective strategy is also particularly impresive.'
Lexa Hilliard KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Lexa leaves no stone unturned and will not be phased by the opponent's guerilla tactics. She is a very persuasive advocate and will always have solid advice for the client. It is a pleasure to work with Lexa.' 
Isabel Hitching KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Isabel has an innate ability to drill down to the main points and weed out irrelevant issues, from which instructing solicitors can then draw up a strong strategic approach which usually gets us to where the client wants to be.’
Krista Lee KC
Keating Chambers
'Absolutely outstanding. Very focused, able to get to grips with a large amount of very technical material; totally on top of the factual evidence and the legal issues.'
Shantanu Majumdar KC
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Intellectually way ahead of the crowd and a superb written advocate. His court room style is equally impressive. An excellent trial lawyer and cunning cross-examiner. Clients love him.’
Andrew Mold KC
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘Andrew is a model, all-round high-performing barrister. He is smooth and confident, without any trace of superiority. He is at the top of his game.’
Vincent Moran KC
Keating Chambers
 ‘Vincent is a very good KC. He demonstrated an ability to manage very difficult and complex high value litigation. He has a good tactical insight.’
Stephen Moriarty KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Stephen is one of the most collaborative senior silks going. He is always interested in the thoughts of the client and instructing solicitors. He is not only brilliant but he also provides very thoughtful and clever strategic advice.’
Andrew Neish KC
4 Pump Court
'Andrew is very knowledgeable in this field - he is highly intelligent and very experienced. He gets right to the point and identifies what matters early on. He is very good on his feet and is a very strong cross examiner. He is also very good with clients.'
Alison Padfield KC
4 New Square
‘Alison is an absolute pleasure to work with. She is always prepared, calm and unflappable and has a very easy manner that puts clients from all walks of life entirely at their ease. Not only is she intellectually outstanding, great on tactics, but you can always rely on the fact that she will work with you seamlessly as part of the team.'  
Fionn Pilbrow KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Very experienced barrister at the top of his game. His written work and oral advocacy are incisive and extremely effective. He uses his knowledge of civil procedure to supplant a clear litigation strategy which gets results. A real pleasure to work with.'
Amanda Savage KC
4 New Square
‘Excellent. Bright, hard working, realistic, frank in her advice, a good team player and a pleasure to work with.  She is particularly good at team working with the associates on her cases.'
Tony Singla KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tony is definitely a future star at the commercial Bar. He is brilliantly clever yet he has a delightful manner and can cut through complexity with ease.’
George Spalton KC
4 New Square Chambers
  ‘George is a highly accomplished performer. His skill on the professional negligence side of pensions litigation fills an essential need in these types of high value claims.’
Peter Susman KC
Henderson Chambers
 'One of the most experienced silks still practising in London. Very comfortable with technical matters. Advocacy second to none. Great interpersonal skills with clients.'
Nicholas Trompeter KC
Selborne Chambers
 ‘Nick knows his stuff and is very clever. His advocacy is very impressive – calm, relaxed but also forceful and gets his point across very clearly.’
Steven Walker KC
Atkin Chambers
‘Very thorough and reliable, and always delivers clear, and succinct, advice. Very smart and a pleasure to deal with - a fantastic advocate.'
Crispin Winser KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Extremely knowledgeable and pragmatic, explains clearly and concisely. Not just the law itself but strategically how to reach the desired objective.’
Claire Packman
Claire Packman
4 Pump Court
  'Claire is responsive, a team player and a pleasure to work with. Great with clients and complete mastery of the technical detail of a case.'
Andrew George KC
Andrew George KC
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Andrew is a measured, charming, and hugely effective advocate.’
Ian Mill KC
Ian Mill KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘With great judgement and a great client manner, Ian is excellent in front of any judge and truly has the ear of the court.’
2022 Silks
Helen Evans KC
4 New Square
‘Helen is very hands on and approachable. Her technical skills are exceptional. She is able to make the judge see exactly what she wants.’
Josephine Higgs KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘She is hard-working and extremely bright, with a meticulous eye for detail  and a firm grasp of the big picture. Her advice is succinct, commercial and articulate. She has an excellent technical knowledge of accounts, and great tactical nous. She is an accomplished and persuasive advocate.’
Josephine Higgs KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
  ‘Josephine is very intelligent and extremely hard-working, with a real ability to get quickly to the heart of any dispute. She is a great team player, and is also an excellent advocate. In short, she is a joy to work with.’
Simon Howarth KC
Hailsham Chambers
 'Extremely knowlegable in professional negligence litigation. Excellent drafting skills and clear advice. Tactically very good and a pleasure to work with.'
Farhaz Khan KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Farhaz is very persuasive both on paper and orally. He identifies the key issues quickly and has a very confident court manner.'
Alexander Polley KC
One Essex Court
‘Alex is incredibly responsive and almost immediately grasps key issues.  He has always added value when feeding into conversations and work products, and endears great confidence.'  
Alexander Polley KC
One Essex Court
  ‘Alex is outstanding. His intellect is second to none, and never ceases to amaze – and yet he is somehow incredibly user-friendly. Finally, he works very hard, and always responsive.’
Helen Evans KC
Helen Evans KC
4 New Square Chambers
   ‘Helen is very sharp. She is always on top of the detail and produces clear, precise and user-friendly drafting. She is a pleasure to work with.’
2023 Silks
Sonia Nolten KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Absolutely excellent in all areas. Thorough, responsive, great on her feet, very good on paper, technical expert and commercially astute.'   
Catherine Piercy KC
Gatehouse Chambers
'Catherine is well liked by clients, for good reason. She is able to explain complex legal arguments clearly to lay clients and help them understand the relative merits of the same, which is invaluable for them to make informed commercial decisions.'
David Pliener KC
Gatehouse Chambers
 'Great analytical skills, a real relaxed style and way of putting a complex point across which goes down well with clients. Good tactician.' 
David Pliener KC
Gatehouse Chambers
 ‘Great analytical skills, a real relaxed style and way of putting a complex point across which goes down well with clients. Good tactician.’
2024 Silks
Jennifer Jones KC
Atkin Chambers
'Good attention to deal, very hard working, gets on well with clients and with instructing solicitors. Advocacy is calm and effective.'
Anna Laney KC
Crown Office Chambers
'Highly experienced and knowledgeable. A formidable advocate and negotiator. Excellent at explaining to instructing solicitors and clients in a clear, accessible way.'
Tom Owen KC
Keating Chambers
 'Tom is very eloquent and persuasive. He makes the right points at the right time and in a way that cuts to the heart of the key issues. He also keeps on top of the detail and often drives the work in the background, which is particularly helpful in complex and acrimonious cases.'
Shail Patel KC
4 New Square
‘Forensic, very clever, strategic and knowledgeable. Great with clients and one of the best juniors to work with.’
Simon Wilton KC
Hailsham Chambers
‘Simon is first-class on paper and in the court room - he writes very well and presents clearly with authority. He is incredibly efficient and incisive, charming and approachable, and has a formidable ability to get the judge's attention on the most difficult of cases.'