Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Isabel Barter
4 New Square Chambers
‘Isabel is an absolute star. Her attention to detail and grasp of the issues is exemplary, and she is calm and reassuring with clients.’
Hugh Evans
4 New Square
‘Hugh is an all rounder with strengths in advocacy and drafting but in particular his knowledge of authorities is unbeatable. He is a walking encyclopedia.'
Jason Evans-Tovey
Crown Office Chambers
'Jason is excellent. He gives clear advice from the outset and does not waiver. At trial, he is at his most polite when being utterly damning of the opposition's case, it is a delight to watch.'  
Simon Hale
4 Pump Court
‘Simon is excellent to work with.  He is extremely bright but very personable and great to put the clients at ease as well as being great on his feet.'
James Hall
Gatehouse Chambers
 'James is top class - commercial, approachable and knowledgeable - and is to my mind one of the best senior juniors in this area.'
Kate Livesey
4 Pump Court
‘Kate has excellent judgement, is forensic and determined. She is also an excellent advocate – well-prepared, and with a real feel for the temperature of the court and the views of the judge.’
Charles Phipps
4 New Square
 ‘Charles' attention to detail is exemplary.  He knows the law and his papers inside out.  He is proactive and commercially aware.  He has a very good manner with the client.'
Michael Ryan
7 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘Very experienced in fraud litigation despite still being relatively junior, Michael combines a good legal brain with strong advocacy.’
Carl Troman
4 New Square
'Carl is clever and very direct and clear in his advice. He is easy to work with and very responsive.'
Imran Benson
Hailsham Chambers
‘In cross-examination, Imran is exemplary at asking the right questions at the right time and is super reactive to the answers; knowing when to press further and when to steer matters seamlessly in a different direction.’
Hugh Jackson
Selborne Chambers
 'Hugh has an impressive attention to detail and ensures that all times scales are met. His advice is always on the button. He is a thorough and tenacious advocate, but not in any way that prejudices the best interests of the client.'
Justin Kitson
Selborne Chambers
‘Justin has an unparalleled eye for detail. He is able to assimilate large amounts of information, from multiple sources, quickly without fuss or fluster. He communicates brilliantly at all levels to provide sound and valuable advice to clients, putting them at ease and giving them a clear path as to options in the litigation.’  
Dan Stacey
Hailsham Chambers
‘Dan is a cool, calm and collected barrister. He is very astute, thoroughly prepared and tenacious when he has to be. His bedside manner with clients is wonderful.'
David Thomas
2 Temple Gardens
'Reliable and helpful. Good drafting skills and effective in court, on what are often sensitive cases where the claimant has very strong views.'
Nik Yeo
Fountain Court Chambers
‘An absolute star. Thorough, responsive and drafts beautifully. Clients are always delighted to have Nik in their corner.’
Ebony Alleyne
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Ebony is simply phenomenal. Forensic attention to detail, comprehensive and meticulously thorough in her analysis. Could not recommend her more highly.’
Rónán Hanna
Atkin Chambers
 ‘Rónán provides excellent service and advice. He always makes himself available and cuts through complicated issues swiftly and clearly. His submissions are well-structured and very persuasive. He is highly regarded by lay clients and colleagues.’
Edward Harrison
Brick Court Chambers
‘Ed is very good on the detail. He thinks carefully and creatively around a problem and is approachable and contactable. His advocacy is clear and persuasive.'
Matthew Jackson
Hailsham Chambers
‘Matthew is an extremely experienced barrister who has advised on a very wide-ambit of professional negligence matters in all courts. Matthew is able to understand and advise on all of the necessary issues that go-to the core of a case so it is possible to decide whether a case should be defended or settled.’
Saleem Khalid
Deka Chambers
'Saleem is tenacious and can see through smoke and mirrors thrown up by the other side. He is also very hardworking.'
Ben Smiley
4 New Square
‘Ben is fantastic – he is easy to work with, great with clients, clear and responsive in his advice. Clients really appreciate his strategy input as well as his drafting and technical work, and find him to be commercial and tuned-into the requirements of clients. He has fast become my number one choice at senior junior level.’  
Benjamin Wood
4 New Square
‘Ben is unique in my view and standout. He lives and breathes the principles of active case management forged from a deep understanding of the workings of the court and his experience on both sides of the bench: a contribution that is, frankly invaluable and unrivalled, amongst his peers.’
Luke Wygas
4 Pump Court
‘A sensible, reliable barrister who responds very quickly.  Luke can cut through the noise and get to the heart of the issues very quickly.'
Tom Asquith
4 New Square
‘Tom is a fantastic barrister. He is very easy to work with, his drafting is impeccable and he feels a part of the legal team offering concise, candid and practical advice.'
Tom Bell
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Very technical, concise, team player. Thoughtful with his input, but will not sit on the fence. Excellent written work .'
Elizabeth Boon
Crown Office Chambers
'Fantastic with clients. A straight talker, balanced with a uniquely personable approach. Extracts and advises on key issues with total clarity and precision.'
Nicholas Collings
Atkin Chambers
‘Nicholas’ strength is his ability to clearly and concisely explain technical points of law to lay clients. Further, his written advocacy is extremely well drafted, persuasive and effective.’
David Drake
Serle Court
 ‘David is a genius, who revels in the complexity and nuance of professional negligence disputes.’
Daniel Edmonds
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘Dan is proactive and will go above and beyond to find the case-winning argument in the depths of the documents. Someone you want in your corner on high-value and high-stakes litigation.’
Doré Green
2 Temple Gardens
'Incredibly thorough and can always be trusted to leave no stone unturned when advising on complex matters.'
John Greenbourne
Crown Office Chambers
‘John is one of the most thorough and hard working barristers I have come across. He has a fantastic eye for detail and he does not cut corners. He will spot any issues which need to be dealt with, and he is able to grasp the key issues of any case quickly and then deal with them pragmatically.’
Stephen Innes
4 New Square
‘Very easy to work with and very personable. First rate knowledge and application of the law and a pragmatic approach.'
Kyle Lawson
Brick Court Chambers
‘Kyle is an impressive barrister. He has a calm, easy, and sure manner with clients. His written work is well researched and keenly targeted.'
Marc Lixenberg
Atkin Chambers
‘Calm, organised and excels at planning strategy. Understands procedural aspects that can be a headache for solicitors and is happy to help.’
Pippa Manby
4 New Square
‘Very well prepared and happy to take on work in new areas that expand on her already good knowledge.'
Sarah McCann
Gatehouse Chambers
 'Sarah is excellent on detail and working with technical experts to ensure often extremely complex technical issues and presented in the most effective way. A pleasure to work with.'
Paul Parker
4 New Square
  ‘Paul is hugely experienced and a calming presence in conference.  His advice is always lucid and well-reasoned.’
James Purchas
4 Pump Court
‘James is very easy to work with. A great team player whose attention to detail and analytical skills really make him stand out from the pack.'
Peter Ratcliffe
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Peter is very focussed on the detail and misses nothing. He is a go-to on complex insurance and brokers’ professional indemnity matters.’
Richard Sage
Crown Office Chambers
'Richard is very easy to work with - friendly for both instructing solicitors and clients. Richard is pragmatic and able to cut through complicated legal concepts to the crux of issues and prepare persuasive pleadings.'
Sophie Shaw
Brick Court Chambers
‘Sophie is a fabulous junior - highly intelligent, dedicated, exercises good judgement, is personable and has a great attention to detail. She has been involved in many large matters which bodes well for her future. She is excellent on paper and has great client skills.'
Tom Shepherd
4 New Square
‘Tom’s cross-examination is brilliant – well thought out, well put and forceful without being aggressive.’
Carlo Taczalski
Crown Office Chambers
‘Carlo is an excellent advocate – a real fighter. He is very tenacious and not afraid to pursue difficult points. He is able to persuade courts very effectively. His written advocacy is also of a very high standard.’
Jonathan Titmuss
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Jon is a tenacious advocate with an eye for detail for each matter. His knowledge of the law is exceptional but he also possesses a strong commercial sense to seek to get the best for the client. He is my counsel of choice for most matters.’
Michael Walsh
Michael Walsh
Serle Court
  ‘Very smart, commercial and pragmatic. His advocacy is incredibly impressive, often outshining KCs. A real pleasure to work with.’
Mischa Balen
Atkin Chambers
‘Mischa is an outstanding advocate and a formidable opponent. His written work devastates the other side.’
Theo Barclay
4 New Square Chambers
‘Theo is a slick and accomplished trial advocate, always prepared for every eventuality with an uncanny ability to read the court room. He is destined for greatness.’
Alexandra Bodnar
Keating Chambers
'Alex is a brilliant barrister who provides intelligent comment and sensible solutions throughout her involvement in any matter. She is extremely efficient and reliable.'
Christopher Bond
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Chris is an excellent advocate and sharp thinker, with a very strong all-round legal mind. His written pleadings were clever and persuasive.’
James Bowling
4 Pump Court
'James is extremely reliable for honest and thorough advice. He is easy to work with and is open to collaborative discussions relating to the matter.'
Lucie Briggs
Atkin Chambers
 'Good attention to deal, very hard working, gets on well with clients and with instructing solicitors. Advocacy is calm and effective.'
Paul Bury
Keating Chambers
'Excellent team player - getting into the detail and working well with instructing solicitors. Strong written advocacy.'
Brenna Conroy
Keating Chambers
 'Brenna is able to get to grips with complex factual and technical information quickly and efficiently. She provides excellent commercial and tactical advice to clients and is always happy to discuss any issues arising in a case.'
Thomas Crangle
4 Pump Court
  ‘Tom is responsive and easy to use and get on with. He is pragmatic and exhumes confidence which the clients love. He is very good on his feet and judges listen to him.’
Mark Cullen
4 New Square
'Mark is prompt, responsive and hard-working. His advice is comprehensive and pragmatic. He is a pleasure to work with.'
Alexander Echlin
Hailsham Chambers
‘Alex is always calm, his writing style is clear and concise, and his advice is always pragmatic, commercial, and to the point. Solicitors are always happy to recommend him to lay clients.’
Lucas Fear-Segal
2 Temple Gardens
  ‘A very knowledgeable, reliable and reassuring presence to have on your team. Lucas is also a very effective and confident advocate.’
Benjamin Fowler
4 New Square
‘Benjamin is extremely thorough in his work, and is very user friendly and commercial with his advice, cutting through the most difficult points on a case to get to the crux. He is a stand-out amongst his peers.’
Gavin Hamilton
‘Gavin is very good on detail, explaining issues clearly to clients and a good advocate on his feet in court, very experienced.'
Sara Ibrahim
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Sara is extremely thorough, thoughtful and friendly. She has innate empathy for the predicament of a client and the skill to transfer that into well-honed legal argument in their favour.’    
Anthony Jones
4 New Square
‘Anthony’s oral and written advocacy skills are first-class. He is a creative thinker who thinks of the most fantastic arguments, always with an eye on how best to win the case.’
Timothy Killen
2 Temple Gardens
  'Tim is very responsive and pragmatic when it comes to dealing with such big ticket, complex claims. He has a solid grasp of the subject, but always has a clear sight of the end goal, something which counsels sometimes get lost on when dealing with high volume matters.'
David Myhill
Crown Office Chambers
 'Brilliant in providing very clear advice and cutting through to the central issues. Expert in preparing suites of documents and works very hard to deliver what the client needs.'
Martyn Naylor
4 Pump Court
‘Martyn has fantastic attention to detail and the ability to produce high quality pleadings and written submissions against very tight deadlines. He has the ability to distil very complex or extensive facts down to a few pertinent points and is a highly effective and persuasive advocate.'
Seb Oram
‘Clever, thorough, to the point, very good with clients, excellent in court with good presentational skills and persuasive approach, and very good at cross-examination.'
David Sheard
Keating Chambers
 'David has an incredible eye for detail, he is very thorough and has built an excellent rapport with the client.'
Theodor van Sante
3 Verulam Buildings
'Theo's attention to detail and ability to recall detail in a long-running matter is impressive. His advice is always commercial. He is a calm, composed and highly effective advocate.'
Simon Williams
Radcliffe Chambers
 'Simon breaks down the complicated in to simple and clear ways for the lay client to understand the merits of its case and likely prospects. As an advocate Simon does not get wound up but rather remains calm and concise.'
Francesca O’Neill
Francesca O’Neill
Deka Chambers
'Francesca identifies the details and takes into account the whole picture, even if vague, when advising. Her advocacy is strong and convincing.'
Jack Steer
Jack Steer
4 New Square Chambers
‘Top choice of counsel for tricky interlocutory hearings and strike out applications against difficult litigants in person.’
Sushma Ananda
7 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘Sushma has a very good depth of knowledge and is most thorough. Her written advice is always most comprehensive and well-written.’
Stephen Bailey
Hailsham Chambers
'Very precise and thorough, and able to think laterally. Stephen is a good advocate, articulate and always well prepared.'  
Stewart Chirnside
Quadrant Chambers
'Stewart is incredibly responsive and quick and has an impressive attention to detail. His calm and measured approach makes him easy to work with.'
Hannah Daly
4 New Square Chambers
  ‘Very user-friendly, excellent attention to detail. Hannah can advocate to challenging clients effectively and efficiently – a future star without doubt.’
Jack Dillon
Gatehouse Chambers
 'Jack is an extremely promising junior whose expertise in the twin disciplines of property litigation and professional negligence make him an ideal choice for property based negligence claims. He is highly proficient and has a persuasive and effective writing style. He is also very hands on and easy to work with.'
Joshua Folkard
Twenty Essex
 ‘His written work is of a consistently exceptional standard. He is inordinately careful and leaves no consideration unaddressed in his analysis of a matter.’
Simon Goldstone
4 Pump Court
 ‘Simon has a forensic attention to detail, and prepares meticulously.  As a leader, he is calm and authoritative, and never afraid to interrogate and adapt his own position where appropriate.'
Richard Hanke
3 Verulam Buildings
 'A very strong performer. Richard is incredibly bright and his written work is of the highest quality. Strongly recommended.'
Simon Kerry
Gatehouse Chambers
 ‘Responsive, very thorough and good on his feet. Also good with clients. Simon’s expert guidance is invaluable.’
Heather McMahon
Hailsham Chambers
‘Heather is an exceptionally talented, client-friendly, very capable thorough. She is measured and calm, very organised and on her feet she is very impressive.'
Peter Oliver
4 Pump Court
  ‘Peter is a go-to barrister for professional negligence work. He is always responsive and builds a good relationship with the team that he is working with, including the client.’
Saaman Pourghadiri
4 New Square Chambers
‘Very good at swift and accurate views on matters and his assessment is accurate and reasonable. In particular, his mastery of the figures and how to use them is crucial, though his skills go far beyond that.’  
Edward Sawyer
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Good with clients and with an amazing brain. Edward really listens to questions and is very polite to all - he is calm and provides really wise advice.’
Lydia Seymour
Outer Temple Chambers
'She is excellent at distilling very complicated matters into plain language. She provides not only great technical legal advice but commercial pragmatic options for the client. She is also very good with the clients. No weaknesses.'
Alicia Tew
Hailsham Chambers
‘Clear and smooth delivery of arguments to the judge, and a good understanding of the nuances of the case law allowing her to quickly rebut opposing arguments.'
Matthew Thorne
4 Pump Court
‘Matthew is prompt at responding to communications and always keeps his clients updated on his progress.’
James Walmsley
Wilberforce Chambers
'James is a fantastic advocate, particularly where there is a pensions angle. He is great with clients and is a pleasure to instruct. He is not afraid to express his opinion and guides the client down the right path from the word go.'
David Mcllroy
David Mcllroy
Forum Chambers
 ‘Very, very bright, and applies the law in a pragmatic and commercial no-nonsense approach. He is exceptional on his feet and considers angles on complicated financial and regulatory matters that other barristers would not have even considered.’
Rosa Zaffuto
Rosa Zaffuto
Chambers of Rosa Zaffuto
 ‘Rosa is able to rapidly grasp the essential elements of the most complex matters and displays great wisdom in providing her clients with clear advice. Her dedication to acting fairly but incisively in the best interests of her clients is highly effective, not just because it brings clarity but also in terms of saving them significant amounts of time and hence costs.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Tom Coulson
Keating Chambers
 ‘In a team of very talented barristers, Tom stands out as exceptional. His grasp of the facts and the issues is excellent, his written work is excellent and he is a real team player.’
Jennie Gillies
4 Pump Court
 ‘Jennie is very sharp. She is always on top of the detail and produces clear, precise and user-friendly drafting. She is a pleasure to work with.’