Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Clare Cullen
Field Court Chambers
‘An exceptional legal talent whose ability to analyse complex housing issues is only matched by the brilliance of her advocacy. Clare’s impeccable case preparation, research and creativity sets her apart from her peers. Clare exudes calm in court, and she advocates with the clarity and authority of a barrister who is at the top of her game. At present Clare is one of the best housing barristers practising at the Bar and it is a pleasure to instruct her.’
Andrew Lane
Cornerstone Barristers
‘All round excellent barrister, always a few steps ahead, prepared for all eventualities, his high level of experience and knowledge.’
Zia Nabi
Doughty Street Chambers
‘He is a silk in all but name. He sees arguments others do not, his advocacy is first class, he is considered and persuasive at all times. Zia will always consider the case from the client’s perspective and he will not shy away from forming an argument about an issue that hasn’t been raised elsewhere.’
Dominic Preston
Doughty Street Chambers
‘A formidable advocate who is a joy to watch on the stand with his devastatingly forceful advocacy. Behind this lies a highly committed barrister with a long track record of delivering excellent results for vulnerable clients.’
Toby Vanhegan
4-5 Gray’s Inn Square
‘Toby’s expertise in housing law is truly exceptional. His in-depth knowledge of the law, combined with his keen analytical mind, enable him to provide invaluable insights and strategic guidance throughout cases.’
Stephen Cottle
Garden Court Chambers
‘An excellent advocate, a huge wealth of experience, personable, honest, professional, empathetic, and a genuine person. He always has the ear of the court.’
Andrew Dymond
4-5 Gray’s Inn Square
‘Andrew is assured and clear in his manner and advice. He is delightful to work with and can work with large cases very well. He spots key information and can explain key and complex issues clearly to clients.'
Stephanie Lovegrove
4-5 Gray’s Inn Square
‘Stephanie’s meticulous attention to detail, combined with her deep understanding of housing law, ensures that every aspect of a case is thoroughly examined and expertly argued.’
Alison Meacher
Gatehouse Chambers
'Alison is very knowledgeable in this area of law. She’s incredibly intelligent and this is reflected in the quality of her advice and her drafting. She is a strong advocate and presents her client’s case clearly and firmly. Her advice is always thorough and well reasoned.'
Sarah Salmon
Cornerstone Barristers
‘Sarah’s written advocacy is superb. Her writing is clear and precise, and thoroughly well-researched. Her oral advocacy is equally persuasive, and she is a fierce but sensible opponent.’
Marina Sergides
Garden Court Chambers
‘Marina is a wonderful mix of being personable and approachable whilst being extremely professional, committed and diligent in her practice. She calmly and deftly navigates any problem and it is always reassuring to know she’s on your team. She is an outstanding advocate.’
Sarah Steinhardt
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Sarah is a first-rate advocate, ardent yet acutely plausible, and utterly compelling. Outside the courtroom, her advice and drafting are scrupulous and intelligent. She is courageous in the face of difficult cases and possessed of a very patient, reassuring manner with clients.’
Riccardo Calzavara
Cornerstone Barristers
‘Riccardo’s knowledge on social housing law is exemplary, he can cite legislation and quote sections from the Housing Act with ease. He is a wonderful methodical advocate, and judges welcome his clear understanding of the law, which results in successful wins. It is a joy to work with Riccardo as he provides clear action points.‘
Alexander Campbell
Cornerstone Barristers
‘Excellent client care, pragmatic and practical- really goes the extra mile generally. His advocacy and preparation is faultless – a really impressive barrister. The complexity of matters in the area with over the years has increased, and Alexander has always been years beyond his year of call in capability.’
David Carter
Doughty Street Chambers
‘David is very good at analysing and identifying the issues within a case. He is also very good in advocacy. He gets on well with every client and is extremely knowledgeable.' 
Sian Davies
39 Essex Chambers
'Sian is an extremely capable and dependable advocate, who will always go the extra mile for her clients. She is very approachable and always considers all facets and nuances of an individual case. She is also extremely thorough with her written advice which fosters confidence amongst her very loyal client base.'
Martin Hodgson
One Pump Court
‘Martin is a highly experienced and knowledgeable barrister. He is caring, compassionate and the advice given is always clear, concise and holistic. Martin is a strategic litigator and highly skilled advocate. He can work at speed, turns work around in good time and is able to spot complex legal issues quickly. He is a pleasure to work with and is highly recommended.’
Connor Johnston
Garden Court Chambers
‘Aside from being a leading light in the area of housing and community care law, Connor is very compassionate and has a down to earth approach which puts lay clients at ease. He leaves no stone unturned to achieve the best outcome for those he assists.’
Desmond Kilcoyne
42BR Barristers
‘Desmond quickly understands the issues in dispute and proactively attempts to solve them. He is the go-to for complex matters. Desmond is very skilled in advocacy getting the desired results. If you have a complex matter which requires a great deal of advocacy, then he should be your first point of contact.’
Ryan Kohli
Cornerstone Barristers
‘Ryan is methodical, careful and reliable. He is the classic safe pair of hands but goes beyond that by way of a great intellect, grasp of complicated legal processes and imaginative flair as and when required. His advocacy style is measured, on point and persuasive. He is not fazed by judicial intervention, and unfailingly polite to opponents and others.’
Adrian Marshall Williams
Garden Court Chambers
‘Adrian is an intelligent, meticulous, brave and brilliant advocate. He produces excellent written work. He is very committed to cases and goes the extra mile. He is extremely helpful when assisting with questions and is very tactical. Adrian has obtained some extraordinary results for clients over the years.’
Genevieve Screeche-Powell
Field Court Chambers
‘She is an excellent advocate; she is succinct and on point in her delivery. She has a wealth of experience. Genevieve has a very personable nature and puts vulnerable clients at ease. ‘
Laura Tweedy
Gatehouse Chambers
‘A tremendous intellect matched with calm, effective and brilliant advocacy. Laura knows how to approach judges. She can go on the attack but is also succinct and tactful when needed.'
Matthew Lee
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Matthew’s proficiency in housing law is truly remarkable. His comprehensive understanding of the law, coupled with his strategic insight, proved invaluable in navigating the complexities of cases.’
Rea Murray
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Rea is very knowledgeable, tactical and confident. She is also good at thinking on her feet, and with clients.’
Amritpal Bachu
42BR Barristers
‘Amritpal is an excellent and compelling advocate. He is careful to chose the strongest arguments to make the strongest case before the court. His drafting is meticulous and argumentatively clear. He is friendly and approachable for clients and a pleasure to work with.’
Daniel Clarke
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Daniel is a leading light in the area of capacity to litigate and has lead the way on trying to clarify procedure in this field. He is also an incredibly thoughtful and knowledgeable barrister with a very calm yet incisive demeanor when on the stand. Clients always feel reassured by his calmness and compassion.’
Peter Jolley
42BR Barristers
 ‘Peter is a go-to barrister for housing disrepair claims. He is very approachable and is always willing to provide advice on matters to assist his instructing solicitor. Peter is also a detailed and robust advocate.’
Michael Marsh-Hyde
One Pump Court
‘Michael is a formidable advocate in court. He has very impressive attention to detail and has an infectious energy in never giving up for his clients even when the odds are stacked against them.’
Niamh O’Brien
  ‘She is calm and consistent in her approach. Her written advocacy is clear and concise. She can consider and synthesise the broad range of legal and practical issues in the case, as well as the relevant evidence.’
Angela Piears
42BR Barristers
 'Angela is very calm under pressure and delivers reasoned and pragmatic advice. She is very easy to work with and delivers consistent results.'
David Renton
Garden Court Chambers
‘David has a detailed knowledge of housing law, in particular disrepair and public law matters. His pleadings are very concise. David is a strong and robust advocate on behalf of clients. His pleadings help with settling cases and help achieve good settlements in disrepair cases. David is very good with vulnerable clients and is willing to meet clients in conference and advise them.’
Desmond Rutledge
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Desmond has a detailed knowledge of housing and benefits in particular the interplay between the two, including possession claims where there are complex outstanding Universal Credit or Housing Benefit issues.’
Sarah McKeown
Field Court Chambers
 ‘Sarah has a very good all round knowledge of social housing law and its practical procedure, is very clear in her written and oral advice, provides lengthy and comprehensive written advices following her considering all facets of a case in great detail. She is a strong advocate – her arguments are made in a clear, persuasive and structured way. She is also very pleasant to work with.'
Tara O’Leary
Cornerstone Barristers
‘Tara is extremely thorough and knowledgeable – she doesn’t miss a beat. She takes a very pragmatic approach and her experience in this area is clear as it comes across in they way she assists on each case. She is able to look into complex issues quickly and provide detailed, clear advice. Tara is an excellent advocate as well.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Alice Irving
Doughty Street Chambers
‘Alice is one of the go-to barristers. She is excellent in every conceivable way - technically brilliant, conscientious and strategic. She is also incredibly compassionate, sensitive and empathetic with clients. You can trust Alice with the most complex points of law and the most difficult cases.’
Marie Paris
Doughty Street Chambers
 ‘Marie knows how to win and her advocacy always hits the target. She marries tenacity with a passionate belief in social justice. Marie is a pleasure to instruct and her positive results, particularly with homelessness judicial reviews, speak for themselves. A sharp legal mind with a genuine empathy for her clients, Marie is a classy barrister whose star is clearly on the rise.’
Angharad Monk
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Excellent attention to detail, precise written submissions and a very determined advocate.‘