Leading Silks
Ian Mill KC
Blackstone Chambers
‘Ian is a phenomenal advocate, a powerhouse, and someone who one would always want acting for clients in a significant sporting matter.’
Nina Goolamali KC
39 Essex Chambers
‘Nina is fastidiously thorough, and a fearsome negotiator – definitely someone you want in your corner, and not your opponent’s. She is always on top of her brief, and has the ear of the court as a result.’
David Reade KC
Littleton Chambers
‘He is simply a superb all-rounder with all the legal skills necessary for a top barrister including unmatched knowledge in his field, great presence in court and excellent judgement.’
Daniel Saoul KC
4 New Square
‘Superb advocate, amazing on cross-examination. Superbly intelligent; a leader in the field of sports law.’
Jim Sturman KC
2 Bedford Row
‘Jim is incredibly grounded and a true football man, who gets the nuances of the clients and the industry.’
William Audland KC
12 King’s Bench Walk
‘Impeccable preparation and very quick to understand and get to the heart of the issues. A top star team leader and player. His advocacy skills are tremendous.’
Schona Jolly KC
'Schona slices through an issue with the highest of intellect. She is personable, collaborative, always sees the bigger picture and maps the best strategic approach with care and originality.'
Sean Jones KC
‘A star in sports employment work - brilliant with clients - clients keep asking for him to be instructed - really understands the sector.’
Richard Liddell KC
4 New Square
‘Richard is the complete package. His advocacy and particularly his cross-examination is fearsome, and his written work is always spot-on. A class act.’
2023 Silks