Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Pippa Manby
4 New Square
‘Pippa is very quick to pick up on the complexities of a matter, very clear in her advice and also very calm under pressure.’
Kendrah Potts
4 New Square
‘Kendrah is fantastic to work with. She is extremely practical, a skilful oral advocate, knows the case inside out and is great with clients.’
Luka Krsljanin
Blackstone Chambers
‘Luka is a superb advocate. He is clear, precise, exceedingly persuasive, has a command of his instructions and a close attention to the detail of even the most complex of cases.’
Ravi Mehta
Blackstone Chambers
‘He has a brilliant mind and is able to quickly analyse the merits and explain them to clients in accessible terms - a real pleasure to work with.’
Sam Neaman
Littleton Chambers
‘A brain as sharp as a surgical needle, an ability to see the wood for the trees, a very practical approach and comfortable speaking to clients at any level.’
Louis Weston
Outer Temple Chambers
'Ability to understand the case and the nuances. Strong knowledge of the sport specifics and understanding of rules and regulations.'
Max Baines
Red Lion Chambers
‘Max is a brilliant advocate. His instructing solicitors would not want to be cross-examined by him, and he is really approachable and thorough.’
Theo Barclay
4 New Square
‘He is no longer a rookie and is becoming a seasoned pro. A team player of fierce intellect. First name on the team sheet for me.’
Ashley Cukier
Littleton Chambers
‘Personable, smart, responsive, very thorough in his approach, and he’s good at coming up with creative solutions to unusual problems.‘
Craig Harris
Furnival Chambers
‘He's a brilliant tactician, always has all angles of a negotiation or dispute covered. A brilliant lateral thinker who shows superb judgement at all times.’
Andrew Smith
'Andrew thinks carefully about the legal issues posed by the case and provides the client with sensible advice.'
William Clerk
2 Temple Gardens
‘Meticulous in his preparation, first class grasp of the law and excellent knowledge of the sports sector - in particular motorsport and rugby.‘
William Harman
4 New Square
‘Super smart, a first-class drafter, very personable and great with lay clients. A barrister who is all over the detail from the very beginning. A real creative mind.’
Diarmuid Laffan
4 New Square
‘Diarmuid has many strengths and is an excellent barrister. He is able to see the wood for the trees and has a very good commercial brain.’
Jason Pobjoy
Blackstone Chambers
 ‘Jason is able to distill large amounts of factual detail and complex legal argument into short pertinent and persuasive arguments very effectively. His work ethic and flexibility is also second-to-none.’
Sebastian Purnell
‘Very approachable, good with clients, technically strong and understands the right procedural approach.’
Celia Rooney
Blackstone Chambers
‘Celia is sharp as a tack; clever, creative and superb with clients. Practical and strategic, she is a number one go to junior for work across the spectrum.’
Zac Sammour
‘Brilliant mind with a good eye for detail. Works very hard – prepares assiduously.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Samuel Cuthbert
Outer Temple Chambers
‘Samuel is a real star of the future. He is client-friendly, razor-sharp, hard-working, and is superb on his feet. He is a real asset both at the strategy phase of a dispute, and at the sharp end of a hearing. A fearsome negotiator.’
Spencer Turner
12 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘Spencer is very thorough and precise in his advice, and careful in analysis. His advocacy is impressive, particularly in interlocutory hearings.’