Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Jonathan Barker1
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
‘Jonathan is a very hard-working and capable advocate. He obtains the trust of the lay client immediately through his thorough preparation and gentle manner. He is impeccable in court. He is genuinely respected by all at the bar and judiciary. His closing speeches are engaging and persuasive to a jury, and his cross-examination is on point.’ 
William Douglas-Jones1
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
 ‘William is a diligent and hardworking barrister. His spoken and written advocacy is outstanding. He is passionate about getting results. He can marshal large amounts of material.’
Chambers of Justin Jarmola
 ‘Justin works phenomenally hard for his clients and has excellent client care skills. He is robust in his advocacy and not afraid to take an unpopular position with a judge if it is the right thing to do.’
Ben Close2
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
‘Ben is hard-working, bright and industrious. He is always amiable despite sometimes very stressful situations. He is always on top of the case to the smallest detail. He is sharp and decisive.’ 
Marcus Harry2
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
 ‘Marcus is the most natural advocate. He can hold a jury’s attention without unnecessary theatrics. He is utterly smooth, persuasive and extremely conscientious. He commands the respect and trust of lay clients even in the most difficult of cases.’
Amy Jackson2
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
 ‘Amy is an exemplary advocate. She is calm and measured and works well under pressure. She has excellent client care skills. She is operating well above her level of call.’  
Sarah Knight2
The 36 Group
‘Sarah is very good with vulnerable witnesses, putting them at ease and getting the best from their evidence. She is meticulous in her preparation and presents cases in an understated manner, which can be devastating in its effect.’ 
Nadia Silver2
The 36 Group
‘Nadia has a forensic approach to case preparation. Her advocacy skills are second to none and she is well-received by juries.’
Simon Burch3
Chambers of Elizabeth Isaacs QC
 ‘Simon works tirelessly and expeditiously and is highly commended for his business-like manner, eye for strategy, strength of advocacy, cross-examination and closing submissions. He is a realist who understands how best to use all resources to undermine the prosecution case brick by brick.’
Claire Fraser3
The 36 Group
‘Claire is a down-to-earth and capable advocate. She successfully deals with challenging cases showing an excellent eye for detail, the ability to build a rapport with vulnerable witnesses and handle the legal arguments that arise when involved in offences of this nature.’
Carl Templar-Vasey3
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
'Carl has a great ability to speak with clients of all social standing. He comes across as a down-to-earth, genuine and caring individual. He is a barrister who goes the extra mile.'  
Tom Walkling3
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
‘Tom can digest vast amounts of evidence quickly and identify the issues in the case. He always responds promptly to any queries by his professional clients and is always present and willing to assist when needed. His manner with clients is fantastic, and he soon gains their trust.’
Karen Walton3
Chambers of Allison Summers KC
 ‘Karen's attention to detail is brilliant. Her manner with clients is exceptional. She is always in control of the situation and puts clients at ease. Her speeches are effective and persuasive.’
Sara Wyeth3
Chambers of Sara Lewis KC
 ‘Sara is a calm and measured advocate. Her legal knowledge and written advocacy are sublime. She has exceptional interpersonal skills.’
Cornwall Street Barristers
 ‘Matthew is incredibly technically-minded and grasps the factual nuances of each case. He is tenacious in court. He is highly respected by his peers and the judiciary.’ 
Castle Gate Chambers
‘Stefan’s advocacy is clear and concise. His persuasive advocacy, excellent preparation and execution of legal arguments are his key strengths.’
Castle Gate Chambers
'Laura is excellent at attention to detail and excellent rapport with clients. She is very persuasive in advocacy and is received well by the Judges. She is excellent in delivering tough and necessary advice to clients in difficult situations.'
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Tom Parker
The 36 Group
 ‘Tom is a talented junior. He has exceptional knowledge of financial crime and associated quasi-criminal proceedings.’
Catherine Rose
Garden Court Chambers
 ‘Catherine is a calm and tenacious advocate, performing beyond her year of call. She is particularly good at handling vulnerable clients and witnesses.’
Sebastian Walker
The 36 Group
‘Sebastian has an extraordinary ability to analyse, retain and deal with complex details in a case. In court, he is both forensic and sympathetic to his tribunal. His ability is far beyond his year of call.’