Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Sara Anning1
Chambers of James Murphy
'Sara combines a fearsome intellect, forensic approach and eloquent, persuasive advocacy with an open and approachable manner with both professional and lay clients.'
John Jackson1
Chambers of James Murphy
'John is an extremely capable barrister. He has a wonderful energy that makes clients feel empowered, he gets on side with them. He is formidable in court.'
Louise McCallum1
Chambers of James Murphy
'Louise is sharp, analytical and thorough. She is exceptional when communicating with clients, and she has the ability to absorb huge amounts of complex information and apply it with forensic rigour, whilst at the same time remaining approachable and accessible.'
Semaab Shaikh1
Broadway House Chambers
‘Semaab is always well prepared, which is reflected in her clear, focused and logical cross-examination style. She is very persuasive on her feet. An insightful junior.’
Ruth Richards2
33 Bedford Row
 'Ruth is an absolute force of nature. Her legal knowledge is second to none. She commands the court room and gains the respect and confidence of clients on all cases.'
Clare Garnham2
Chambers of James Murphy
'Clare is a fantastic advocate who is great on her feet. Her work ethic is fantastic. She is well respected because of her calm, professional manner and her impressive command of the law and facts.'
Daniel Foster3
33 Bedford Row
'Daniel is extremely diligent, capable and confident. He adopts a professional and pragmatic approach to each case and has excellent rapport with clients.'
Crown Chambers
'Joanna is meticulous and methodical. A strong advocate with the ear of the court, she has great professional judgement and is unafraid to fight for her client.'
Christopher Styles3
Broadway House Chambers
'Even in the most difficult and complex cases, Christopher's advocacy is calm under pressure - he is an outstanding and persuasive advocate. He has an uncanny ability to think outside the box and find a way forward.'
Guy Swiffen3
Broadway House Chambers
‘Guy is very approachable. He is exceptionally knowledgeable and has a particular skill in explaining legal concepts and advising difficult or distressed clients. He is a well-respected advocate.’
Charlotte Wilce3
Chambers of James Murphy
'Charlotte is an extremely well prepared and knowledgeable advocate. She has a friendly manner with clients, offering support and guidance whilst presenting realistic and robust advice. A junior who leaves no stone unturned.'
Wilberforce Chambers
'A junior with the ear of the court. A robust advocate who goes the extra mile for her clients, is extremely well-prepared and unflappable.'
Maxine Best4
Chambers of James Murphy
'Maxine is a conscientious and thorough advocate. No stone is left unturned when she is representing you. She is able to make clients feel at ease even when difficult discussions are being had.'
Lucy Sowden4
Chambers of James Murphy
'When representing vulnerable clients, Lucy shows empathy and is able to ensure they understand and are engaged in the court process. She is pragmatic and will give clear advice.'
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.