Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Jane Campbell1
Harcourt Chambers
'Jane is always highly professional, calm and rational in her approach, in particular in dealing with cases between highly conflicted parties.'
Fiona Hay1
Harcourt Chambers
 'Fiona has great gravitas and brings her forensic expertise to cases, particularly her knowledge of pensions. She is also kind and empathetic with clients.'
Chambers of Tina Harrington
‘Stefanie is meticulous in her preparation and has a detailed and in-depth knowledge of all areas of family law. She is a strong advocate, and without fail, clients are impressed with the advice and representation they receive from her.’
Douglas Allen2
Harcourt Chambers
'Douglas is excellent on all counts. He is very knowledgeable and wonderful with the client. He is incredibly helpful and a real team player.'
Emily Rayner2
Harcourt Chambers
'Emily is clear, concise and persuasive. She is readily available to discuss case strategy with her instructing solicitor and always on top of her brief and thoroughly read in as her attention to detail is second to none.'
Chambers of Tina Harrington
'John is a confident and exceptional advocate. He is calm, focused and professional and has a strong ability to express arguments clearly. He firmly grasps the issues in cases and obtains excellent results for clients. His attention to detail is impeccable, and he is able to relate and build a rapport with a wide range of clients.'
Chambers of Tina Harrington
'Tina is so very experienced and a delight to work with. She is always thoroughly prepared and fights the client's corner. Her rapport with clients is excellent. She is down to earth and a very reassuring presence for anxious clients.'
David Marusza3
Harcourt Chambers
‘David is exceptional with the minutiae of a case, always going above and beyond his instructions. His grip on the details of the case is frightening. He is always fully abreast of the matter and formulates numerous ways of settling.’
Julia Shillingford3
Harcourt Chambers
'Julia is excellent with clients - really empathetic and engaging but also entirely straight with them, allowing the clients to fully understand their position and make the right decisions.'
Chambers of Oba Nsugbe KC
 ‘Elizabeth is always well-prepared and able to get to grips with the issues quickly. Her advocacy is wonderfully clear and concise. She is unflappable, measured and incisive.’
Victoria Holroyd3
Chambers of Lucinda Davis
'Victoria is a pleasure to instruct. She is very thorough and diligent in her preparation and she takes the time to liaise with her instructing solicitors every step of the way.'
Chambers of David Berkley KC
'James is a talented advocate who can quickly digest his brief and deliver in court. His submissions are pithy, and he is unapologetically confident during negotiations.'
Harcourt Chambers
  ‘Hannah is particularly good with clients and managing their expectations. She explains complicated law in a clear and precise manner.’
Chambers of Tina Harrington
'Daniel quickly analyses material and finds practical and realistic ways forward to suit his client’s needs. He provides clear, user-friendly advice supported by considered authoritative guidance. He is an extremely formidable and effective advocate and meticulous in his preparation.'
Chambers of Tina Harrington
'Alice is very thorough in her preparation for financial remedy proceedings. Her work is meticulous. She quickly establishes a good rapport with clients who are comforted by her comprehensive knowledge and understanding of their cases. She provides clear and decisive advice.'
Nadia Tawfik4
Chambers of Lucinda Davis
'Nadia is extremely personable and empathetic with clients but takes no prisoners in the court room. She has always been extremely helpful and solicitors very much feel part of a team with her on board.'
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.