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Laëtitia Gavoty Tolot
Laëtitia Gavoty Tolot
Laëtitia Gavoty Tolot, associée, intervient régulièrement auprès d’entreprises françaises et internationales devant les autorités de régulation et juridictions françaises et européennes, plus particulièrement en matière de contrôle des concentrations, de contentieux relatifs à des pratiques anticoncurrentielles (cartels, abus de position dominante), d’actions en réparation du préjudice concurrentiel, et d’aides d’Etat. Elle dispose également d’une expertise en matière de pratiques restrictives de concurrence et de droit de la distribution.
Ségolène Coiffet
Ségolène Coiffet
Ségolène Coiffet, Partner, specialises in debt restructuring, distressed companies, insolvency and bankruptcy proceedings, and particularly within the framework of international transactions. She advises creditors, banks, lease-finance and factoring institutions, providers, as well as companies and their managers and shareholders in the context of disputes opposing them to their commercial partners and in relation to the negotiation and prevention of these disputes. She also intervenes in commercial, banking and financial litigation cases.
Yannick Le Gall
Yannick Le Gall
Yannick Le Gall is a partner of the firm and member of the Finance Group. His practice focuses primarily on leveraged finance (senior and junior) and capital market transactions. He advises both MLAs and sponsors as well as banks, private equity/debt funds and other institutional investors in both private and publicly traded companies. In addition, he regularly advises clients on real estate finance transactions (alongside with the firm’s Real Estate Group) and on debt purchase transactions (performing or non-performing portfolios). Last, alongside with the Restructuring Group, he advises clients on financing aspects of restructuring transactions.
Adam Haddad
Alice Gaillard
Antoine Payen
Emmanuel Chauve
Frédéric Keller
Guillaume Touttée
Jean-Renaud Cazali
Joanna Gumpelson
Magali Masson
Patrick Jaïs
Paul Talbourdet
Pierre Gebarowski
Priscilla van den Perre
Sébastien Boullier de Branche