Region Area


Beauchamps has long had talented people with diverse experiences, characteristics and backgrounds. Embracing diversity has been central to our success. We are extremely proud of this exceptional heritage and continue to build on it in our diversity, equality, inclusivity policies.

We have always been engaged in CSR and pro bono initiatives designed by and for our staff to deliver change to our people and our community.

Our goal is to have a positive impact on the people that work within the firm, with our clients and the communities we serve.

Some of our firm's initiatives and practices include:

Diversity and inclusion

  • We were an early signatory to the Law Society’s Gender Equality Diversity and Inclusion Charter and in signing have committed to treat all individuals and groups of individuals fairly and equally and no less favourably, specific to their needs, in areas of gender, civil status, family status, sexual orientation, religion, age, race, class, disability or membership of the Traveller Community
  • Gender balance is a key priority for our firm as we continue to build on our current gender diversity with 48% female partners and 52% female legal staff
  • For more than 15 years, we have supported flexible working arrangements for staff members to accommodate their priorities outside of the firm
  • We are a long standing member of the 30% Club
  • We proudly sponsor the Dublin Devils, Ireland's largest LGBTQ+ and inclusive football club, for many years
  • Since its inception in 2015, we have supported Starting Strong, a programme designed for exceptional and ambitious female entrepreneurs, who are at an early stage in the development of their business.

Pro bono

  • We were one of the founding signatories of the Pro Bono Pledge Ireland, an initiative that seeks to promote access to justice and the provision of pro bono legal assistance for those in need
  • We act as board member for a range of charities, providing legal expertise to many charities and people in need of advice
  • We are members of the Public Interest Law Alliance – PILA.

Community & Development

  • We are committed to the North East Inner City Transition Year Programme which launched as part of the Governments’ initiative to regenerate Dublin’s North East Inner City. This programme aims to maximise educational, training and career opportunities for young people from the area
  • We support the Career Local Employment Action Partnership (LEAP) programme which is developed through partnership with Trinity College Dublin and community groups Swan Youth Service and East Wall Youth. This helps young people from marginalised backgrounds in the north inner city of Dublin to transition to the work force.