International capabilities

E+H is a commercial law firm operating worldwide. With exceptional lawyers in our offices in Vienna, Graz and Brussels, we combine outstanding legal expertise with in-depth entrepreneurial understanding.

Our lawyers are internationally trained, have worked abroad, advise international clients, and have excellent international networks. We advise on cross-border transactions and cases on an ongoing basis, and also coordinate transactions in other countries for our clients. Our many years of expertise in jurisdictions all over the world provide you with consistent quality legal advice across borders. Our strategy is not to have our own offices in all jurisdictions, but to cooperate with the best local specialists for each topic in each jurisdiction. The appreciation and trust of our clients in their international projects proves that this strategy is successful.

Our clients

We have become one of the leading law firms in Austria using our entrepreneurial approach. Both Austrian and international corporations rely on our experience. We represent:

Trailblazers of Technology

American Big Tech corporations, including preeminent global software and IT groups

Notable Financiers

International banks, investment companies, asset management groups, and high-profile investors

Titans of Energy

Upstream oil and gas companies, multinational energy suppliers and infrastructure providers

Leaders in Transportation

Aviation, rail, and automotive household names

Media Moguls

Media and communication providers, online platforms, as well as TV and broadcasting groups

A global panoply of business icons

Top-tier pharma companies, Europe’s foremost water technology group, a prominent global coffeehouse chain, commercial real estate magnates, insurance companies, industrial corporations, infrastructure providers, etc.

Our team

Our team consists of the best-qualified and experienced lawyers whose dedication and commitment always follow one goal: to find the best innovative solution for all legal challenges of our clients. We speak a range of languages including English, French, German, Italian, Croatian, Russian, Slovenian, Spanish, and Czech.

Our network

Over many years, we have established a sophisticated network of elite international law firms, with whom we collaborate regularly. This allows us to coordinate transactions with a worldwide scope, while providing top-tier advice on our domestic markets.

Content supplied by E+H Rechtsanwälte