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INTEGRITES advises the National Securities and Stock Market Commission on improving energy commodity markets

The main objectives of the project are to develop capabilities of the NSSMC as a supervisory body with regard to commodity markets and to support development of key stakeholders of those markets (participants, trading venue operators, other infrastructure providers). During the project INTEGRITES together with other participants of the consortium will develop the cross-agency and cross-border cooperation mechanisms for the oversight of the market, implement target regulatory model for commodity trading venues, assist with creating standard products. Additionally, the project implies training for the NSSMC’s staff to improve the expertise in oversight of the organized energy markets as well as other commodity markets. The workshops focus on the EU experience and its adaptation to the legal environment in Ukraine. The first workshop on the authority and cooperation of the regulators – NSSMC, NEURC, AMC of Ukraine and Ministry of Energy took place this September. The next one, scheduled for early October 2021, will be dedicated to the monitoring of the markets for signals of abuse and manipulation by the trade participants. The project will also deal with assistance in credit risk management and increase of liquidity on the Ukrainian commodity markets, in particular, through netting and clearing. Partner and Co-head of Banking and Finance at INTEGRITES Oleh Zahnitko is a senior key expert of the Project. Olena Perepelynska, Partner and Head of International Arbitration at INTEGRITES, has been recently appointed as a non-key expert.