
Sandra Kaznova

Sandra Kaznova

Work Department

Dispute Resolution, Insurance & Reinsurance, Employment




Sandra Kaznova heads the firm’s Dispute Resolution team together with Andreas Johard. She has more than twenty years’ experience of representing Swedish and international clients in domestic and international arbitration as well as before Swedish courts. Sandra is frequently appointed arbitrator and has experience as chair, party appointed and sole arbitrator under a variety of rules including for example SCC, ICC and UNCITRAL. She acts as mediator, based on CEDR accreditation, and was part of the expert group appointed by the SCC to develop the new dispute resolution tool SCC Express.

Service with Swedish Courts 2002-2003. Secretary to a committee evaluating the corporate governance of state owned companies, on behalf of the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise, Energy and Communications (2006).


Swedish, English and German.


Swedish and International Bar Association, Swedish Arbitration Association, Swedish Women in Arbitration, American Chamber of Commerce Sweden’s working committee ‘Corporate Responsibility’


Uppsala University (juris kandidat, LL.M., 2001).
