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Benno den Teuling is active in all areas of private building law. He particularly focuses on building law litigation with respect to commercial real estate, infrastructure and industry. Benno also has vast experience in the field of real estate law, including in matters such as long leases, building rights and the sale and purchase of immovable property. In addition to building law and property law Benno also specialises in procurement law. He advises both contracting authorities and market parties and assists them in open bidding procedures and related disputes.
Daniël van Veen specialises in real estate law. He advises and litigates within the field of civil real estate law in the broadest sense: from disputes concerning the construction and sale of realty to matters within the field of commercial tenancy law. Daniël represents clients from both the private and the public sector.
Dorsa Mohammadi specialises in administrative law (planning and zoning law). She advises, assists and conducts legal proceedings for clients from the public - and private sector in a variety of matters, ranging from zoning and planning procedures to cases pertaining to environmental law and nature conservation law.
Fabian Horsting specializes in real estate law, with a particular focus on construction law and procurement law, European and otherwise. Fabian advises and conducts legal proceedings on behalf of clients in both the public and the private sector as well as advisers and performing parties in the construction process in matters involving building contracts and building disputes, property development, public-private partnerships, property-law design and public and private procurement. Among his clients are practically all the parties involved in real estate, including authorities, contractors, architects, investors, property developers, managers, estate agents and other property advisers. Fabian is a no-nonsense lawyer, who together with his clients attempts to find a solution without getting involved in endless legal hair-splitting.
Femke Borst has a profound knowledge of landlord and tenant law and a wide range of experience in the field of real estate law, including rights in rem and ownership acquired by prescription. She advises investment institutions and other professional landlords such as housing corporations and municipalities and represents them at law and otherwise in all rent-related matters. She also advises corporate tenants with respect to the lease of existing properties or properties that are yet to be developed. In addition she advises on tenancy law aspects in transactions, including the sale or purchase of real estate portfolios. She has been involved in numerous property and real estate financing transactions.
Hanneke Ellerman specialises in administrative law and planning and zoning law. She advises and conducts legal proceedings about, as a rule, complex zoning plan and planning procedures for the benefit of commercial and residential property development projects, the transformation and redevelopment of existing buildings as well as the related legal aspects involving the environment and nature conservation. In addition Hanneke has a wide experience in dealing with administrative law enforcement matters and general administrative law issues. Both developers and authorities regularly seek her assistance.
Irma van den Berg specialises in general administrative law and planning and zoning law. She handles cases in matters relating to environmental and other permits, zoning plans, nature conservation law and other environmental aspects, but also cases relating to municipal law, enforcement, subsidies, public order, youth care and privacy law. Irma has a vast experience when it comes to urban (re)development projects and has assisted with respect to the regulatory aspects of numerous (real estate) transactions. Irma works mostly for municipal and provincial authorities, professional real estate parties, healthcare and cultural institutions.
Jeroen Kist specializes in civil real estate law. He focusses mainly on asset- and property management, sale & purchase and/or lease of immovable property and all real estate related contract law.Jeroen advises and litigates on behalf of (inter-)national  real estate investors, project  developers, real estate managers and other real estate advisors with respect to lease and purchase agreements, transformations and redevelopment, defects and (non)conformity, rent review procedures and lease terminations with respect to business premises.
Leon Burgersdijk specialises in construction law and real estate law. He has a vast knowledge and experience in the field of real estate. He has assisted and advised in several property developments, public-private partnerships, in the sale and purchase of immovable property and with respect to rights in rem including leasehold. Leon advises property developers, municipalities, construction companies and housing corporations in relation to the development and realisation of commercial real estate and infrastructure, including (complex) area development. He assists in all phases of a project, from the first initiative to the operation of the property. Leon also regularly provides assistance in legal disputes, both in civil courts and before the arbitration bodies such as the Court of Arbitration for the Netherlands Building Industry.
Wouter Post joined the Amsterdam Bar in 1994. Since 2001 he has been working in the field of construction law and real estate law. Prior to that he acquired ample experience in the field of banking law, liability and insurance law and corporate law, including M&A, from which he still benefits every day in his current practice. His current practice covers all aspects of civil real estate law: property development, construction, the sale and purchase of immovable property, procurement law, the various forms of collaboration in the field of real estate development, contract law, etc. Wouter acts on behalf of real estate investors, property developers, contractors and architects/advisers, both in real estate transaction and disputes (including arbitration).