For Kovačević Prpić Simeunović LLC gender equality, respect for the individual and sustainability are not just buzzwords or policies, we try our best to incorporate them in our law firm’s daily lifestyle.
We promote equality of opportunity, fairness, trust, acceptance and differences and the rights of individuals including the right to work in an atmosphere free from discrimination and prejudice. Our employees are recognised as individuals for their talent and contribution.
Our team consists of men and woman from a diversity of backgrounds. More than 60% of our employees are women, including three managing partners. Communication within the firm is informal and everyone’s opinion is valued. We believe that authority follows from knowledge, experience and respect, and not from hierarchy or position. We strive to create a culture of inclusiveness and drive improvements in our diversity performance.
The majority of our employees, including partners, mainly cycle, walk or use public transport to work, instead of using cars.
Kovačević Prpić Simeunović LLC supports charities, local communities and non-profit organisations, developing meaningful ties with universities, youth projects and community groups. We often combine our volunteering efforts with financial backing in the form of donations to give charities and non-profit organisations a comprehensive package of support. We contribute to equestrian sports by donations and pro bono work for the national equestrian association and also regularly engage in pro bono work for economically disadvantaged individuals through the Croatian Bar Association legal aid programme. We have recently provided a substantial financial support to a paraplegic organisation. In 2020 Kovačević Prpić Simeunović LLC participates again as a mentor and sponsor in a “Moot court” for a law student organisation.