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Advokatfirma Kogstad Lunde & Co

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Our ethical guidelines are based on the Code of Conducts from the Norwegian Bar Association (RGA).

In accordance with these guidelines, we act in an ethical, fair and professional manner in all contact with others.

Appropriate to our size, nature and operational risk we have an environmental policy that address energy consumption, emissions to air, land and water - and management of hazardous materials and waste.

As a part of our CSR efforts, we work pro bono in cases or situations where it is considered that people have been victims of injustice.

Our lawyers held honorary posts and participate in non-profit contexts, and support.

The Faculty of Law and law students in different relevant ways. Additionally we administer The Norwegian Insurance Law Association.

We provide financial support to e.g The Salvation Army, The Norwegian Air
Ambulance Foundation and The Church City Mission.

Content supplied by Advokatfirma Kogstad Lunde & Co