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Impact lawyers was founded in February 2019 by five co-founders as the very first niche law firm in Belgium, focusing on tailor-made legal services to not-for-profit associations, social businesses and “impact entrepreneurs”.

Impact lawyers is not a traditional law firm: our lawyers are not only excellent legal advisors but also trained in (litigation) support of large complex projects and transdisciplinary knowledge development. Co-creation, knowledge sharing and innovation are part of our DNA.

Impact lawyers supports all sorts of clients from hospitals, schools and public entities to social impact investors, social economy companies and sector federations. They come in the most divers legal forms such as (international) associations, foundations, cooperatives and other companies, often with a special status (social enterprise) or label (BCorp). Our clients rarely work on a stand-alone basis but usually in groups and increasingly in hybrid structures.

Our lawyers assist them in every possible way from start-up to dissolution and in all trajectories of cooperation such as networking, mergers, restructuring, etc. And if the occasion calls for it, we go to court.

Impact lawyers can count on a large network of national and international partners. Our firm is, amongst others, a strategic partner of GAIL and participates to many types of multi-disciplinary networks, such as Be-impact (the Belgian network for and about social entrepreneurship) and B-Corporation Europe (a network promoting the development of certified B-Corporations in Belgium).

Our impact lawyers frequently host and participate in Webinars, workshops and round table discussions with regard to association law, company governance, network organisations, etc.

Impact lawyers handles matters in English, Dutch and French and has offices in Leuven and Brussels.