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Benoit Spitaels
Impact lawyers
founding partner company and associations law (M&A, establishment, restructuring, transformation of companies, associations and foundations) hybrid structures governance projects contract drafting
Bram Van Baelen
Impact lawyers
founding partner company law with a specific focus on cooperatives (incorporation, transformations, advice, ...) and hybrid entities (B Corp certification, social enterprises, ...) non-profit law (associations, foundations, ...)
Hanne Verhoeven
Impact lawyers
junior legal advisor advisory and transactional work in the field of company law and non/social profit law (partnerships, establishements, restructurings, liablity, employment law)
Marlies Van de Poel
Impact lawyers
lawyer advisory and transactional work in the field of company law and non/social profit law (partnerships, establishements, restructurings, liablity, employment law) litigation (company & associations law)
Xanne Holvoet
Impact lawyers
founding partner transactional, advisory work and litigation with an emphasis on: company and non/social profit law; intellectual property; governance projects.