Region Area


Coralie Mattelaer

Coralie Mattelaer

Work Department

not-for-profit, social profit and impact economy


founding partner expert in company and non/social profit law, with an emphasis on: participative accompaniment of multistakeholder projects such as governance projects, mergers and broader partnership projects in non and social profit organisations incl. hybrids; mediation processes and conflict management; transactional work, mainly with regard to mergers and acquisitions, partnerships, establishements, restructurings and transformations of non and social profit organisations incl. hybrids; advisory work in the aforementioned domains.


certified expert multistakeholder and participation management (2021) certified mediator in civil and commercial matters (Brussels, 2019) Master of law (KU Leuven, 2003-2005 / Hümboldt Universität Berlin 2005 - 2006) Bachelor of law (F.U.N.D.P. Namur, 2001 - 2003)
