
Simen Blaker Strand
- Phone(+47) 918 64 449
- Email[email protected]
- Profilegjessingreimers.no
Work Department
TMT and Data Protection
Partner who specialises in IT/technology law, personal data law, and intellectual property law. within technology law, data privacy law and intellectual property law. Having previously held the position as Head of Legal in IBM Norway for nine years, he has hands-on experience from the IT industry. Simen has advised on a number of different echnology related legal issues, iand has negotiated and drafted a large number of major IT contracts across the full spectrum of software, hardware and services, and other commercial contracts such as R&D agreements, technology consortium agreements, licensing agreements, and partner- and distribution agreements. He has extensive experience from advising on IP rights in connection with technology transactions. Simen has been advising a number of private and public organisations on data privacy/GDPR matters.
AppointmentsMember of the Norwegian Alternative Dispute Resolution Committee for the country code Top Level Domain.no
PublicationsThe Norway Chapter in International Comparative Legal Guide – Outsourcing Laws and Regulations 2018
The Scandinavian languages, English
The Norwegian Bar AssociationThe Norwegian Computers and Law Association (Board member 2016-2018)The Norwegian Association for the Protection of Industrial PropertyAssociation Internationale pour la Protection de la Propriètè Intellectuelle - AIPPI
Law degree, University of Bergen 2001