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Partner.Insurance Law, Data Privacy and Data Protection, Technology and Innovation, Marketing Law, commercial contracts Anna is the founder of Kompass Advokat in 2006 and has since focused on continuous development of the business to increase the ability to provide accurate, practical and cost-effective legal advice. Anna assists insurance companies and companies in the financial sector with insurance law issues as well as privacy/data protection and personal data issues. Anna has extensive experience of advising regarding regulatory and contract law issues in the financial sector, in particular within insurance. She prepares and quality assures control documents, product terms, pre-purchase information, fact sheets, intermediary agreements, internal outsourcing agreements and web feeds. She helps companies comply with financial regulations, including insurance distribution, governance and adaptation to new regulations. Anna is also a guest speaker at Stockholm University law school's insurance law and cyber law courses and teaches many continuing training classes within the insurance industry (IDD, data privacy, outsourcing etc.) One client said: We want to thank you for your fantastic commitment, your knowledge and energy you shared with us during the year and last but not least that we appreciate you for the person you are.  Other clients have expressed appreciation for Anna’s pragmatic and practically oriented advice. 
Partner. Insurance law, Dispute resolution, Corporate law, Commercial contracts Karolin mainly works with assisting companies with dispute resolution and insurance legal issues. She specializes in commercial disputes and has acted as counsel in several cases. Karolin has extensive experience in court and administrative proceedings as well as in arbitration proceedings. Karolin has more than ten years of experience in insurance law disputes. Karolin also assists financial companies in appeal processes regarding decisions rendered by the Financial Supervisory Authority. Karolin is a trusted advisor. Karolin assists clients in insurance regulatory matters. She also assists clients in company and commercial contract law matters as well as within financial regulation area. Her experience covers various kinds of commercial contracts.
Partner.Insurance Law, Data Privacy and Data Protection, commercial contracts, disputes, maritime and transportation Kawin has experience from being a legal counsel at Finansinspektionen (the Swedish FSA) and as an in-house lawyer. His combined experience and industry knowledge make him an invaluable adviser to clients. This is especially significant in matters in relation to Finansinspektionen (including applications for approval and supervision activities) and business projects which have an impact on many parts of the operational business (including regulatory implementation projects).       He provides advice on matters such as regulatory and compliance (Solvency II, IDD, IORP II, etc.), outsourcing and cloud outsourcing, insurance products and product/customer documents, claims and disputes, commercial contracts, IT and digitalisation, data protection/GDPR and sustainable finance/ESG-matters.He also provides advice to non-insurance clients, mostly with regard to corporate law, governance and (non-financial) compliance, commercial contracts, IT and all kinds of disputes, including court matters and arbitration. In addition, he provides advice in all matters concerning the maritime and transportation sector. One client has expressed that “We really could not have done this without yours, Anna’s and the whole team at Kompass’ hard work, expert advice and dedication. We are extremely grateful for all of your sustained hard work on this project – you have exceeded our expectations and gone above and beyond to complete such a large project to a short deadline.”  Other clients have repeatedly expressed thankfulness and how easy and efficient it is to work together with Kawin, and that the advice provided by Kawin is pragmatic and ready to be used in the client’s business. 
Senior associate.Insurance Law, Data Privacy and Data Protection, Corporate Law and commercial contractsLina assists insurance companies in complying with the financial regulations and has, among other things, experience in preparing governing documents, producing and reviewing various forms of terms, distribution agreements, outsourcing agreements and information texts.In data protection, she assists with issues such as assessment of legal grounds and incidents, impact assessments, production of information texts and Personal Data Processing agreements and support for data protection officier in its control work. Lina also has an interest in cookie-related issues.Lina also has experience of establishing, improving, reviewing and negotiating various forms of commercial agreements, such as cooperation agreements, shareholder agreements and transfer agreements. She also has experience in real estate law, transactions and disputes, as well as providing ongoing advice on general company law issues to both private and public companies.