De Penning & De Penning

De Penning & De Penning

Client testimonials

“I want to express my appreciation for the quality and integrity of your work in connection with our plasticizer disclosure. You have our confidence.”
“Highly recommend Depenning for their professional services. Well-equipped team with different skill sets in Legal Domain. If you want legal advisory and other legal services, depenning does it well. Highlight of their service is that you no need to worry about the knowledge gap related to legal, you will be kept informed on each and every action which they take related to your project.”
“We thank you for your excellent work during the hearing. You may file the proposed set of claims”
“Thank you for your hard work on this application and achieving an excellent result”
“We really appreciated your thorough arguments in the draft response”
“I really appreciate the support provided by you and Team De Penning to enable us to obtain this Patent. My heartiest congratulations to the De Penning Team”
“Well done on persuading the examiner to grant the patent! That is good news.”
“Thank you very much indeed for the quick response and the excellent draft document in reply to the provisional refusal”
“Thanks a lot and congratulations for your successful defense of our claims. We appreciate your efforts.”
“Thanks for this great opposition response.”
“We thank you for an outstanding and thorough job of helping us to understand our options. Your help is greatly appreciated”
“Perfect result. Many thanks to you and the whole team for all your work! Excellent”
“We thank you most sincerely for your wonderful assistance these last few days.  You have been terrific, and we look forward to working with you again in the future.”
“Thank you very much for this excellent Draft response to the FER in India.”
“Thank you for all your expert assistance. We are very pleased with this result.”