
Legacy Law Offices is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of gender, caste, ethnicity, religion, sexual preferences or physical abilities. Our team comprises of people from different States of India. The law firm has two Senior Partners supporting the Managing Partner and both of them are women. Amongst the non-lawyers, the senior most position of Director is held by a woman. The role of Manager (Finance & Accounts) is also performed by a woman. Overall, women comprise slightly over 50% of the overall head count of the law firm.

The following Gender Equality Principles shall guide the policies of the Law Firm on fundamental issues of gender equality:

  1. Employment and compensation. Policies that eliminate gender discrimination in areas such as recruitment, hiring, pay and promotion.
  2. Work-life balance and career development. Policies that enable work-life balance and support educational, career and professional development.
  3. Health, safety, and freedom from violence. Policies to secure the health, safety, and well-being of female workers.
  4. Management and governance. Policies to ensure equitable participation in management and governance of the Law Firm and to eliminate all forms of discrimination and exploitation.
  5. Leadership, transparency, and accountability. Policies that are disclosed to all the lawyers and support staff of the Law Firm, monitored and enforced that display active commitment from top leadership.

The Law Firm will take concrete steps to attain gender equality by adopting and implementing policies and practices in the above five key areas.