
We take our inspiration from our ancient cultural values which says (in Sanskrit Language):

वसुधैव कुटुम्बकम. – “The whole world is one family”.

We therefore strive to be inclusive in our actions towards our valued human resource as well as our clients. Mahendra Bhavasar & Co. is committed to upholding the highest standards of Diversity. We believe and cherish associating with people from diverse background, culture, beliefs and preferences. We have strongly believed that not only it brings about an inclusive culture but also enables in providing diverse, creative and innovative ideas in our work and services that we provide to our esteemed clients.

We pride in offering equal opportunities to practitioners and paralegal staff alike regardless of their race, cultural background, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, nationality, religious or political belief. Over the years, we have strived to build a culture based on inclusivity and mutual respect. Our team has a balanced representation of women and brings together values from across different regions in India.

For us, our commitment to diversity is not limited or confined to our people. It equally extends and covers our partners and customers that we work for. It has been our endeavour to uphold the highest standards of customer service and for doing the same, we are accessible and approachable to partners and customers regardless of their race, cultural background, gender, age, marital status, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, nationality, religious or political belief.

Our commitment to diversity also extends to various community services that the firm engages into. We have served in the past and continue to serve the community in the rural areas for obtaining justice. Since our formation in 1982, we have engaged actively with the community and have advocated for justice for all irrespective of their background.