Region Area


  1. Community
    We are committed to improving our local community. We support various charities through fundraising and volunteering events throughout the year.

Charity of the Year

We support a different charity as voted by our employees every two to three years. Our Charity of the Year is the Irish Hospice Foundation, a national charity dedicated to all matters relating to dying, death and bereavement in Ireland. Our CSR activities and initiatives are driven by our CSR and our social committees who organise fundraising events in support of our chosen charity. In addition, the Firm supports by making supplemental donations or giving staff time. Previous fundraising events include: cake sales, table quizzes and most recently a Static Cycle Challenge. For further information about our charity partner visit

Other Charitable Activity
We have built up a tradition of supporting a number of charitable causes and events over a number of years that have become dear to the hearts of all members of the firm. We support every year:

The Calcutta Run – a 10km race through the Phoenix Park in aid of the Peter McVerry Trust and Goal.

The Dublin Simon Community Sing for Simon carol singing campaign in December.

St. Vincent de Paul’s annual giving tree appeal in December.

  1. Education
    We are delighted to support the Trinity Access Programme (TAP) Pathways to Law. The programme focuses on inspiring students from under-represented groups who are interested in law. In addition to mentoring law students, we provide financial support to the programme.
  1. Pro Bono
    As lawyers, we believe that providing our skills, knowledge and training on a pro bono or reduced fees basis is central to how we can make a difference in the community. We support a number of charities and not for profit organisations, by providing our services on a pro bono, reduced fee or free hours basis.

We are also conscious of the need for experienced practitioners to participate in committees and working groups to improve the law and knowledge of the law in Ireland. Members of the firm participate voluntarily on committees in the Law Society and the Dublin Bar Solicitors Association and other groups working to support the quality of legal knowledge in Ireland.

  1. Environment
    We are committed to conducting our business in a sustainable manner and have implemented a number of green initiatives, such as:

Waste management: We removed bins from individual offices and replaced with segregated recycling bins on each floor.

As a law firm we are conscious of generating significant quantities of paper and so have implemented:

Our printers are defaulted to double-sided printing and we use ‘FollowMe’ printing software, a system that improves efficiency of printing environments.

Promoting the use of electronic storage (using CD Bibles) instead of printing

Recycling: Of both confidential and non-confidential waste and of electronic equipment

Energy usage: We address conservation on an on-going basis by reminding staff to switch off lights when leaving the office and to turn off equipment when not in use.

  1. Our People / Workplace
    Our people are integral to our success. Being in a hard-working but friendly environment is core at Addleshaw Goddard. We understand the value of “work-life” balance. Individual self-improvement is important to us and we encourage our people to keep up-to-date and take personal responsibility while being supported by the firm. As a responsible employer, we have introduced a number of HR initiatives such as:

Health & Wellbeing Programme

Continuous Professional Development (CPD) programme/Staff Training

Cycle to Work Scheme

Lunch & Learn sessions

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