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Alejandro Miller
Alejandro Miller, lawyer, mainly works in the Banking & Corporate Department, specialising in corporate, bankruptcy, insolvency proceedings and maritime law.
Álvaro Tarabal
Hall of fame
Álvaro Tarabal, lawyer. His vast practice includes financing in the public and private sectors, public and private bond offerings, general banking transactions, international commerce, M&A, project financing and investment structuring. Specialist in commercial law, corporate, banking and stock markets. Partner at Guyer & Regules
Beatriz Spiess
Beatriz Spiess, notary. Specializes in structuring, financing and promotion of real estate investments, assisting developers in all stages of their projects (housing and commercial). She also advises retail companies in commercial leases and agreements. She has vast experience advising both sponsors and lenders in the purchase, sale and project financing of renewable energy projects, mainly photovoltaic and wind. Moreover, her knowledge of regulatory and environmental matters has been key in providing regulatory analysis and advice regarding compliance, in both energy and  infrastructure projects.
Carlos Brandes
Carlos Brandes, lawyer and notary. Head of Dispute Resolution Team. His vast practice includes complex civil and commercial litigation, international commercial arbitration, civil fraud litigation, torts and antitrust, being specialist in procedural and civil and commercial law. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Corina Bove
Hall of fame
Corina Bove, lawyer, specializes in corporate and banking matters. Her practice includes participation in mergers and acquisitions, public and private securities' offerings, project finance as well as corporate and banking law. She also assists clients on trust matters, mainly those related to financial transactions and M&A. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Diego Baldomir
Diego Baldomir, lawyer, mainly works in the Banking and Corporate Department. His practice includes financing in the public and private sectors, public and private offers of securities, banking transactions, mergers and acquisitions, project finance, investment structuring, and the prevention of money laundering and the financing of terrorism. He participated as speaker in several seminars and conferences regarding the reorganization of companies as well as the prevention of money laundering and of the financing of terrorism. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Federico Susena
Hall of fame
Federico Susena, notary. Real Estate: mainly in structuring of real estate investments, realty trust, REITs, residential and tourism developments and agribusiness. Energy and Natural Resources: he has a vast experience in oil and gas and renewable energy projects and legal framework. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Florencia Castagnola
Florencia Castagnola, lawyer and notary. Her practice includes advising financial institutions in all types of banking transactions, financings (local or cross-border) and foreign trade, public and private offer of securities, sovereign debt transactions, corporate M&A, compliance matters and the fintech arena. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Gerardo Porteiro
Gerardo Porteiro, lawyer, mainly develops his activities in the Banking and Corporate Department.He advises  private pension funds, trust managers, banks and other local and foreign financial entities on financial and regulatory matters.His vast practice includes local and international financial transactions both in the public and private sectors, public and private securities’ offers, bank transactions in general as well as corporate law. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Javier Berdaguer
Javier Berdaguer, lawyer, mainly works in Intellectual Property Department and Corporate & Banking Department. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
John Leaman
John Stuart Leaman, notary, co-heads the Real Estate Department, the largest of its kind in Uruguay, with a vast experience in all kinds of real estate transactions, ranging from agriculture and forestry investments to commercial and tourism developments. He also has wide experience in aviation, mining and banking matters and has advised many clients in international calls for bids in the public sector. Additionally, he has specialised in foreign investments in Uruguay. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Juan Manuel Albacete
Hall of fame
Juan Manuel Albacete, lawyer, mainly works in the Banking and Corporate Department and Tax Department. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Juan Manuel Mercant
Hall of fame
Juan Manuel Mercant, lawyer. Expert in Banking & Finance, Energy & Infrastructure and Antitrust.Experience in huge project finance transactions (assisting lenders or sponsors) and major competition cases.Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Leonardo Slinger
Hall of fame
Leonardo Slinger, lawyer, mainly concentrates his activities in the Labour and Litigation Departments.His practice includes advising on labour matters, companies’ reorganisations, negotiations with unions in conflictive collective cases, social security issues and migrations.Specialist in labour law, he also handles labour, civil and commercial litigation.Professor of labour law at three law schools in Uruguay. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Marcos Payssé
Marcos Payssé, lawyer, mainly works in Banking, Corporate and M&A Department. Partner at Guyer & Regules.
Nicolás Piaggio
Hall of fame
Nicolás Piaggio, lawyer, mainly works in the Banking and Corporate Department. His experience includes the participation in financing transactions and debt restructurings, sovereign debt transactions (including a direct participation in the several Uruguayan successful multi-billion sovereign debt exchange), public and private securities’ offer, corporate work specializing in complex mergers and acquisitions. Partner at Guyer & Regules  
Nicolás Herrera
Hall of fame
Nicolás Herrera, , lawyer, with more than 35 years of experience in banking, finance, corporate and M&A. His vast practice includes financing in the public and private sector, mergers and acquisitions, project financing and investment structuring, being specialist in commercial, corporate and banking law and capital markets.Senior Partner at Guyer & Regules