Client Satisfaction


At CMS Wistrand, we strive for a long-term profitable business with a good balance between financial, environmental and social responsibility. Our sustainability work aims to achieve a good balance between these three aspects of our responsibility.

Financial responsibility

Our aim is to consistently generate sustainable profit and fortify our financial position in both the short and long term, while maintaining harmony with our environmental and social obligations.

Environmental responsibility

We commit to operating our business in a manner that preserves our natural resources over the long term, avoiding any negative impact on the environment.

Social responsibility

Our commitment involves running our business in a way that prioritizes the health and well-being of individuals, contributing positively to the development of a thriving society.

At CMS Wistrand, we have identified six areas that we focus our sustainability work on. These focus areas are fair business practices, diversity and inclusion, working conditions, community commitment and development, environment and human rights.

Fair business practices

Good business practices ensure we act in an ethical and sustainable manner in our interactions with the outside world. This includes relationships with actors we meet within the scope of our matters, e.g. clients, counterparties, courts and other authorities, but also other actors in our environment, e.g. the Swedish Bar Association, suppliers and competitors. This area includes legal ethics, anti-corruption work, actions against money-laundering and promotion of social responsibility in the value chain.

Diversity and inclusion

As an international organisation with clients and employees spanning a multitude of countries, and cultures, we believe that diversity is of fundamental importance to CMS. Engaging and supporting a diverse and inclusive workforce that reflects the diversity of our clients and their sectors is the basis for a sustainable and successful business.

All those who are part of a society – regardless of skin colour, age, religion, sexuality, gender identity, physical and mental functions, financial conditions, cultural descent and ethnicity – shall have the same opportunities and rights. Wistrand’s work with diversity and inclusion is mainly about taking advantage of many different experiences and knowledge within the scope of our work. A good composition of people with various experiences increases both the efficiency and the quality in the business.

Working conditions
CMS Wistrand’s commitment within this area means continuously striving to create guidelines and work practices related to work within or upon assignment by Wistrand that brings about good working relationships. The work concerns, among other things, occupation and employment conditions, working conditions and social security, work environment and dialogue with representatives for employee and employers’ organizations.

Community commitment and development
We are a part of the society in which we operate. It is only natural for us to strive to contribute our knowledge and experiences in various projects advantageous to society. Wistrand encourages its colleagues to commit to such projects and with the help from its existing connections assume a social responsibility. Exchange with other actors is valuable as it helps them and us to learn and grow. The focus area includes community commitment to education and culture, health, development of and access to technology and social investments.

Our environmental work includes working for a sustainable employment of resources and striving to prevent negative environmental impact.

Human rights
The recognition of, and respect for, human rights is critical for the principles of the rule of law and is the basis for the most important institutions in society, such as the legal system. Our goal is that our business operations shall be permeated by the respect for human rights and freedoms. Respect for these is a prerequisite for sustainability work within all of our focus areas.