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Alain Herrmann
CMS Francis Lefebvre
He is mainly involved in national and international restructuring of companies, job preservation plans, collective negotiations and international mobility. In this context, he also regularly assists clients during social security audits and labour inspection audits.
Alexandre Bastos
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Head of Insolvency & Restructuring team. Alexandre Bastos is a partner responsible for the Insolvency-Restructuring Department at CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats. His background in both law and finance is a valuable asset that enables him to embrace all aspects of the cases entrusted to him.  
Alexandre Delhaye
CMS Francis Lefebvre
He is a partner at CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre's Corporate/M&A department. He specialises in corporate law, M&A and stock exchange law, he handles all aspects of mergers & acquisitions and restructurings for both listed and unlisted companies and, more specifically, the drafting of documentation and contracts, support in negotiations, acquisitions, divestments, joint-ventures, shareholders’ agreements, restructurings (mergers, asset transfers, etc.) both in France and internationally, arranging and structuring finance (equity, MBOs, MBIs), investment capital, legal audits, data room and due diligence, IPOs, stock exchange law.
Aline Divo
CMS Francis Lefebvre
She is a partner in the Real Estate Legal Department. She works in real estate law and in particular in the following areas: commercial leases, hotel leases, off-plan leases, building leases, business leases, transfers of lease rights, sales of operating assets, property sales, property development contracts, delegated project management contracts. She provides advice, drafts legal documents and acts in disputes.She has been advising both French and international clients for nearly 20 years. For 5 years, she has been a lecturer on the “Property Law” Master's degree course at the University of Paris I – Panthéon-Sorbonne and in the Paris Bar School, teaching commercial leases. She is part of the editorial team of Francis Lefebvre's Commercial Leases and Property Management Handbook. She was a member of the Hauts-de-Seine departmental Bar Council from 2013 to 2015. For several years she has been listed in the Chambers Europe rankings.
Annabelle Bailleul-Mirabaud
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner. She specialises in international taxation with an expertise on permanent establishments, CFC and substance issues, assisting leading multinational groups in tax audits and litigation.
Anne-Sophie Rostaing
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner specialist in corporate tax, Anne-Sophie assists French and international companies with the tax structuring of their reorganisations and M&A projects (including cross-border operations), French tax consolidation rules and tax litigation. She has particular expertise in the taxation of French property investment funds (SIICs, OPCIs or SCPIs) and advises high-ranking managers on issues relating to management packages.
Arnaud Gérardin
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner in the Tax department. Arnaud is managing the Strasbourg office of CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre. He advises international and French companies in tax structuring, tax planning and tax audit.
Arnaud Le Boulanger
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Arnaud Le Boulanger heads the Economics team of CMS Legal, in charge of performing analyses in the fields of transfer pricing and asset valuation. As a specialist in these fields for more than 20 years, Arnaud has carried out and led numerous studies on a world-wide basis.As transfer pricing has emerged over the years as a high-profile, strategic issue both for enterprises and tax administrations, further illustrated by the introduction of new BEPS concepts by the OECD, Arnaud has developed a comprehensive practice in this area that serves the needs of his clients both in France and at an international level. By integrating their expertise in taxation matters with expertise in economic analysis, Arnaud and his team are able to provide structured advice throughout the whole transfer pricing chain (from strategic upstream advice, through TP documentation and assistance in APAs and MAPs, to defence in tax audits and litigations). Asset valuation analysis is also a key expertise of Arnaud and his team, which is particularly important for projects that involve such matters.Arnaud joined CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre in 2003 and he became a partner in 2008.
Arnaud Hugot
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner in Corporate/M&A department, he is specialising in M&A transactions, including private equity, cross-border deals and joint-ventures (including on project finance transactions). He assists corporate clients, private equity firms as well as individuals on various types of transactions and has an extensive track record in the health sector.
Arnaud Donguy
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Arnaud Donguy is a partner in the Direct Contributions Department of CMS Francis Lefebvre.  Arnaud specialises in providing advice and assistance with business taxation and corporate tax, namely, mainly: tax consolidation, internal and international restructuring operations (mergers, partial business transfers, demergers...), overlapping tax and accounting problems of tax result calculation, the practice of tax audits and interventions in acquisitions or LBO operations, structuring and arranging of finance.Arnaud also assists his clients with tax inspection issues and any resulting disputes.
Benjamin Bill
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Benjamin has extensive experience in the work with clients on complex real estate transactions. He advises on a broad range of aspects related to it, including acquisition and disposal of real estate assets or companies, of French or pan-European portfolios, the structuring of projects with the creation of regulated and non-regulated investment vehicles and funds such as OPCIs and the acquisitions or disposals. Benjamin’s work also covers property development transactions, commercial leases and real estate financing. Benjamin’s client base extends private and public sectors and includes domestic and international investors, asset managers and property companies which he assists on national and cross-border real estate projects.
Bernhard Hainz
Hall of fameCMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz Rechtsanwälte GmbH
Bernhard Hainz is a partner at CMS in Vienna and head of the specialist Employment and Pension Law Department. Bernhard Hainz is one of the leading specialists in Austria and for more than 30 years has primarily advised companies in all areas of contentious and non-contentious employment law matters, including the negotiation of collective agreements, works agreements, social plans, disputes with works councils and employees, service agreements and dissolution agreements as well as pension and pension fund matters. As a result of his previous position as an assistant at the Vienna University Institute for Employment Law and Social Law, Bernhard Hainz and his team combine high-level academic qualifications with many years of practical legal experience. In addition, Bernhard Hainz has expertise in the area of art law and in this connection he represents artists and art institutions both nationally and internationally.
Céline Cloché-Dubois
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner and Head of the Environment Practice. She acts for a large number of French and international clients particularly in relation to environment, urban planning, renewable energy and public business law.
Christophe Vezinhet
CMS Francis Lefebvre
He specialises in direct taxation and works mainly in the field of property tax, corporate and local authority tax, taxation of restructuring and development operations, providing advice on the adaptation of structures and tax disputes and assistance with the monitoring of inspections.
Christophe Aldebert
CMS Francis Lefebvre
He is a tax specialist with expertise in VAT matters. He works with a diverse clientele of financial institutions and mutual companies in the following areas: the VAT and indirect tax regimes of business transactions, implementation of resource-sharing groups and joint ventures, optimisation of restructuring operations (mergers/acquisitions, outsourcing), assistance with audit monitoring, management of tax adjustments and tax disputes.Christophe runs training courses at the Fédération Nationale des Sociétés d'Economie Mixte (FNSEM) on the VAT regime for public services, the FCTVA (VAT Compensation Fund) and relationships with local authorities
Claire Vannini
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Claire is a partner of the EU law, Regulatory & Competition department, she currently assists clients, who are principally major French and foreign groups as well as public entities, on regulatory issues, competition and EU law. She enjoys a broad expertise in the field of State aid in which she is involved in various notification proceedings before the European Commission as well as litigation before ECJ. She has also developed a specific expertise on issues related to competition/EU rules applicable to public sector and in the field of electronic communications, public transports (especially railway) and networks. She also assists clients in their institutional relationships with national and European institutions regarding EU law in general. Her practice includes advise and litigation before national and EU courts.
Damien Decolasse
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner. He specialises in employment law and provides advice in collective and individual labour relations and on the employment implications of strategic decisions. He also provides and manages the employment law consequences of mergers and acquisitions and advises his clients on stock option plans and incentive plans on both a local and international level. He also assists his clients in matters of secondment.He also advises his clients in major social security adjustment cases (in negotiations with the social security administration body and in court cases).
Daniel Gutmann
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Daniel Gutmann is a partner in the Tax Doctrine team. He is also professor of Tax Law at the University of Paris I - Panthéon-Sorbonne. He joined the firm in 2007 as of-counsel and was made a partner in 2011. His main function within the firm is to coordinate the lawyers’ position papers in cases involving a high level of legal complexity and to supervise the guidance documents and studies sent to clients. He is in constant contact with professional organisations and tax authorities and contributes through various channels to expert output in tax matters. In this regard, he is the author of a book “Droit fiscal des affaires” (Lextenso, 2015, 6th ed.), and the co-editor of a commentary (in French) on the OECD tax treaty model (Ed. Francis Lefebvre-Helbing Lichtenhahn, 2014). Finally, he is the author of numerous articles in French and international journals.
Denis Redon
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner in EU, Competition & Distribution. His activity covers all EU and French competition issues, including both antitrust practices and merger law. He assists companies for their French, EU or multi-jurisdictional merger notifications.He has a significant experience before French competition Authority or national courts in litigation cases  related to various types of anticompetitive practices or  to damage claims in relation to such practices.He advises his clients for the implementation of antitrust compliance programs.He assists his client in setting their distribution network regarding Competition law and in particular rules related to vertical restraints.He has also developed a strong expertise as regards the French specific regulation that governs restrictive practises and relations between suppliers and distributors. 
Diego García
CMS Carey & Allende
Diego is the partner that leads the Tax group for CMS Carey & Allende. He focuses on tax planning and restructuring for local and foreign companies. He also provides consulting services regarding fiscal and municipal taxes for companies, high net-worth individuals and families. Diego works in close coordination with other areas of our firm, providing his experience and vision on tax matters, as an essential part of added value that we provide for our clients.
Dimitar Hadjiveltchev
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Dimitar develops services dedicated to the franco-bulgarian relations, together with Jivko Sedlarski from the Sofia office of CMS RRH. He was joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 2001 and became Partner in 2017.
Florence Chérel
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner. She assists investors as well as developers in the context of development projects in all their components of real estate law and public law. She also has litigation practice in public law.
Graham Conlon
Hall of fameCMS
Managing Partner CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang Ukraine, Head of Private Equity– CEE/CIS
Jean-Christophe Sauzey
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Jean-Christophe joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 1987 and became a partner in 1999. With an expertise in national and international taxation, he focuses mainly on the following areas: taxation of international groups and transfer pricing, providing support for tax inspections and representing international groups, asset taxation and the taxation of research & innovation
Jean-Eric Cros
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Jean-Eric joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 1989 and is currently Head of the Corporate – M&A Department. He became a partner in 2003. He handles all aspects of mergers & acquisitions and restructurings for both listed and unlisted companies: drafting documentation and legal instruments, assisting with merger negotiations, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, shareholders’ agreements, restructuring programmes (mergers, asset transfers, etc.) both in France and abroad, arranging and structuring finance (equity, MBOs, MBIs), investment capital, legal audits, data room and due diligence, IPOs and stock exchange law.
Jean-Philippe Bidegainberry
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Jean-Philippe Bidegainberry joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 1997.A tax specialist, Jean-Philippe assists French and international groups with their taxation matters, in particular: assistance with group tax management (calculation of taxable revenue, deficit management, intra-group relationships), assistance with tax consolidation (setting up tax consolidations, preparing consolidated tax returns, monitoring of deferred tax liabilities, complex issues), assistance with restructuring and financing operations and assistance with tax inspections and disputes.
Johann Roc'h
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner in international taxation. He advises clients on all tax issues related to mergers and acquisitions, intragroup reorganizations, real estate investments and financial products, usually on transactions with a cross-border dimension. In this context, he assists multinational groups, investments funds and financial institutions. Johann joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 2006 and became Partner in 2017.
Julien Saïac
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner specialised in international taxation. He handles questions related to corporate taxation, and more specifically cross-border restructuring and M&A, real estate investments, transfer pricing, international tax litigations.
Julio Frías
CMS Carey & Allende
Julio is a senior associate and member of the Employment & Pensions group for CMS Carey & Allende. His practice focuses on: Labour litigation, collective bargain, strategic advice on delicate matters such as internal compliance investigations or company restructuration, occupational safety and health, and labour advice on daily basis.
Laurent Chatel
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Laurent Chatel specialises in local taxation. A partner at the firm since 2003, he works on Territorial Economic Contribution (CET) matters (involving corporate property tax (CFE) and company value-added contributions (CVAE)), property tax on buildings and unbuilt land, tax on certain premises in Ile-de-France, occupancy tax for corporate and individual taxpayers, local tax on external advertising (TLPE) and street tax, tax on commercial premises (TASCOM), public electricity service contributions (CSPE), tax on the removal of household refuse, etc. He assists businesses and public institutions in his areas of expertise both in terms of advice and litigation, and with audits. He also helps local communities more generally to manage their relationships with the State.Laurent has been lawyer at CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats since 1990, having started his career with Arthur Andersen Legal. He supports over 700 businesses annually, both with their everyday tax management and with the fiscal implications of their external development or restructuring projects, in all economic sectors in France (agriculture, industry, construction, transport, banking, insurance, distribution, wholesale, energy, delegation of public services, media, services, etc.). He is a member of the tax committees of several professional organisations (such as MEDEF, AFIC, SFIF, UNICEM, CGI, etc.) and was an expert auditor during the Taxation Conference (a committee set up in 2014 to reform the French tax system) in early 2014.
Laurent Hepp
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner specialised in Corporate taxation. He advises French and international groups on all tax related matters. He frequently works in the area of M&A and Private Equity with a particular expertise in the tax structuring of operations and acquisitions in France. He also assists entrepreneurs, shareholders and managers on personal tax issues.
Ludovic Duguet
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner specialises in direct taxation and works mainly on restructuring operations in the property field (mergers, outsourcing), property tax, group tax and tax disputes and assistance with monitoring audits.Ludovic Duguet joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 2006.
Marc-Etienne Sébire
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner, Head of Capital Markets: Debt Capital Markets (plain-vanilla and structured bonds. European private placements, EMTN programmes, hybrid instruments, covered bonds, high yield, commercial paper and liability management transactions), Equity Capital Markets (IPO, convertible and exchangeable bonds) and Structured Derivatives.
Maria Orlyk
Maria Orlyk is a Managing Partner of the office of CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz in Kyiv and a Co-Head of the Energy & Climate Change PAG of CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz.Maria Orlyk is a lawyer specialising in corporate/M&A, energy, competition and employment law.
Michel Collet
CMS Francis Lefebvre
He has an extensive experience in assisting inbound and outbound investments. He assists French and foreign banks, funds, multinationals and high net individuals in M&A transactions, financings and real estate investments. Michel also advises high net worth individuals, mainly artists and, sportmen. Michel also assists countries in the design of their tax policy and negociation of tax treaties.
Miguel Viale
CMS Grau
Partner at CMS Grau. Miguel specialises on Banking, Finance and Capital Markets, Corporate law and Mergers & Acquisitions.
Milica Popović
Milica Popović is a partner at CMS Belgrade with extensive experience in legal work in the Balkan region. She is the Head of the CMS Banking and Finance teams in Belgrade and in Podgorica. She also heads the CMS office in Podgorica.
Mourad Nabil Abdessemed
Head of the firm’s Algerian Tax department. He is specialised in consulting and litigation, in international as well as in Algerian taxation.
Nedžida Salihović-Whalen
RRH Legal d.o.o., representative of CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz
Nedžida Salihović-Whalen is CEE partner at CMS Reich-Rohrwig Hainz. She has over 20 years of experience in advising clients on corporate, M&A, commercial, banking and employment matters as well as experience in dispute resolution. Nedzida is experienced in setting up corporate and business structures in Bosnia and Herzegovina and regularly advises clients on the regulatory and commercial environment under Bosnian law. She also represents clients in litigation. Nedzida has an LLM from a US university and has been continuously selected as a leading lawyer in BiH. Nedžida Salihović-Whalen was a member of several international legal working groups and took part in drafting laws regarding legal and economic reforms in Bosnia and Herzegovina. She is heavily involved in major banking and finance deals, both transactional and project-based work. Her involvement ranges from supervising the deals, to advising clients on particular aspects of the transactions. Nedzida is an examiner of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Bar Exam Commission for commercial law for the last ten years.
Nicolas Callies
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Nicolas Cailles joined the Employment Law Department of CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 1990 and became a partner in 2001.Nicolas manages a team that provides advice and handles disputes in collective and individual labour relations and on the employment implications of strategic decisions.
Olga Belyakova
Partner in the Commercial practice group at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang (Kyiv),Co-head of the TMC sector group in CEE
Olivier Dutheillet de Lamothe
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner. Olivier Dutheillet de Lamothe joined CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats in 2014 as Counsel with responsibility for the employment and pensions practice's Intelligence, Scientific Development and Knowledge Management Department. Olivier was made partner in 2015.
Olivier de Saint Chaffray
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Olivier de Saint Chaffray joint CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats's Taxation Department in 1994. As an expert in tax matters, his practice focuses on providing advice (legal opinion or documents) and on litigation in the following fields: corporate taxation (day-to-day practice in direct taxation and taxation and restructuring associated with M&A, tax inspections), advice to individual clients (wealth and estate planning) and the taxation of property and the financial sector.
Philippe Donneaud
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Philippe Donneaud started his career in the Taxation Department of CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats, which he joined in 1995 and where he has been a partner since 2007.He covers all aspects of direct taxation for companies and their executives, both advice and litigation, but specifically carries out his work in the property and investment capital sectors. He mainly assists his clients in the tax planning, structuring and management of their various operations.His qualifications get him regularly involved in the taxation aspects of mergers and acquisitions, corporate groups, transfer of assets and financial flows.  He regularly hosts conferences and training for Francis Lefebvre Formation et Business Immo.He is the co-author responsible for the taxation section of the book Immobilier de l’Entreprise, Ed. Economica, Collection L’immobilier en perspectives.
Philippe Grousset
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner in direct taxation Expert in direct taxes specialized in the following subject matters: Corporation tax; Personal income tax; Real estate and finance taxation; Tax system of semi-public companies and local authorities.
Pierre Carcelero
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Pierre works specifically in the field of corporate and group taxation, with particular regard to the fiscal structuring of mergers & acquisitions and restructuring activities, group tax management and assistance with litigation proceedings, in matters of real estate taxation and for mixed-economy companies and local authorities, taxation of public-private partnerships, tax inspection procedures and tax litigation. He joined  in 2002 and became Partner in 2017.
Pierre Dedieu
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Pierre Dedieu is a partner in CMS Francis Lefebvre Avocats's International Taxation team. Pierre joined the firm in 1999 and became a partner in 2009. Pierre specialises in matters relating to international restructuring operations, real estate investments, cross-border transactions (investment income, leasing, hybrid transactions), international mobility and transfer pricing. Since 2009 he has become a leading expert on disclosure and in litigation concerning foreign assets belonging to French residents.
Richard Foissac
CMS Francis Lefebvre
Partner in Tax.  He intervenes particularly in real estate taxation, wealth taxation, corporate taxation and is especially recognized for his expertise in tax litigation
Stéphane Austry
Hall of fameCMS Francis Lefebvre
Coordinates the tax litigation and controversy group of the firm (domestic and international tax issues). Extensive experience on international taxation, interpretation and application of tax treaties.
Vitaliy Radchenko
Partner, Head of Energy & Projects at CMS Cameron McKenna Nabarro Olswang (Kyiv)