Interview with…

Ricardo Escobar, Managing Partner

1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate DLA Piper Perú from your competitors? Locally, the strength of our young core team of partners and associates, that relentlessly pursue quality and valuable advice. We understand that we need to create value for the clients. Strategic presence regionally and internationally.  We are an integrated working law firm that has a unique offer for clients.   2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that? M&A. Interesting trend of divesting by some investors, but also some new investors looking for opportunities in Peru. Dispute resolution. There is an increase in arbitration procedures, especially related to concessions and public works, and commercial litigation due to the deterioration of the economic situation of the country. Infrastructure. The country needs a push and new infrastructure projects, via PPP or government-to-government economic cooperation, and this may well be done in 2024.   3) What's the main change you've made in the firm that will benefit clients? Foster a culture of quality services and business understanding.   4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them? Indeed. We are just beginning to discover the many uses of technology in our profession. We believe it will improve significantly the services we provide.   5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business? By understanding our clients’ businesses, we constantly analyze legislation trends and possible legislation changes so that we raise awareness in our clients to prepare for these changes and thus reduce any consequential cost.   6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms - where do you see the firm in three years’ time? The Peruvian legal market is still dominated by full services and well-established law firms, and clients still recognize the value of having legal partners who understand their companies and their businesses. We see ourselves consolidating the presence of a global firm with footprints in the most important regional countries, that still understands the needs of its local and international clients and offers them great value.

Fabio P. Campos Mello, Managing Partner

1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate Campos Mello Advogados in cooperation with DLA Piper from your competitors? We can highlight some important points, the main one being the fact that we are both a traditional law firm in the Brazilian market, with over 42 years of experience and recognized excellence, and part of a giant global platform, through cooperation with DLA Piper, one of the largest law firms in the world. This unique combination allows us to assist clients around the globe, deliver highly efficient services and results with speed, exceptional quality and business oriented. Our dynamic, global team of lawyers can provide the best support to clients anywhere; we are pioneers when it comes to innovation, bringing management and business news to all our stakeholders; and we have always implemented the best diversity and inclusion practices, creating an inclusive culture through meaningful and transparent initiatives. And all of this can, in a way, be proven – and not just by the growth of the firm and the development of our professionals. CMA was the first law firm in Brazil to consistently implement the NPS (Net Promoter Score) methodology to measure client satisfaction. For several consecutive years, we reached the level of excellence - the highest level applied by the methodology. In addition, women represent 71% of our personnel and 40% of our leaders, an extremely rare level in today's Brazilian market. This theme is very dear to us: CMA organized this year The Latin America Leadership Summit - focused on Women and Connections, an event dedicated to promoting the empowerment of women in leadership positions, with enriching debates among leaders of various industries.   2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that? We expect the Energy and Natural Resources area to continue to gain the relevance it has had in recent years, with our firm constantly involved in the most important transactions in the sector. We have increased the team with the arrival of a new partner, two of counsels and three new associates, which exponentially expands our capacity to strategically serve our clients, as well as to pursue opportunities that are multiplying every day in Brazil with the increasing diversification of our matrix and the need to decarbonize our industry. Three other areas also stand out and deserve to be mentioned, especially because of the range of challenges and innovations they will raise in the near future: ESG, Sports and Life Sciences and Healthcare. In addition, areas that are always relevant and strategic should continue to expand: Tax (especially due to the tax reform bill under discussion in the National Congress), Banking (another area strengthened at Campos Mello with the recent arrival of a new partner) and Real Estate (our most traditional area, which always participates in significant milestones for the country's economic development; we are very proud to have recently been awarded Legal Firm of the Year: Real Estate by The Legal 500).   3) What's the main change you've made in the firm that will benefit clients? Our strategy is to become business partners with our clients and for that we need to deeply understand the market where they operate. That led us to organize our practices by industry. Our specialized teams are encouraged to understand the peculiarities of each industry to offer the best advice possible. All this movement has taken place with what is part of our DNA: the use of technology to deliver an outstanding service and aligned with the best ESG practices. However, we are witnessing a seismic change in the legal market with the development of AI. Much is said about AI but I don’t see any firm investing as much time and resources in this field. We are definitely leading the market and our clients will benefit from this.   4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them? Absolutely, no doubt about it. Today's world brings new digital, governance and management standards that completely changed how we operate. In recent years, we have invested in technology that allowed storage and full remote access to all documents, applications and information, implementation of IoT tools for performance management and investment in training. Just to give you a few more concrete examples - which also relate to the previous question: we are investing in Robotic Process Automation to speed up manual procedures to give our team more time to focus on clients; we are implementing a new application to improve how we manage client requests and to provide a more clear and practical response to client demands; we have a global team researching and testing different AI solutions. Thanks to those efforts, today we are more connected to our clients and more agile, providing quick responses to priority issues.   5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business? We have several examples of how our multidisciplinary expertise and efficiency helped the clients. With our broad expertise in Energy and Natural Resources, we advised Carmo Energy on the acquisition of Pólo Carmópolis, the largest in history involving onshore oil and gas exploration and production assets in Brazil, and Eneva S.A on the purchase of the Celse Thermoelectric Power Plant , one of the largest operating gas plants in Latin America – a very complex deal, that also involved all the funding needed by Eneva, through operations conducted through equity and debt operations in the Brazilian capital market and obtaining approvals/waivers from CELSE's international creditors. It is also important to mention that our Sports practice group has advised international and domestic investors who have an interest in acquiring soccer club assets in Brazil, in a pioneering movement in the country. We are the firm involved in the major acquisitions of clubs in Brazil, such as Vasco, Botafogo and many other.   6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms - where do you see the firm in three years’ time? Definitely, clients are looking for lawyers to weigh in strategy. In my opinion, with all the technology developments, the role of the lawyer will, in one hand, evolve to become more of a strategist, and on the other hand, go back as when lawyers were “consiglieres”. Without a doubt, all our efforts are aimed at becoming an industry-oriented provider of legal solutions. Our innovative leadership and mindset, intelligent use of technology and ESG focus will guide us along this path and provide the effective and creative strategic direction that clients will increasingly seek. Now, answering your question, in 3 years from now, I’d like to see our firm as the leader of ESG and technology practices.

Andrés González, Partner

Andres González explains how the firm has been doing in the past years and his vision for the coming ones.   1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate DLA Piper Martínez Beltrán from your competitors? DLA Piper Martínez Beltrán distinguishes itself from the competitors through a combination of unique qualities and a client-centric approach. Our work environment sets us apart significantly. Unlike many firms that place a heavy emphasis on billing targets and measuring lawyer productivity by billable hours, we foster a collaborative and supportive atmosphere. There is no undue pressure on our legal professionals to constantly sell services. Instead, we encourage teamwork and cross-functional interaction among our various practice areas. This collaborative belief allows us to seamlessly integrate solutions across different legal domains, ensuring that our clients receive the best and most complete advice. Our Partners bring a wealth of diverse experiences to the table, which is another important differentiator. Many of our Partners have not only been part of other renown law firms but have also held positions in various public and private organizations. This extensive background includes serving as Deputy Ministers, Judges and GC’s. One of the key aspects that also sets us apart is the trust we have built with our clients. Additional to the traditional legal consultation, our clients often turn to us for strategic advice that extends beyond legal issues. They trust us with their most critical business decisions, knowing that we bring a unique blend of legal expertise and real-world experience to the table. Furthermore, we are part of one of the world's largest full-service law firm networks, which allows us to extend our services across borders and refer clients to trusted partners in our network when they require legal assistance in other countries. Our ability to provide seamless international support is a significant advantage that sets us apart. In essence, DLA Piper Martínez Beltrán's distinctiveness is rooted in its collaborative culture, diverse and experienced partner base, trusted advisory role, and global reach. We prioritize client needs, ensuring that they receive comprehensive, strategic, and globally connected legal services that surpass the conventional offerings of many law firms.   2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that? Over the past year, we have observed significant growth in several key practice areas, and we anticipate that this trend will continue over the next 12 months. This growth is primarily driven by evolving client needs and specific factors tied to the country's development trajectory. The practice areas set for growth include Energy and Natural Resources, ESG, Environmental and Sustainability Law, Dispute Resolution and Arbitration, and Labour and Tax-related matters. These last two areas are influenced, in part, by Colombia's ongoing tax reform and upcoming labour legislation changes. Renewable energy is expected to maintain its growth trajectory, driven by global interest in sustainable energy sources and Colombia's strategic appeal for investment in this sector. The transition to cleaner energy sources and stricter environmental regulations further stimulates this anticipated growth. In addition, there is a rising demand for Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) advisory services. This demand is driven by several reasons, including financial implications tied to ESG criteria for corporations, as companies failing to meet these standards encounter challenges when seeking credit and higher capital costs. The heightened awareness of environmental concerns and the impact of environmental degradation has led to increased activity within environmental law. Social demands for justice, sustainability, and ecosystems protection are propelling legal actions and policy changes, reflecting a noticeable trend towards the implementation of robust ESG criteria. Sustainable investments, green bonds, blue bonds, and biodiversity credits have gained prominence in international investment funds. Given prevailing economic challenges, there will also be a continued need for dispute resolution and arbitration services. Businesses require assistance in negotiating differences arising from contractual relationships, addressing corporate crises, and navigating both national and international litigation and arbitration proceedings. In summary, the projected growth of these practice areas in the upcoming year is shaped by economic, environmental, and social factors. These factors underscore the evolving landscape of business and legal priorities, with a growing emphasis on sustainability, compliance, and corporate governance.   3) What's the main change you've made in the firm that will benefit clients? In response to the evolving sociopolitical and economic situation in our country over the past two years, we have proactively adapted and fortified our legal services to better serve our clients. One of the most significant changes we have made to enhance client benefits is the strategic reinforcement of our practice areas. Specifically, we have sharpened our focus on key sectors, such as Energy & Natural Resources, Environment, Oil & Gas and Tax, among others. To fortify these areas, we have incorporated outstanding lawyers with extensive industry knowledge and hands-on experience. Our strategic hiring of experts in these practices, enables us to provide clients with tailored solutions that not only meet legal requirements but also align strategically with current market conditions. This approach empowers us to navigate regulatory landscapes effectively and address unique challenges faced by our clients in these industries.   4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them? Certainly, technology is influencing the way we engage with our clients and the range of services we can offer them. DLA Piper, on a global scale, has made a substantial investment in acquiring the services of CoCounsel, an artificial intelligence tool developed by OpenAI Technology, the same creators behind ChatGPT. This tool is designed to support, rather than replace, the work of lawyers in their legal advisory roles. The use of this tool is expected to result in more efficient and comprehensive client advisement by enabling lawyers to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of the advisory, which, in turn, can enhance the quality of services and decision-making.   5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business? One standout case was our advisory in the complex transaction involving the IPO initiated by the Gilinski Group to acquire Grupo Nutresa. This was a landmark transaction, and our role was crucial in ensuring a successful outcome. What makes this case particularly noteworthy is the scale and significance of the transaction. It can be considered one of the largest controversies in the country's history within the realm of the stock exchange market. The involvement of multiple parties, complex legal intricacies, and high stakes made this an exceptionally challenging undertaking. Through meticulous legal analysis, strategic counsel, and effective negotiation skills, we successfully guided the process to a mutually beneficial resolution. Our ability to navigate this multifaceted transaction and facilitate an agreement that satisfied both parties underscores the depth of expertise and collaborative approach our firm brings to complex legal matters.   6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms - where do you see the firm in three years’ time? Clients are increasingly seeking stability and strategic direction from their law firms, extending beyond purely legal matters. We have observed a growing trend in clients turning to us for strategic advisory services, building deeper and more meaningful relationships as a result. Our vision for the firm in the next three years centres on continued responsible growth and further alignment with our clients' evolving needs. We are dedicated to strengthening our practice areas to better serve our clients' requirements, ensuring that we remain a trusted partner in their strategic endeavours. In essence, our firm's future is rooted in stability, strategic direction, and a persistent commitment to delivering exceptional value to our clients.

Nikos Buxeda, Managing Partner, Miriam Figueroa, Deputy Managing Partner

1) What do you see as the main points that differentiate DLA Piper from your competitors? DLA Piper is the only full-service international law firm with an office in Puerto Rico.  As a result, we are uniquely positioned to assist US and international businesses with their investments in Puerto Rico, and to assist Puerto Rico-based businesses interested in expanding their business to other jurisdictions. In addition, DLA Piper’s 4,000 attorneys in 90 offices, its investment in information technology and its enormous database of documents give us access to a wealth of knowledge, experience and resources which is unique in Puerto Rico. The great majority of our attorneys have undergraduate or graduate degrees from US universities, and several are New York law qualified and have practiced in New York and other international offices.  The bicultural, bilingual and dual legal system experience of our attorneys is a particular asset for transactions in Latin America under New York law, and for Latin American investors doing business in the United States. DLA Piper is institutionally committed to merit-based hiring and diversity and inclusion.  As a result, 5 of the 8 partners of the Puerto Rico office are women, and several have both local and regional leadership positions. Finally, DLA Piper is also institutionally committed to pro bono initiatives, and in the past several years our office has donated hundreds of thousands of dollars in cash and legal services to multiple pro bono and cultural causes, ranging from education to community projects to the arts.   2) Which practices do you see growing in the next 12 months? What are the drivers behind that? A combination of factors beginning in the mid-1990s resulted in a long recession which began around 2006 and eventually led the Puerto Rico Government to default on its bonds.  This in turn led to a contraction in both private and public construction and infrastructure projects and lack of maintenance of existing infrastructure. This contraction and the crisis in government finances also trickled down to the local economy, unemployment increased, and migration reduced our population.  In response, the U.S. Government approved a quasi-bankruptcy law for the local government and its instrumentalities; and appointed a fiscal board which is responsible for approving Puerto Rico’s budgets and representing Puerto Rico in the quasi-bankruptcy proceedings.  The fiscal board has restructured the Puerto Rico central government debt.  In addition, Hurricane Maria (although devastating in the short term) resulted in the U.S. Government committing many billions of dollars to reconstruction of infrastructure projects (and specifically for upgrades to the electric grid, water systems, housing and roads).  Finally, the end of the COVID pandemic has resulted in a large increase in tourism. Many Puerto Ricans that had migrated are returning to the island. The combination of pent-up demand for housing, the need for upgrades to existing infrastructure (such as ports and roads), federal funds for infrastructure projects, the stabilization of government finances and an increase in tourism has already resulted in multiple residential housing, hotel, marina, road, ports, electric grid, electric generation (including renewables and natural gas projects), and other infrastructure projects, and we expect that trend to continue.  Furthermore, the lack of available capital has made Puerto Rico a leader in public-private partnership projects, and we expect that trend to continue as well.   3) What's the main change you've made in the firm that will benefit clients? The Puerto Rico office opened in 2016 as a tax and corporate boutique.  We have since added litigation and regulatory, environmental and permitting, labor and employment and white collar and corporate investigation practices.  This growth has responded to client demand for a full suite of high-level business law services.  We also continually strive to integrate our office to the broader DLA Piper platform.   4) Is technology changing the way you interact with your clients, and the services you can provide them? The trend to 24-hour availability of legal counsel was sped up by the COVID pandemic.  Our office was fortunate that DLA Piper had made the necessary investments in IT infrastructure and training, so we were able to move to a remote work environment immediately and smoothly.  We have access to our communications and IT systems from our home, from our cars, from anywhere that there is a cell phone signal.  Although this can be beneficial to clients sometimes, it places stress on our human resources and can lead to work product and decision-making that represents client’s request for expeditious advice and less detail. It is a challenge that requires educating the client on the implications of their priorities, but ultimately, it is the client’s decision.  Navigating this new environment is a work in progress for both law firms and their clients. DLA Piper also has a market leading artificial intelligence practice, which includes the development and implementation of AI solutions/applications. This is not only a cutting-edge practice on a global level but something that clearly distinguishes us from other firms doing business in Puerto Rico.  We are already working with big clients in Puerto Rico, implementing remarkable AI solutions to their legal and business needs, not only in English, but in Spanish and across industries.   5) Can you give us a practical example of how you have helped a client to add value to their business? We have clients that, through our geographic network and expertise in practice areas, have been able to expand their businesses outside the island because they have found in us (i) the knowledge and resources to advise them regarding the legal landscape in North and South America, and (ii) the business connections outside of Puerto Rico.  We also identify potential business opportunities in and outside Puerto Rico, both to our local clients and to other DLA clients world-wide regarding opportunities in Puerto Rico. Finally, through our alliance with consulting firms like The Cohen Group, our clients have available intelligence and support with respect to political, economic and strategic needs to navigate the realities in the Region.   6) Are clients looking for stability and strategic direction from their law firms - where do you see the firm in three years’ time? Clients are looking for creative solutions to their problems, responsiveness and high-quality work product.  Stability comes from the ability to meet these standards, not the other way around.  We are confident that we can continue to meet our client’s needs, and as a result our office will be well-positioned in the local market for years to come.