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Andrew Kendall
Apex Chambers
Andrew has a broad range of experience both prosecuting and defending criminal cases. Andrew has prosecuted for the Crown Prosecution Service and for various local authorities, dealing with a range of offences from sexual, violent and dishonest offences, to proceedings brought under the Social Security Administration Act 1992. Andrew also has experience both defending and prosecuting cases involving breaches of and appeals against noise abatement notices, anti-social behaviour order applications, trading standards and appeals against the revocation of taxi licences. Andrew has represented defendants appealing against destruction orders made under the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991, in appeals against conviction and sentence and also in trials in Magistrates’ Courts. Andrew frequently appears in both the Crown Court and Magistrates’ Courts and has conducted a range of hearings from bad character and bail applications to sentencing hearings and multi-day trials.
Andrew Davies
Apex Chambers
Andrew’s early practice was in civil law, and he has retained a significant regulatory practice, including health and safety, animal welfare and intellectual property infringement work. Andrew now acts in the most serious criminal cases including homicide, rape and historic sexual offences. While his criminal practice is defence slanted, he has prosecuted and defended confiscation cases in criminal and civil actions.
Christopher Rees
Apex Chambers
Chris is Head of Chambers and a founder member of Apex Chambers. He has been a practising barrister in Cardiff since 1997 and was appointed as King's Counsel in 2023. Christopher is a founder member of Apex Chambers and practises in the areas of fraud, regulatory work, professional discipline and crime. He is a Grade 4 CPS prosecutor and a panel advocate for the Welsh Assembly government. He has been instructed in some of the most high profile criminal cases on the Wales Circuit and beyond. Christopher has extensive experience in acting in serious and complex crime and in particular very-high-cost cases. He has prosecuted and defended as leading junior and junior counsel in MTIC frauds, fuel laundering frauds, banking frauds, major drugs supply/importation, homicide offences, serious sexual offences and offences against the person. Christopher has been instructed in Criminal Cases Review Commission cases and successfully overturned historic wrongful convictions at the Court of Appeal. A further area of specialisation is police disciplinary work with a particular expertise in Police Appeals Tribunals. Christopher has represented officers from many different forces (South Wales, Avon and Somerset, Dyfed Powys, Wiltshire. Christopher has acted on behalf of Police Officers and South Wales Police in a number of ‘death in custody’ inquests in Cardiff, Swansea and Newport. Other Regulatory work includes acting and advising in trademark and copyright cases, VAT Tribunals and sports discipline. Christopher is able to receive instructions directly. Recent notable cases include: R v Edgar Francis [2013] successful defence of an 83 year old man charged with serious historic sexual offences allegedly committed during the 1970’s. R v Rumana Begum [2013] large scale money laundering trial involving the proceeds of internet fraud. R v Richards and Hope [2012] High profile 6 month murder case involving the contract killing of a young man in Cardiff. R v Rees [2011] VAT evasion case involving the importation of over 6 million counterfeit cigarettes. R v Phillip Packer [2010] EWCA Crim 2491. I was Junior Counsel at trial and appeared in the successful appeal against the murder tariff in the Court of Appeal. This was the murder of a young girl in Brldgend by her former partner. R v Pinnell [2010] EWCA 2848 [2011] Crim l.R 253 leading authority on the use of extended sentences. R v Ashman and others [2010] (Operation Ukraine) Leading Junior in VHCC MTIC fraud involving the Importation of motor vehicles from Europe. R v Thomas [2010] serious and complex trial about an international child pornography ring involving computer experts from around the world. R v Wahid and others [2010] (Operation Atlanta) Large scale conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. R v Ali and others [2010] (Operation Rebus) Large scale conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. R v Bannister [2010) 2 All ER 841 guideline authority on the use of ‘special driving skills’ of Police Officers in dangerous driving cases. Other notable cases: R v Ali Jalali and others[2009) Leading Junior in VHCC nationwide banking fraud. R v Singh and others [2009] Serious sexual abuse case involving multiple family members. R v Craig Johnson and others(Operation Emersed) [2007] EWCA 2837 £138m VAT fraud. One of the largest VAT frauds in the history of the UK. The trial at Wolverhampton Crown Court lasted nine months with full jury protection. R v Strain and Kelly[2006) Defence Counsel in hydro-carbons (fuel laundering) fraud involving extensive money laundering amongst the Northern Ireland criminal fraternity. R v James Alexander [2005] 2 Cr.App.R(S) Counsel in guideline Court of Appeal authority on the sentencing of racially aggravated offences. R v Nikolai and others[2004] Junior Counsel in high profile fraud case arising out of the collapse of First Vehicle Contracts a nationwide car leasing company. R v Jeffrey Ghaffour [2003] Junior Counsel in the high profile murder case involving the death of Lynette White. The case was the culmination of an investigation which spanned many years and included the notorious wrongful conviction of the ‘Cardiff Three’. R v Thompson and others [2003] (Operation Corolla). Leading Junior in a high profile Class A drugs supply conspiracy involving members of ‘Yardie’ Jamaican gangs. Christopher has been a speaker at a number of seminars on various topics relevant to areas of his practise. He has conducted training for lawyers and investigating officers for numerous Welsh Local Authorities and the Environment Agency. Christopher has a particular interest in civil liberties.
Clare Wilks
Apex Chambers
Clare Wilks is a level 4 CPS panel advocate and is on the panel of rape and serious sexual offences. She deals with serious and historic sexual offences involving multiple Defendants and complainants. She has extensive experience in dealing with cases concerning young and / or vulnerable witnesses and the use of special measures, in particular intermediaries for witnesses and Defendants. Clare also receives instructions for violent offences and drug conspiracies. She has experience of high value Proceeds of Crime cases and is often instructed in cases that attract significant media attention. A further area of specialisation is police disciplinary work. Clare has represented police officers from different forces including South Wales, Gwent, Avon and Somerset, Dyfed Powys and Wiltshire). She has also represented officers before the Crown Court and the Coroner's Court.
Joanna James
Apex Chambers
All areas of criminal law and regulatory crime, both prosecuting and defending. Joanna has prosecuted on behalf of a number of local authorities in cases involving counterfeiting, fraud, noise abatement, animal welfare and offences under the consumer protection legislation. She has also appeared on behalf of the Wales Illegal Money Lending Unit, the Department for Work and Pensions and Natural Resources Wales (formerly the Environment Agency). For the former, Joanna appeared as junior prosecution counsel in Operation Beirut (a case involving illegal lending, kidnap and blackmail) and for the latter, Joanna appeared as junior prosecution counsel in Operation Moonshine (a multi-million pound recycling fraud). Joanna’s defence practice involves all areas of general crime including sexual offences, benefit fraud, child neglect and serious violence. She has recently appeared as junior defence counsel for the first defendant in Operation Canister, a multidefendant large-scale confidence fraud.
Jonathan Elystan Rees
Hall of fameApex Chambers
Specialist criminal advocate with particular experience in fraud, corporate crime, money laundering, regulatory offences and confiscation. Jonathan is a grade 4 CPS advocate and member of the CPS National Serious Crime group and advocate panel. Also instructed regularly in professional and sports disciplinary work, with special expertise in misconduct proceedings held under the Police (Conduct) Regulations and athlete disciplinary hearings held pursuant to the UK Anti-Doping Rules and WADA Code. Recent cases include: R v Eric Evans & others [2014] (defence junior in SFO prosecution of an alleged £150m conspiracy to defraud relating to opencast coal mining in South Wales, successful dismissal made on the basis no fraud disclosed on the papers); R v Sir Alan Davies & others [2013] (defence junior in alleged £3m conspiracy to defraud relating to a high proifle teacher of a school in North West London – CPS offered no evidence after disclosure failings exposed); Gwent Police Authority v Jenkins [2012] (officer dismissed for gross misconduct successfully reinstated on appeal); R v Lamb & others [2012] (acquittal in £10m mortgage fraud); R v Mouncher & others [2011] (the Lynette White inquiry – UK’s biggest alleged police corruption trial; not guilty verdict); R v Carroll & others [2010] 1 Cr App R (S) 119 and [2012] EWCA Crim 678 (successful prosecution of organized international prostitution ring with £1.9m POCA order); WRU v J & H [2010] (two athletes charged with presence of prohibited substances in an athlete’s sample – charges dismissed); R v Yip [2010] EWCA Crim 1381 (successful appeal – authority on relationship between POCA offences and cheating the public revenue); British Horseracing Authority v S.G. [2009] (successful defence of major racing owner in disciplinary proceedings for alleged betting offences). Also Panel A member of the Welsh Government Advocates Panel and instructed in judicial review matters.
Lee Reynolds
Apex Chambers
Lee was called to the Bar in 2002. He specialises in regulatory criminal law and Fraud. He particularly specialises in MTIC frauds and has appeared in cases such as Operation Bridging and Forbear (£180m MTIC fraud). He represents local authorities across England and Wales prosecuting serious cases of fraud, intellectual property abuse, animal welfare, health and safety and a variety of other area prosecuted by local counclls. He is Panel counsel for the Health and Safety Executive and has prosecuted for the Serious and Organised Crime Office, Illegal Money Lending Unit, Scambusters and the Welsh Assembly Government. He is frequently involved in advising individuals and companies on ‘due diligence’ systems, and has experience advising local authorities on case management, preparation and prosecution. Regular areas of work include the 1994 Trade Marks Act, prosecuting one of Wales’s largest cases concerning conspiracy to sell counterfeit merchandise; the Consumer Protection from Unfair Trading Regulations 2008; food and food safety, including the prosecution of large supermarkets on behalf of numerous local authorities for food safety, food labelling, pricing and other consumer protection offences. Lee has developed a specialism in matters under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002, including money laundering, and regularly lectures to local authorities and solicitors concerning the same. He is also experienced in civil recovery cases.
Nicholas Gedge
Apex Chambers
Criminal law: defence and prosecution (CPS grade 4 prosecutor and member of Serious Organised Crime Panel and Attorney Generars list). General crime plus regular representation of medical professionals in criminal cases. Significant cases include: defence: Operation Jasmine (counsel for GP in 2 month trial re allegations of dishonesty and making false declarations on a cremation certificate); R v Dr O (junior counsel for GP accused of attempted rape and indecent assault); R v Or P (counsel for GP accused of serial prescription fraud); R v D (counsel for dental hygienist accused of indecently assaulting a patient); R v S (counsel for GP accused of sexually assaulting two patients) ; Operation Corolla junior defence counsel in major Class A drug conspiracy). Prosecution: Operation Washer junior defence counsel in £1m+ car ringing conspiracy); Operation Rebus (prosecution junior in major Class A drug conspiracy); Operation Texas (prosecution junior in over 60kg Manchester/South Wales heroin conspiracy). Professional discipline: representation of medical professionals in disciplinary hearings (General Medical Council, General Dental Council, General Council of Chiropractors, Health Professions Council) and also police officers in disciplinary proceedings. Significant cases include: GMC v Dr B, counsel for hospital doctor in connection with allegations of dishonesty relating to prescriptions and the taking of controlled drugs outside the jurisdiction; GMC v DrS, counsel for consultant – allegations of dishonesty re the misappropriation and misuse of medical research; GMC v Dr R & Dr R, counsel for consultant and GP re allegations of misconduct in the running of a care horne; GOC v A, counsel for dental hygienist-fitness to practice re criminal convictions; Re Sgt M, counsel for custody sergeant in disciplinary proceedings re death in custody. Inquests: regular representation of medical professionals and health trusts in inquests. Significant cases include: ReG, counsel for prison doctor in high profile five-week inquest re death of prisoner In HMP Blakenhurst; Re H, counsel for health trust re death of prisoner in HMP Stafford; ReD, counsel for prison doctor re death of prisoner In HMP Bristol; Re H, counsel for health trust re death of psychiatric patient on escorted home visit.
Nicola Harris
Apex Chambers
After pupillage in specialised criminal sets in London, Nicola moved to Cardiff. Her practice has always been purely criminal and she has undertaken work in a large variety of areas of specialisation, including historical abuse cases, large scale benefit frauds, trade mark cases and cases involving young people or mentally disordered offenders. In recent years Nicola has also taught Advocacy and Criminal Law on the Bar Professional Training Course at Cardiff University and she is accredited as an Advocacy Tutor by the Bar Standards Board.
Peter Rouch
Apex Chambers
Before taking silk in 1996, Peter had a substantial junior criminal practice. Since taking silk, Peter has been constantly involved in handling serious criminal cases ranging from murder (including multiple killings, contract killing and gun crime), serious sexual offences, fraud and regulatory crime. Peter has appeared in court centres in London and throughout England and Wales. April 2014: presently involved defending in a privately-funded 6 month multi-million pound commercial mortgage fraud. Notable recent cases (over last 3 years or so) include: prosecution of Operation Bugs – a local authority (Trading Standards) case concerning a call centre where those involved in establishing, controlling and operating the business were successfully convicted. Defending in a murder case – with suggestions and overtones of Polish ‘Mafia’ connections. Although not involved in the trial, Peter undertook the privately-funded Appeal (successfully) of a solicitor convicted of mortgage fraud. Successfully defended a business man in a privately-funded rape case – which the judge dismissed after cross-examination of the complainant. Defended in Operation Moonshine – a multi-million pound recycling fraud. Defended, on a privately-funded basis, a manager of an international metal business in a Conspiracy case – the case was dismissed at the close of the prosecution. Acted on behalf of a solicitor charged with attempting to pervert the course of justice – and was able to persuade the prosecution to offer no evidence. Defended in Enviroment Agency prosecutions. Acted for a police officer charged with attempt to pervert the course of justice (the Cardiff 3 Case). Case stopped after 6 months due to disclosure submissions. Presently instructed in a number of privately-funded appeals, and in two substantial fraud cases.
Rebecca Griffiths (née Oakley)
Apex Chambers
Current Appointments Disability Qualified Member, Social Entitlement TribunalList B Specialist Regulatory Advocate, Health and Safety and Environmental LawCriminal Law Panel B, Welsh GovernmentLevel 3 Prosecutor, Crown Prosecution ServiceRape Panel, Crown Prosecution Service Practice Areas General Crime, Disciplinary Law, Regulatory Law, Environmental Law and Animal Welfare. General Crime and Disciplinary Law Rebecca has extensive experience defending those charged with serious sexual, violent and other criminal offences, including representing professional clients and police officers in both criminal and internal disciplinary proceedings. She regularly prosecutes, representing the Crown Prosecution Service, the Department for Work and Pensions, many regulatory bodies and Local Authorities, the Welsh Government and the Probation Service. Rebecca is experienced in cases involving money laundering, benefit fraud and regulatory offences. Notable cases:R v Davies, Davies, King and King:Prosecuting a conspiracy to employ illegal immigrants on behalf of the Complex Casework Unit of the Crown Prosecution Service.Junior in a number of complex cases, including Operation Texas (large-scale drugs conspiracy), Operation Evasive (environmental offences) and Operation Rhino (police misconduct). Regulatory and Environmental Law and Animal Welfare Rebecca has a special interest in the field of regulatory law, providing advocacy and advice across all the major disciplines. She is experienced in representing companies and individuals facing prosecution or regulatory proceedings and in prosecuting on behalf of various Local Authorities and a number of Government Departments and statutory bodies, including: Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs The Department for Trade and Industry The Health and Safety Executive The Environment Agency Natural Resources Wales The Food Standards Agency Rebecca understands the demands of prosecuting such cases and is sensitive to the importance of transparency, cost-effectiveness and public accountability, as well as ensuring that enforcement action complies with appropriate policies. Understanding that cases in this area require substantial collaboration within the prosecuting team, she ensures that clear advice and correspondence are provided promptly, carrying out regular reviews to ensure that cases progress effectively and that deadlines are met. Rebecca’s experience includes the following types of regulatory law:Environmental: Waste, including hazardous waste Pollution Statutory nuisance Variation, Information, Suspension, Prohibition, Stop and Enforcement Notices Environmental Permits and Waste Transfer Notices In preparation for the inauguration of Natural Resources Wales in April 2013, Rebecca was instructed to review several hundred pieces of primary and secondary legislation encompassing the full breadth of environmental law and to advise the Environment Agency Wales on the body’s forthcoming powers. Health and Safety: Work-related deaths Personal liability Work-at-height Transport Machinery Small, medium and large organisations, including the self-employed, employers, directors and partnerships Improvement and Prohibition Notices Memoranda of Understanding Trading Standards: Trade descriptions Trade marks Unfair trading regulations Safety regulations in sectors such as tobacco and cosmetics Animal Health: Animal cruelty and unnecessary suffering Farmed animals Protected species Food Hygiene: Food standards and safety Fraud: Social Security, Council Tax and Housing Benefits Corporate fraud False accounting VAT evasion Tax fraud Proceeds of crime and confiscationTaxi and Hackney Carriage Licenes Notable cases:R v Morganite Electrical Carbon Ltd:Prosecuting a work-related death on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive.R v Nolan Recycling Ltd: Prosecuting a work-related death on behalf of the Health and Safety Executive.
Ruth Smith
Apex Chambers
Ruth is a specialist criminal advocate and member of the Criminal Bar Association. She has prosecuted for CPS and DWP in all manner of cases and of the most seriousness. She has defended cases of the utmost gravity including murders, rapes and robberies, grave sexual offences involving children, the full range of drug offences and various types of fraud and dishonesty, including POCA’s. She has been involved in many high profile cases including representing a defendant who used the internet to try and incite Riots in Cardiff during the time that riots were prevalent across the country (R v Jamie Counsell). Recently, Ruth was yet again a junior in a murder case. This was a three-handed armed robbery of a crack dealer. There were two trials, the latter resulting in a partial acquittal and hung Jury in relation to the murder. She specialises in cases involving vulnerable persons, both child (recently as young as four years of age) and adult and is well known for her skill in dealing with such witnesses. She made the national news with her success at the Court of Appeal recently, when she obtained the release of a mother who had been imprisoned for smacking a young child. This cases sparked media debate in relation to parental chastisement. She appeared on behalf of the Criminal Case Review Commission in R v Oliver, at the Court of Appeal, a case involving substantial mental health issues, where a sentence of life imprisonment was quashed and a hospital order substituted.
Susan Ferrier
Apex Chambers
Susan practises in all types of cases involving serious crime, and has been a grade 4 prosecutor for many years. She is appointed to the grade 4 and rape panels for the Wales circuit in 2012. She continues regularly to appear in the most serious cases involving allegations of sexual offences, both defending and prosecuting. The cases ordinarily involve multiple allegations of rape and associated sexual offences, both historic and recent, and involve witnesses with various vulnerablities including age and/or mental incapacity. She has acted as leading junior in multi-handed cases involving numerous complainants crossing generations alleging rape, as well as in a large scale drug supply conspiracy prosecuting 12 defendants. Susan was involved in the long-running ‘Lynette White’ trial, representing a police officer facing an allegation of conspiracy together to pervert the course of justice in a murder case going back 20 years, where many complex issues arose. This was the largest trial of its kind in the UK. She also represents police officers before misconduct and police appeals tribunals. Susan was recently involved in a lengthy Trading Standards trial, and is currently instructed to prosecute by the Central Fraud Division.
Tim Evans
Apex Chambers
Serious crime, particularly serious fraud and confiscation work, regulatory work. Important cases have included: R v Silcox (the successful defence, as a leading junior, of a Newport businessman charged with importation of £30m worth of cocaine); R v Rodda (the successful prosecution of a father for the murder of one child and attempted murder of another, the case involving 22 experts in many medical fields and going to an unsuccessful defence appeal after the ease of Cannings and publicity about Sir Roy Meadow); DTI v Fullerlove (the highly-publicised defence of a world-renowned boat builder charged with many millions of pounds of fraudulent trading); SFO v Staines (the successful defence of a Bristol solicitor charged with a 4 million pound legal aid fraud); R v Probert and others (the successful prosecution of a five man identity banking fraud involving over 100 bank accounts and many hundreds of thousands of pounds); R v Kirkham (the successful prosecution of a man for the killing of his wife in front of their 10 year old daughter, who had to give evidence over video link at trial. A tragic and highly sensitive case); SFQ v Raven (the successful defence of one of five men charged with a £250m ‘Ponzi’ investment fund fraud involving over 130 companies spread over 66 countries), The papers in the case numbered well over a million. Tim is a grade 4 Prosecutor.
Apex Chambers
Criminal, regulatory and disciplinary law practitioner. Tim is regularly instructed to prosecute and defend in complex and serious matters in the Crown Court, Magistrates, and Youth Court. He has represented defendants in relation to general crime, confiscation proceedings, trading standards offences, conspiracy to defraud and fraudulent trading. He has successfully represented companies facing criminal prosecution. Tim is also regularly instructed to prosecute by the CPS Special Casework Unit. As Junior Counsel in the case of R v Lawrence, the defendant was convicted of conspiracy to rob, conspiracy to possess a firearm with intent to rob and possession of a firearm at the Central Criminal Court. Similarly in R v Read & Others, Tim assisted in successfully prosecuting ten defendants charged with conspiracy to steal BT copper cable and two males responsible for defrauding Natwest Bank and laundering the proceeds from large-scale commercial frauds. Tim regularly presents disciplinary and licensing matters for the British Horseracing Authority and has acted on behalf of players and clubs in Rugby Football Union Disciplinary and Appeal hearings. Tim has been instructed by the General Social Care Council, General Dental Council and represented nurses in front of the Nursing and Midwifery Council.