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Amy Nicholson
Amy’s practice is split equally between defence and prosecution work. She is regularly instructed as junior alone in cases that would be regarded as category 3 and above prosecution work such as rape, child abuse and other sexual offences, fraud, people trafficking, drug importations and PWITS class A conspiracies, blackmail, aggravated burglary, violent disorder, arson, complex robberies, serious assaults (section 18) and serious driving offences. In addition, Amy conducts appellate work and is routinely chosen by senior members of chambers as their junior, led in cases of particular import, e.g. a torture rape/murder. Amy also has a particular aptitude for cases involving youths and defendants with mental health issues and has experience in the Mental Health Tribunal.
Angelica is a barrister at Six Pump Court with a broad common law practice. She undertakes advisory and litigation work in courts and tribunals for a range of clients, including Government departments, local authorities and global and national companies in the FTSE 100.Angelica joined Chambers in 2018 following successful completion of her pupillage. Prior to the Bar, Angelica worked as a paralegal at Mischon de Reya and Charles Russell Speechlys LLP. She also has experience working as a County Court advocate, appearing in over sixty civil applications, possession and Stage 3 disposal hearings across London and the South Eastern Circuits.Having studied law, Angelica was awarded a distinction in her postgraduate law degree. Now in practice, Angelica lectures to students studying the Planning and Property Law module at her former University, University College London. She speaks conversational Spanish and is embarking on learning Italian.
Anne Williams
Anne specialises in planning and environment work. She advises developers on pre-application discussions, the content of planning applications and prospects of success on appeal. She is particularly experienced in planning inquiries and hearings and has a wide client base, ranging from individuals, local authorities, national and international companies. She is noted for her ability to work as part of a team and present a client’s case clearly and pragmatically. Anne successfully acted for the local planning authority at the DP World Thames Gateway container port inquiry in Essex (described as a ‘once in a lifetime’ case). This scheme which includes a container port, new rail line and 10m sq ft of commercial development is now being constructed. She has recently been advising on proposals for a major strategic mixed use in West Ham. She also has wide experience of conducting cases relating to conservation, retail and residential proposals and also proposals to list Assets of Community Value and register Village Greens. She advises both developers and local planning authorities. Anne has also sat as an inspector on a number of occasions which gives her an added perspective which others do not have. She has written widely on her subject and regularly speaks at National conferences. Most recently, she was appointed to the editorial board of Garner’s Environmental Law. Anne Williams is a Visiting Professor at the Bartlett School of Architecture and Planning, UCL
Ben Irwin
Ben is an experienced and highly regarded barrister specialising exclusively in criminal law and associated fields. His particular areas of specialism include fraud and financial crime, serious violence, drugs, civil applications and extradition.
Charles Morgan’s principal areas of practice are environmental law and commercial property law. He has a special interest and expertise in all areas of water and water industry law which have led to appearances in a huge variety of courts and tribunals all over England and Wales including the Magistrates Court, planning inspectors, the Crown Court, the Technology and Construction Court, the Administrative Court, the Court of Appeal, the House of Lords and the Supreme Court and many others in between. He also has extensive experience of areas of waste law, in particular the WEEE régime (he has appeared in both of the only two reported cases). He is equally confident in addressing public law and private law issues, which often arise together in environmental disputes. Whilst a member of the Attorney-General’s Regional Panel Charles represented the Environment Agency in numerous important regulatory appeals before planning inspectors as well as advising upon all aspects of the Environment Agency’s functions in relation to the aqueous environment. He also represented a large number of other manifestations of central government, in particular Her Majesty’s Revenue & Customs in the VAT And Duties Tribunal. He has always acted for local authorities and continues to do so, mainly in relation to compulsory purchase and compensation cases and other areas of environmental and property law. Charles’ earlier career provided a thorough grounding in many aspects of Chancery commercial work including building and engineering contracts, insolvency, banking, insurance and sale of goods which render him an unusually versatile practitioner capable of recognising, understanding and advising fully upon all aspects of the real-life multi-faceted situations which affect businesses, individuals and public bodies. Charles has been since 1992 a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and has extensive experience of commercial arbitration and mediation, particularly in the fields of construction/engineering and property law.
Christopher Badger
Practice Areas: Environmental Regulation and Enforcement; Business Crime and Corporate Defence. Specialist in corporate and regulatory investigations and providing early stage advice. Recent instructions include: Advising in several significant commercial disputes in respect of environmental and health and safety obligations under EU and domestic law; judicial review proceedings challenging the implementation of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme; Walker & Son (Hauliers) Ltd v Environment Agency [2014] 1 Cr. App. R. 30; [2014] Env L.R. 22 (leading authority on the statutory construction of “knowingly permit” in the Environmental Permitting Regulations 2007 and 2010); EA v WB Ltd (Counsel on behalf of 2 companies and their director in the largest prosecution for the illegal export of waste to date); R v Rogers, Beaman and Tapecrown Ltd [2016] EWCA Crim 801 (leading authority on the admissibility of fresh evidence in appeals against sentence).
Craig Evans
Craig has developed a busy criminal practice, and regularly appears before the Crown Court. He has been instructed to represent defendants in cases ranging from drug offences to serious violence. Craig has also appeared in the Court of Appeal. Whilst his practice is predominately defence based, Craig also prosecutes on behalf of the CPS and probation service. Craig has experience in representing vulnerable defendants, including youths, who require particular care. He has represented young defendants charged with serious offences both in the Youth Court and the Crown Court. Craig has an interest in ‘cyber crime’, and has assisted in the preparation of, and appeared at, a seminar given by several members chambers on the topic of ‘Prosecuting Cyber-Crime: Defence Tactics and other Legal Hurdles’. The seminar concerned all areas of computer crime, from offences under the Computer Misuse Act, to jurisdiction where offences occur in more than one territory. Craig has also been instructed in a number of civil matters, appearing in the County Courts in respect of small claims and fast-track trials. Craig has appeared in trials relating to road traffic collisions and applications to provide information under the Data Protection Act.
Danny Moore
Danny Moore was called to the Bar in 1994 by the Middle Temple. He has an extensive criminal practice with an emphasis on prosecuting and defending multi defendant serious crime. Danny specialises in the prosecution and defence of serious sexual offences. He has experience of multi complainant and defendant cases, and cases involving abuse by professionals, institutional abuse and historic abuse. He has particular experience in cases involving young and vulnerable witnesses. He has also participated in vulnerable witness training and is currently assisting in devising a training programme for advocates at the Bar and HCAs as to how to deal with the issues arising in these types of cases. He also has particular experience in cases involving allegations of fraud, money laundering, large scale drugs conspiracies and serious violence cases. He has been instructed both by the prosecution and defence in cases of murder. He receives instructions from a wide range of defence solicitors, CPS Kent and the Serious Crime Unit in Kent. Danny is a Grade 4 CPS Panel Advocate (London and South East) and CPS Rape Specialist.
David Hercock
David Hercock specialises in regulatory and administrative law. He has experience across a broad range of disciplines with particular expertise in the following specialist areas: environmental and planning, health and safety, consumer and trading law (including product liability, trading standards and OFT enforcement action), food law, licensing law (including alcohol, entertainment, gambling, traffic commissioner inquiries and taxi licensing), care standards and care regulation, data protection and information law, professional discipline (including solicitors, doctors and accountants) and administrative law generally (including judicial review and advice to public authorities on powers, duties and functions). He has significant experience of regulatory prosecutions, judicial reviews and High Court appeals, claims before the civil courts, enforcement proceedings, inquests, statutory appeals and inquiries and tribunal procedures.
Emin Kandola
Emin was called to the Bar in 2015. Emin’s practice encompasses all areas of criminal defence. Emin is instructed in cases of serious crime and regularly represents vulnerable and young defendants. Emin’s recent cases have included conspiracy to commit fraud by false representation, prison mutiny, wounding with intent, conspiracy to supply Class A drugs, human trafficking, murder and manslaughter.Emin is instructed alone and as a led junior.Emin accepts instructions in cases containing legally privileged material. She also accepts instructions from local authorities and the CPS (London and Kent).
Fiona Williams
Fiona has a thriving practice which includes all aspects of family law. She is known amongst solicitors for being sensitive and sympathetic when representing vulnerable clients or those who find their circumstances particularly challenging and upsetting. She is experienced in representing parents, grandparents and children, as well as Local Authorities within care proceedings. Her practice includes cases involving issues of domestic violence, drug and alcohol abuse, neglect and mental health difficulties, and also more complex cases involving non-accidental injury.Within private law proceedings Fiona has represented mothers and fathers, and also grandparents and children, and she is known for her practical and sensible advice and for putting her clients at ease. Fiona is committed to excellence through advocacy and strives to always ensure the best outcome for those she represents.
Giles Atkinson
Advocacy and advisory work in all areas of planning in public inquiries, criminal courts and the High Court, with a particular specialism in planning enforcement.Worked for 10 years as a planner in the public and private sectors before coming to the Bar.Publications include joint author of Planning law and Practice, 2013, Wildy, Simmonds and Hill Publishing.
Gordon Wignall
Gordon Wignall is an experienced environmental / property, regulatory and dispute-resolution practitioner. He provides advice and assistance in all forums (judicial review and criminal as well as for injunctions / damages). He has an additional interest in the effect of competition law and long experience in litigation funding and costs. He has been involved in numerous group litigation cases (environmental, product liability and consumer rights. provides information in respect of nuisance and pollution law.
Gordon William Menzies
Gordon’s practice principally focuses on regulatory work, in particular health and safety. He both defends and prosecutes and has particular experience of cases involving breach of duties under the Health and Safety at Work Act (and related legislation) to manslaughter. He was recently instructed in the prosecution of an individual convicted of manslaughter and associated food safety offences after causing the death of a young woman by selling her toxic slimming pills via the internet (R v Rebelo). The work in the construction sector includes R v Claxton Engineering and others (quadruple fatality during construction of a pressure testing facility) whilst his experience in the transport industry has special focus on the rail industry such as R v Balfour Beatty Infrastructure Ltd (electric shock through contact with live overhead line on the railway) and R v Network Rail Ltd (electrical safety arrangements on the national rail network). His work also extends to the maritime industry (R v CRo Ports London [2016] EWCA Crim 1589). Cases which relate to social and medical care have involved prosecutions arising from the death of a service user in a care home (R v Robinia Care Group) and wilful neglect (R v Shyla Reddy). His health and safety work extends to representation at Inquests, most notably the Inquest into the Potters Bar rail crash in 2002, product liability, gas safety and challenges to enforcement notices and food safety. His work in the Employment Tribunals reflects long standing experience in employment law acting for both Claimants and Respondents. His discrimination practice extends to both direct and indirect discrimination, including transgender equality. Other work includes Edwards v Surrey Police [1999] IRLR 445 (time limits applicable in constructive dismissal cases),Truelove v Safeway Stores [2005] ICR 589 (time off for dependents) and Whitmar v Earth Island Publishing [2013] EWHC 1881 (Ch) (application of restrictive covenants in context of social media).
Grace Cullen
Grace is recommended in the Legal 500 for her work in employment law. She has a strong reputation and has acted for individuals, companies and local authorities in a wide range of cases including unfair dismissal, breach of contract, working time, redundancy and discrimination claims, including discrimination on grounds of philosophical belief, in tribunals and the EAT. She has recently and successfully represented Claimants in age discrimination claims against the Ministry of Justice and the University of Oxford. Grace also acted for one of the first emergency workers to attend the London bombings and who subsequently developed PTSD, in a claim of constructive unfair dismissal and disability discrimination. She has acted in other cases that have generated national interest. Grace also has a strong advisory practice and has experience with and advised upon many aspects of employment law, including complex pension claims and international TUPE cases. In addition, Grace provides training seminars with CLT in employment law and on civil law for the Kent Law Society. Grace's civil practice includes health and safety at work and negligence claims.
Grant Armstrong
Barrister specialising in family law (particularly ancillary relief and Inheritance Act), general common law. Cases of note include: Re F [1998] 2 FL 237 (intransigent mother’s committal for failure to permit contact); Middleton v Steeds Hudson 1998 1 FLR 738 (solicitors ancillary relief negligence).
Ian Thomas
Practice Areas Barrister specialising in consumer product regulation with a particular focus on food law. Non-contentious and contentious work involving food hygiene, food poisoning, product safety and recalls (food and non-food), food information, nutrition and health claims, food supplements, borderline products, slaughterhouse cases and animal welfare. Works with lawyers and businesses in the UK, the EU and beyond. Strengths: ‘A very experienced and able operator.’ ‘Very knowledgeable in food safety and hygiene.’ ‘Extremely thorough, pragmatic and sensitive to the clients’ needs, both financial and legal’. Recent work: cases involving food hygiene for a major retailer, animal welfare cases including an appeal to the First-tier Tribunal, importation of products of animal origin and the TSE Regulations. Compliance and regulatory issues in respect of food supplements, use of nutrition and health claims, and the registration and approval of food businesses. Also practices as a food and consumer product lawyer in the Republic of Ireland. Author of ‘A Practical Guide to the Law Relating to Food’.
Called to the Bar 2007, Middle Temple. Her practice is a mixed common law practice and includes family, crime and civil.
John O'Higgins
Admitted as a solicitor 1986 following articles at TV Edwards. Practised as solicitor specialising in crime. Called to the Bar in 1990. has appeared in numerous major criminal cases as a junior and leading junior. Particular expertise in homicide, serious violence, drugs, sexual offences and fraud.
John Fitzgerald
John FitzGerald is an established and busy practitioner on the South Eastern Circuit. He specialises in defence work and has developed a highly successful practice encompassing all areas of serious crime. John has experience in a wide range of cases including murder, attempted murder, manslaughter, kidnapping, armed robbery, Section 18 and other offences of violence. He has also defended in cases of rape, sexual offences involving children, death by dangerous driving, large drug supply conspiracies, fraud, and other offences of dishonesty. John also has experience appearing in Courts Martial. John is also a Grade 3 prosecutor.
Kieran Brand
Kieran Brand has established himself as a busy practitioner on the South Eastern Circuit. His practice encompasses a wide range of criminal offences. He regularly defends in cases involving serious sexual misconduct including rape, historic sexual abuse and other sexual offences committed against vulnerable complainants and children. He is also instructed to both defend and prosecute in cases involving serious violence including GBH/wounding with intent, armed robbery and kidnap as well as cases involving people trafficking, large scale drug supply, complex fraud and other dishonesty. He also specialises in defending clients charged with road traffic offences. Kieran also acts in related criminal proceedings including applications for and variations of Sexual Harm Prevention Orders, Domestic Violence Prevention Orders, Dog Destruction Orders and confiscation and forfeiture hearings under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Kieran has also represented clients facing disciplinary proceedings brought by professional bodies such as the General Dental Council and Security Industry Authority. He also has experience of both defending and prosecuting in proceedings involving regulatory and quasi-criminal offences brought on behalf of local authorities. Grade 3 CPS Panel Advocate (London and South East)
Lee Bennett
Lee Bennett is a specialist regulatory barrister practising primarily in the areas of: health and safety; trading standards; licensing; food safety; environmental health. He also has a well-established practice in complementary areas of environmental law, particularly the law of nuisance and civil law, principally defending in personal injury employer and public liability cases.
Mark Beard
Barrister specialising in planning, environment and local government law and regulatory.
Mark Harris
Mark has a prominent reputation in his almost exclusively regulatory practice. Mark undertakes matters such as pollution control, waste management and the disposal of dangerous substances. Coupled with his health and safety practice, Mark also has substantial background and experience in inquest law. Mark has acted in high-profile environmental and regulatory criminal proceedings including the recent Buncefield case (R v Total (UK) Ltd & ors) brought by the Environment Agency and the HSE against the oil companies involved. Mark is one of very few, if not the only member of the Bar to have completed the Basic Offshore Safety Qualification permitting visits to offshore structures for the purposes of site visits. Mark offers a comparatively rare practice combining, in almost equal parts, regulatory work in both environmental law and health and safety for which there is a significant degree of cross-fertilisation of principles and expertise.
Mark Davies
ArbitrationCivil & CommercialCriminal LawLicensingPersonal InjuryPlanning & EnvironmentalPublic LawRegulatory & Competition
Mark Watson KC
Regulatory law, particularly health and safety, environmental and planning enforcement, consumer law and trading standards, contraventions of maritime regulations and food safety. prosecutes and defends in all of these areas, together with civil enforcement issues.
Specialising in town and country planning, environmental, local government, judicial review, highways law, housing, renewable energy, major infrastructure, nuisance and compulsory purchase. Specialist environmental advocate to Attorney General.
Natasha Hausdorff
ArbitrationCivil & CommercialCriminal LawEmployment LawLicensingPersonal InjuryPlanning & EnvironmentalPublic LawRegulatory & Competition
Barrister specialising in general common law; personal injury; property damage; professional negligence; local government and related litigation to include environmental law. Personal injury includes brain injury and other high-value claims for both claimants and defendants
Nicholas Ostrowski
Nicholas Ostrowski’s practice covers the whole range of civil and criminal matters across Chambers’ specialist practice areas, particularly in regulatory law of all types and in planning and environmental law. Nicholas’s broad workload means that he has significant experience as a trial advocate and appears in a wide range of courts and tribunals. He is appointed to the Attorney General’s List of Junior Civil Counsel to the Crown and to the Attorney General’s List of Specialist Regulatory Advocates and is equally at home in the civil and the criminal courts. In his regulatory practice, he has appeared and advised for the prosecution and defence in a range of cases brought on behalf of the Environment Agency and the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Nicholas also has significant experience of financial regulation and he has been instructed on behalf of the Enforcement and Market Oversight Team at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as well as the Consumer Credit team at the Office of Fair Trading (OFT) and he frequently advises and appears for and against local authorities in fraud cases. In his planning practice, Nicholas represents Local Planning Authorities and developers in planning inquiries as well as giving advice across a broad range of planning matters. He has particular experience of enforcement matters at the High Court, in enforcement inquiries and at trial for breach of enforcement notices. Nicholas also appears frequently in multi-track and fast track trials across different areas of law including housing, construction and contractual disputes. He has experience of applying for interim relief including freezing injunctions and other urgent applications in the High Court.
Nicola Strachan
ArbitrationCivil & CommercialEmployment LawPlanning & EnvironmentalPublic LawRegulatory & Competition
Nina Ellin KC
Nina Ellin is an experienced specialist criminal practitioner who undertakes both prosecution and defence work across all areas of the criminal spectrum. She has a particular expertise in offences involving serious sexual misconduct and exploitation and in the questioning of vulnerable witnesses, including very young, elderly victims and mentally disordered. She has been involved in the prosecution of organised crime gangs across Kent and South East involved in fraud, money laundering, robbery and firearms. In addition she has undertaken numerous cases at the Nursing and Midwifery Council, both substantive and interim hearings. She has recently been appointed Legal Assessor to the NMC.
Oliver Saxby KC
Oliver Saxby QC was called to the Bar in 1992 and appointed Queen’s Counsel in 2013. Since then, he has gained a significant reputation for his robust and meticulous approach, having gained particular expertise in serious sexual allegations, joint-enterprise and other complex murder and manslaughter cases.Oliver’s experience in defending serious sexual allegations involves particular expertise in advising on the investigation and charging of multi-handed, multi-complainant sexual exploitation cases, presenting such cases before a jury, and preparing and presenting the defences of those charges with multi-complainant sexual offences. His practice has regularly involved examining in chief and cross-examining vulnerable witnesses, and he has vast experience in building a case around voluminous third party records.Oliver has extensive experience in a great variety of homicide cases. He receives regular instruction on gangland and multi-handed/joint-enterprise killings, gross negligence homicide and multiple homicide. His practice has also involved presenting defences such as loss of control, diminished responsibility and associated mental disorders/illnesses. Oliver has regularly provided opinions in areas such as ballistics/firearms and causation, specifically in the context of medical mistreatment and the administering of drugs/other substances. Niche areas on which Oliver has been instructed include DNA/blood splatter and distribution, pathology and neuropathology and baby shaking.Outside of sexual offences and manslaughter, Oliver has a successful practice in serious and complex drugs offences, serious fraud and regulatory offences. He represented the First Master of the ferry of the Pride of Bilbao on charges of ‘marine manslaughter’ arising from a high-profile fatal collision with a yacht in the Solent.Oliver is often asked to give freestanding advice, both pre- and post-charge.
Pascal Bates
Prosecuting and defending regulatory prosecutions brought by national and local enforcement agencies, at first instance and on appeal – primarily health and safety but also railway, fire, food, trading standards and environment: eg. Taunton Deane BC v WH Smith (2018), HSE v Claxton Engineering Services and others (quadruple fatality at Great Yarmouth) (2017). Advised HSE/ORR on the structural collapse onto the railway at Gerrards Cross. Enforcement Notice appeals: e.g. Cooperative Group Food v Steward (Three Rivers DC) (2017). Disputes about primary authority arrangements. Confidential/strategic advice on regulatory/commercial matters: eg. hydrocarbon pipeline safety; enforceability of non-compete clauses; joint venture agreement between developers. Inquests: eg. In re Fairweather (2018). Disclosure/PII in both civil and criminal contexts. General common and public law with an emphasis on statutory construction: eg. rights to UK passports; allocation of statutory powers between rival public bodies; extent of investigators’ powers; application of EU/UK controls to imported foods. Commercial contract and property: eg. ICFL v Trafalgar Leisure (2018), Halberstam v Gladstar [2015] EWHC 179 (QB), Meretz Investments v ACP [2008] Ch 244, Haller v Deutsche Bank. Contested probate.
Paul Hogben is a specialist defence advocate. He was called to the bar in 1993 and has developed a strong defence practice based in Kent.He is regularly instructed to defend in cases of serious violence (including murder), robbery and large scale drugs importations.Paul has considerable experience representing clients who are vulnerable due to their age or mental health and has particular expertise defending in cases of rape and sexual abuse of children.
Specialises in criminal law. Recent cases include: R v Zardad (the first war crimes to be heard in the United Kingdom); Operation Fusion (a bank fraud investigated by the Anti-Terrorist Squad at Scotland Yard); Operation Sepulchre (a drug smuggling conspiracy resulting in the largest Class A importations into the North West).
Peter Alcock
His extensive criminal practice covers the entire spectrum of crime including murder, serious non-fatal violence, rape, other sexual offences, dishonesty offences, fraud, drugs offences, duty evasion and illegal entry. His practice also includes regulatory and road traffic work. His practice involves both defence and prosecution work. He has the longstanding following of a significant number of excellent defence solicitors. He is also regularly instructed by the CPS as a grade 4 advocate (which includes the rape panel). Since 1995 he has been an extremely busy practitioner in his field and accordingly has acted both as counsel alone and also as junior counsel in many high-profile cases. In more recent years he has been instructed as leading counsel in such cases within his field including murder, drugs offences, fraud and duty evasion. He has superb presentation and communication skills which enable him to master complex, multi-handed and sensitive cases, including those involving defendants or witnesses who are vulnerable. He is currently instructed in significant on-going work of the above type including murder, serious fraud, regulatory and sexual offences.
Richard Banwell
Practising planning and environmental law since being called to the Bar, following a career at the Environment Agency. His practice covers all aspects of the regulatory regime and its enforcement conducting cases both for and against regulators in the High Court and Court of Appeal, at Inquiries and in the criminal courts, across a wide range of areas, including: renewable energy and waste treatment schemes (particularly waste to energy anaerobic digestion), hazardous, clinical and radioactive waste disposal sites as well as cases concerning the trans-frontier shipment of waste, water resources management (Thames Water Resources Management Plan) and permitting offences. He advises industry, regulators and local authorities. Recent clients include Murco Petroleum (concerning the EU ETS), National Tyres and Autos, Lafarge (now Tarmac), Morrisons, Peel Land and Property Limited and Tamar Energy. He regularly represents developers, and local authorities and has extensive government agency experience including with the Environment Agency, DEFRA, the Drinking Water Inspectorate, Highways Agency and the Secretary of State.His planning practice encompasses infrastructure projects, large urban extensions (e.g. South Somerset District Council, Castle Carey (2016)) residential housing development and large scale Inquiries concerning tall buildings in central London (Vauxhall Tower, No.1 and No.20 Blackfriars). Particular experience of enforcement Inquiries with substantial technical content and where planning and environment intersect (e.g. flood risk, noise, odour, and waste developments generally). Recently advised on planning and rights of light issues arising from a south east London mixed use development and on chargeable CIL taking into account ‘in-use buildings’ and CIL abatement following submission of an alternative scheme in Croydon.
Richard Barraclough KC
Richard Barraclough QC has a broad practice developed after qualifying as a commercial solicitor in the City and over 30 years at the Bar. His criminal work involves fraud, murder, abuse and other very serious crime including money laundering and illegal money lending. He otherwise practises in the area of regulatory, local authority, health and safety (including marine matters) (with an emphasis on structures), personal injury (catastrophic and psychiatric injuries), professional and medical negligence, coronial and administrative law. He has a wide advisory practice relating to fraud, offshore trusts, contracts, corporate and commercial matters, directors/trustee and professional liability and compliance. He sits as legal assessor to the GMC and the GDC. He has an interest in intellectual property, internet liability and the ‘Dark Net’. He has lectured on various matters including the legal aspects of thoracic medicine, abuse of process, the Ogden multipliers, homicide investigation, the pathology of knife crime and intellectual property (civil enforcement). He is a renowned advocate. He has large number of reported cases.
Robert Griffiths KC
Fellow of the Erasmus Foundation 2018President of the London Chamber of Arbitration 2017Master of the Bench, Middle Temple, 2004Special Advocate, 2004Senior Counsel (New South Wales), 1999Junior Counsel to the Crown (Common Law) (‘A’ Panel), 1989-1993Standing Counsel to the National Grid, 1987-1993Standing Counsel to the National Dock Labour Board, 1983-1989
Stephen Hockman KC
Practice Areas Principal areas of practice are regulatory, health and safety, environmental, planning and administrative law. Regularly instructed by corporate and individual clients and by national and local government bodies in regulatory, environmental and health and safety matters. He is ranked as a Leading Silk in the UK legal directories who say of him "He deservedly occupies an almost legendary status." ;"A go-to advocate for difficult regulatory arguments and peerless in the higher courts."; “A man of great courtesy who has a wonderful demeanour. He takes on board the client's and instructing solicitor's views and his delivery is beyond good." Professional Memberships Planning and Environment Bar Association, Administrative Law Bar Association, Health and Safety Lawyers Association. Career Called to the Bar in 1970 and began to practise at 6 Pump Court in 1971. Appointed Recorder 1987. Took Silk 1990. Leader SE Circuit, January 2001-December 2003. Chairman of the Bar Council, 2006. Visiting Professor of Law at City University. Publications Blackstone’s Planning Practice. Personal Educated at Eltham College, London (1955-65) and Jesus College, Cambridge (1966-69). Born 4 January 1947. Lives in London and St Neots.
Tanya Robinson
Tanya Robinson specialises in criminal cases, coroner’s inquests and regulatory work. She is a persuasive advocate, well used to dealing with the pressures of sensitive, demanding cases, and always prepared to go the extra mile. She has considerable experience in criminal cases, defending and prosecuting those charged with murder, serious child cruelty (including baby shaking and fracture cases), serious violence (including medical, pathological and blood spatter evidence), arson (including detailed forensic evidence), fraud, firearms (including expert ballistics/firearms evidence), serious drugs (including detailed tachograph opinion and cellsite/telephone evidence) and serious sexual offences (including the cross-examination of vulnerable witnesses, including those with learning difficulties using an intermediary, multi-complainant/historic allegations both as leading and junior counsel, diagnostic/non-diagnostic medical evidence, complex computer evidence, sexsomnia, the use of intermediaries and staying historical cases as an abuse of process). She has an extensive Coroners’ Court practice. She regularly acts for the police in jury inquests where there have been deaths following police shooting (suicide by cop), deaths in custody, and deaths following road traffic accidents involving the police (including multiple fatality cases) requiring sensitive witness handling (including questioning the deceased’s family and witnesses potentially responsible for the death), presenting and challenging complex expert evidence (including psychiatry, pathology, neurology, toxicology, ballistics, firearms, ACPO policy and training), making complex legal submissions to the coroner on Human Rights matters (including how article 2 impacts on the scope of the inquest, how article 8 impacts on the admissibility of evidence including bad character) and the availability of verdicts. She represents nursing homes following deaths in care and has advised clients in relation to health and safety issues, corporate manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter following deaths in assisted housing. She also advises and prosecutes on behalf of local authorities and other regulatory bodies such as DEFRA and BIS. She is authorised to accept direct instructions. She has been an advocacy trainer at Inner Temple since 2009.
Thomas was born in Kent and his early intention was to join his father’s family tradition of farriery and blacksmithing. However, at the age of sixteen he discovered the option of a career at the Bar. From that moment his sights were set and he has never looked back. Thomas studied law at the University of Dundee and graduated with Upper Second Class Honours. He sat the Bar Vocational Course at the Inns of Court School of Law. He was called to the Bar by Gray’s Inn during the Autumn of 1995. He completed twelve months as a chancery pupil at 11 New Square, Lincoln’s Inn. He was then elected to develop an expertise in criminal work. Thomas has formed a strong criminal defence practice in Kent and the South East. He also appears on the CPS Advocates Panel. He has forged an excellent reputation. His experience is extensive and embraces all areas of criminal work. He is known for his assiduous preparation, excellent client-skills and ability to present cases in a persuasive and incisive manner.
William Upton KC
Barrister specialising in town and country planning, environmental, local government, judicial review, highways law, European Law.
Mark Watson KC