Banking and finance (including consumer credit)

Leading Silks
Richard Handyside KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Richard is unbelievably good at the strategy. When he makes a strategic call, he’s always ahead of the game and it’s staggering how often his decisions turn out to be absolutely spot on. He’s brilliant on his feet, totally calm under pressure, resilient, and treads just the right line of assertive before it tips over into unnecessarily aggressive.’
Tim Lord KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tim is a go-to barrister for the most complex commercial disputes, including banking and other financial services litigation.’
Ewan McQuater KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Ewan is a top level banking and financial services silk. He exudes gravitas, has a sharp mind and strong attention to detail and he instinctively knows which points to take and which to leave. He can always see the wood for the trees on complex cases.'
Andrew Onslow KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Hugely experienced and greatly respected.  He commends great respect in the court room and his advocacy is exceptional.  Always able to see the points to press and those to concede.'
Laurence Rabinowitz KC
One Essex Court
‘Laurence is at the top of his profession.  Very bright, very forensic, with huge expertise and first rate judgement.  He's not afraid to give a view - and he can win over the room with ease.  Exceptional with clients, including in difficult circumstances.'
Patricia Robertson KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘In court Patricia's advocacy is strong, clear and systematic. Out of court her advice is commercial and pragmatic as well has having an exceptional technical grounding. She can be direct and robust as well as being pleasant to to deal with.'
Bankim Thanki KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Absolutely top of the barrister tree for banking and finance work. No other barrister has his depth of experience. He’s an outstanding advocate, and judges have enormous respect for him.’
Sonia Tolaney KC
One Essex Court
‘Sonia is stupendously bright and works stunningly hard, but she manages to combine it with a sense of fun which brightens the team dynamic. Unlike some silks she is never aloof and if she thinks a junior’s draft needs reworking she will get it into a state which will convince the judge without ever undermining the junior. She has fabulous judgement.’
Daniel Toledano KC
One Essex Court
‘Daniel is an excellent advocate combining the key attributes: he listens to colleagues and the other side, meaning he presents the best case for his client and is responsive to the case presented by the counter-party, he prepares and he argues calmly, clearly and persuasively.  He is polite, persistent and principled in cross-examination.’
Lord Wolfson KC
One Essex Court
'David is formidably clever and has enormous energy but is always user friendly and easy to work with. He can hold down a huge case load but be on top of every detail. He is sensible and thoughtful of his team and the commercial goals of his client.'
Simon Birt KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Simon is super intelligent, and will get to the heart of any issue extremely quickly to identify the critical points.  As an advocate Simon carries with him great authority - judges trust him and he achieves excellent results time after time.'
Alain Choo Choy KC
One Essex Court
 ‘Alain is a superb advocate, both on his feet and on paper. He is articulate and highly intelligent but very accessible to clients. He works immensely hard and is always available. A real team player.'
Anthony de Garr Robinson KC
One Essex Court
‘Tony enjoys a mental challenge and furthermore debating points - this is invaluable in a modern Silk. His preparation is thorough and his command of detail is impressive. His advocacy is clear and compelling.’
Paul Downes KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Superb advocacy, tenacious in his approach and extremely good with clients.  He is the silk for the most challenging of cases and is always up for the fight.'
Patrick Goodall KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Paddy is excellent, and has a gravitas ahead of his years.  He advocacy is skillful and polished, and he has the makings of the one of the handful of KCs who will become well-known names for their pre-eminence.'
Adam Kramer KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Adam is a fiercely intelligent and sharp-minded barrister who is as able to deploy clear and persuasive argument in written and oral submission.’
Roger Masefield KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Roger has an exceptionally sharp mind, is hard working and not afraid to roll up his sleeves and a very client friendly manner. Despite his intelligence and unlike some silks he does not have airs and graces and is not as dry as a stick but is fun to work with.  His advocacy is lively and persuasive.’ 
Jonathan Nash KC
3 Verulam Buildings
 'Immensely intelligent; good and easy communicator across all mediums; client likes him!  Effective advocate across written and oral work before court.  Great strategic approach to complex litigation which to date has ensured the client's preferred procedural approach to the case has worked out.'
Craig Orr KC
One Essex Court
‘Craig is superb. He is unbelievably intelligent and very commercially aware. Clients love working with Craig and feel that he is a safe and reassuring pair of hands.’
Philip Riches KC
Twenty Essex
‘Philip has good client skills, excellent attention to detail and great advocacy in the High Court and Court of Appeal.’
Jamie Riley KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Jamie is a true silk. His legal arguments and drafting skills are exceptional. He can certainly pull a rabbit out of a hat in dire situations. He is extremely effective in difficult cases.’
Simon Salzedo KC
Brick Court Chambers
'He gets to the heart of the case, and gives clear advice on key points of case strategy.  Very user friendly, notwithstanding an extremely busy practice.  Pleasure to work with.'
Tony Singla KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tony is very hard-working and very thoughtful. He considers points in very thorough detail before giving his view but then is very much able to give a strong and definitive view.’
Tom Smith KC
South Square
‘Tom is a formidable advocate and master strategist with a towering intellect. Yet, despite his status, he rolls his sleeves up and mucks in.’
Nigel Tozzi KC
4 Pump Court
‘Nigel is a supreme advocate who is excellent with clients. His preparation and case management are second-to-none.’
Adam Zellick KC
Adam Zellick KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Adam is tough and fearless when it comes to advancing the arguments: he isn’t going to back down in the face of anything but the stiffest resistance. He is also highly intelligent and willing to be creative.’
Daniel Bayfield KC
South Square
‘Daniel has unparalleled experience of investment bank insolvencies. He is excellent on his feet and is able to deal with difficult points when they arise.’
Camilla Bingham KC
One Essex Court
 ‘Very hard-working and focused on the detail - really rolls up her sleeves and spends time on the matter. Reads judges well and takes instructions as appropriate in court. Very client-friendly and an absolute delight to work with - she makes every case good fun, no matter the challenges.'
David Blayney KC
Serle Court
‘David has excellent strategic judgment and is a real team player, which positions him superbly in large complex litigation. He is fiercely intelligent and has a natural ability with numbers. He conveys complex ideas straightforwardly and persuasively.'
Nicholas Craig KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Nick is a confident and effective advocate.  Good and clear advice; great at thinking around issues a finding practical solutions.  Very user friendly.’
Jasbir Dhillon KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Jasbir is one of the elite financial services barristers who has a super-rare combination of first-class analytical ability plus compelling courtroom ability. He is extremely persuasive in submissions and then he can really step it up when the time comes to tear apart dishonest testimony in cross-examination.’
Richard Fisher KC
South Square
‘Flawless reasoning and legal knowledge. Always able to innovate and advance creative arguments, and willing to take on difficult positions. Richard is a source of immensely calm and collected advocacy delivered in compelling arguments.’
Andrew Fulton KC
Twenty Essex
  'Intellectually very able, extremely knowledgeable on trade and banking. Andrew always fights the clients’ case with vigour, is able to cut to the heart of the dispute quickly and understands the pressures of private practice and the need to adopt a commercial approach rather than giving ivory tower solutions.'
Jeremy Goldring KC
South Square
 ‘Jeremy is very knowledgeable about banking matters across a wide variety of subjects. He understands the documents and the wider drivers of the case. His advocacy is very measured but persuasive.’
Jamie Goldsmith KC
One Essex Court
 ‘A great thinker and technically brilliant. He has a brilliant manner within the court room and has thought of every argument.’
David Head KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘David is a very engaging advocate, and is great at reading a judge and knowing what tone to strike in key moments. He is a fantastic person to deal with and is very personable. His written submissions are persuasive and compelling.'
Louise Hutton KC
Essex Court Chambers
‘Calm and clear under pressure. Totally unflappable but responsive and direct when necessary. Thinks very creatively and has a track record of coming up with the winning point others have missed.’
Barry Isaacs KC
South Square
‘Barry has a brilliant way of getting into the intricacies of financial details on a matter and a fabulous work ethic when called in to save the day. Barry’s manner in court is excellent, meticulous and persuasive even when under intense fire from the judge.’
Charles Kimmins KC
Twenty Essex
‘Excellent attention to detail with an ability to make very difficult and complex issues seem quite straightforward.  Tenacious and a good advocate.'
Hodge Malek KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Hodge is always well-prepared and ready and willing to get into the details in preparing for a case or in advising the client. He is very pragmatic and honest in his assessment, which is truly appreciated by the lay client. He is simply excellent and top-notch. Excellent as well in dealing with cultural differences given legal practice in Asia which is a rare skill.’
Rupert Reed KC
Serle Court
‘Rupert is, for good reason, widely renowned as one of the foremost advocates in the Middle East, not only because of his Arabic-speaking skills but also because his profound expertise in common and civil law principle and practice and amiable user-friendly approach. Rupert has an unparalleled knowledge of Middle Eastern civil law and the quirks of DIFC common law and is an incredible hard-working, astute and technically superb lawyer.’
Daniel Saoul KC
4 New Square Chambers
‘Dan is excellent – he is incredibly bright, very commercial and always brings a sense of calm and reassurance to the client and their team. Dan quickly digests information and his written work is excellent.’
Ben Strong KC
One Essex Court
‘Ben stands out in his strategic insight and approach to litigation. He combines that approach with a deep knowledge of financial law and the financial industry. The way he manages to present the case in his submissions and is able to expose weaknesses in witness evidence and expert evidence in cross-examinations is impressive.’
Akhil Shah KC
Akhil Shah KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Akhil provides clear, concise advice quickly – he is very responsive in fast moving situations. He has quiet, assured style of advocacy.’
Rosalind Phelps KC
Rosalind Phelps KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Ros is excellent to work with.  She is very insightful and able to remain focused on detail within the context of the overall framework and strategic aims. She is responsive and easy to deal with.  She engages fully with the case and clients love her.'  
James Collins KC
Essex Court Chambers
‘James is without doubt a top choice of leading counsel. He is incredibly hard-working, strategically and tactically astute, and a compelling advocate.’
Edward Cumming KC
XXIV Old Buildings
‘Ed is a go-to counsel for high value, complex cases.  He is like a dynamo, and his positive energy carries the whole team.  He is aggressive when needed, but also subtle.  An absolute star of the Bar.’
Derrick Dale KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Derrick has considerable charm in the way he operates in court and is excellent at establishing rapport with a judge; he has a very effective advocate with a compelling turn of phrase.’
Andrew de Mestre KC
4 Stone Buildings
 ‘Extremely user-friendly and down to earth, Andrew masters financial data extremely quickly and provides relaxed and persuasive advocacy.’
Saima Hanif KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Saima is a shrewd operator who provides clear and concise legal advice combined with strategic nous – her wealth of experience in the area shines through in the advice she gives and helpfully informs her opinions.’
Laura John KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Very polished and sophisticated, excellent on her feet in court. She has good instincts and a pragmatic approach, but also a top-notch intellect when required.  She is also a pleasure to work with and is responsive and approachable – a natural extension of the solicitor team.’
Martin Moore KC
Erskine Chambers
‘Martin is far and away the most experienced barrister on Part VII transfer schemes, having acted on the majority of the large transfer schemes during his career. This, alongside his ability to recall every specific detail of those schemes going back many years, is tremendously valuable on transactions and as an advocate. He also has a clear and concise way of explaining complex matters, which judges and clients seem to greatly appreciate.’
David Mumford KC
Maitland Chambers
 ‘David has a razor-sharp mind, works incredibly hard, is excellent on his feet, can distil the most complex point into something easy to understand, has the respect of the court and is great with clients – he is the complete package.’
Matthew Parker KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Matthew is an excellent advocate – balancing strong legal rigour with personable skills; he achieves results while remaining a pleasure for solicitors and clients to work with.’
Tim Penny KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tim leaves no stone unturned, always trying to find the weaknesses in our own case in order to address the same at an early stage. He combines that approach with good advocacy in order to achieve successful outcomes.’
Benjamin Pilling KC
4 Pump Court 
‘Ben is one of the finest advocates on his feet, which is belied by his mild-mannered approach and easy charm. He defends his clients’ interests as robustly as necessary whilst maintaining the confidence of judges and tribunals. He is a class act.’ 
Paul Sinclair KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Paul is a master of the skills required by an advocate in the commercial court. He can present a complex legal or factual argument briefly and clearly, with unadorned simplicity.’ 
Andrew Sutcliffe KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Andrew has a gravitas that means he can be put in front of a board of directors and immediately command their respect. His work as a Deputy High Court Judge gives him a perspective that others lack. His advocacy is of the highest order and the fact that he is also a warm and kind person makes him very easy to work with.’
John Taylor KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘John is absolutely first-class.  He is clever, thoughtful, measured and extremely robust on his feet not least because his preparation is immaculate.’
Ian Wilson KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Ian presents clearly to clients, who take great confidence from his counsel.  He is a go-to advocate for banking appeals and a class act.’
Thomas Grant KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Incredible tenaciousness and beyond-thorough preparation make Thomas an excellent choice.  He is intellectually astute but is out to win the case and is a very strong advocate, ready to disarm his opponents.’  
Lexa Hilliard KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Lexa is relentless, never stops thinking, researching and investigating ways to get the best outcome for a client. Her advocacy is a joy to behold.  She puts so much personality into her presentation and is extremely persuasive.’
Henry King KC
Fountain Court Chambers
 ‘Henry is an excellent opponent, makes effective oral and written submissions and cross-examines incisively. He has the stamina and diligence required for big trial work.’
Rajesh Pillai KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Very bright, he identifies and gets into the key issues quickly. He brings a great deal of common sense and practicality to the team - he is responsive and approachable for any member of the instructing firm. An effective advocate who reads the court well.’
Richard Slade KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Richard is a highly skilled and experienced leader and convinces both with his considered written and oral advice and his advocacy skills. He is very good with clients and a real team player.' 
Giles Wheeler KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Giles is a superb oral advocate coupled with excellent written advocacy skills.  Giles is a go-to barrister for banking disputes, payment disputes as well as fintech disputes.’
2022 Silks
Sarah Abram KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Sarah has great technical skills, but also fantastic at explaining complex legal issues with ease, and this is why clients really like her.  She is also a fantastic advocate.’
Tony Beswetherick KC
Twenty Essex
‘Tony is a true star on the rise.  Through the course of our engagement he has often pitted again more senior barristers on the other side but he routinely out performs them.  He is preparation is unrivalled, really getting under the skin of matters to ensure he can navigate way through hearings, often picking new points along the way.'
Mark Fell KC
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Mark is excellent at describing complex issues in terms that are simple to understand to the layperson. He has a thoughtful approach, and constructs well reasoned and compelling arguments.'
Sebastian Isaac KC
One Essex Court
‘A stellar junior silk; fantastically clever and responsive; he is all over the detail but delivers big-picture strategic thinking.  His advocacy is robust and engaging - he always grips the most difficult issues in a case.  A go-to for anything really complicated!'
Farhaz Khan KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘He brings a practical analysis to complex disputes, breaking things down into user friendly work product, which is great for client management.  He has an excellent sense of judgment and how a court would weigh the arguments.'
James MacDonald KC
One Essex Court
‘James is extremely easy to work with as well as having a shrewd legal brain. His calm personality inspires confidence with clients as does his advocacy. His advice is always clear even on the most complex points.'
Stephen Robins KC
South Square
‘Stephen is an absolutely excellent barrister.  He is a detailed and creative thinker.  He has particular expertise in insolvency-related issues but is also very adept at interpretation of finance documents more generally.  He is a very impressive advocate - one who quickly gains the trust and confidence of the tribunal.'
2023 Silks
Luke Pearce KC
Twenty Essex
  ‘An excellent young silk. Clear, confident and a pleasure to deal with. He has a very bright future.‘
2024 Silks
Richard Blakeley KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Richard has true northern grit. He is level headed, calm and measured whatever the challenges. He is happy to roll up his sleeves and not afraid to take a view. As well as having a razor sharp intellect, he has a rarer ability amongst barristers of his standing of being able to make his points succinctly and in a client-friendly down-to-earth manner.’  
James Duffy KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘James is a brilliant junior and would be my top choice for just about any case. He’s extremely bright, has excellent commercial judgement, handles clients very well, is first rate at drafting, and really excellent on his feet in court.’
Fred Hobson KC
Brick Court Chambers
'Fred stands out for his succinct, lucid and highly effective advocacy. Quick-thinking and impressively analytical, he gets straight to the point in argument. Judges respect him, and he is a formidable opponent.'
Adam Al Attar KC
Adam Al Attar KC
South Square
‘Technically strong, dynamic and commercial and approachable.  Strong advocacy skills.'