Banking and finance (including consumer credit)

Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Rupert Allen
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Rupert is an superstar junior who is completely first-rate. Thorough, meticulous and a match for any other junior and indeed other KCs.’
Simon Hattan
Serle Court
‘Simon rolls up his sleeves, very easy to deal with, displays good judgement and is commercial.’
Georgina Peters
South Square
‘Georgina’s strengths are her attention to detail, exquisite drafting, deep experience and knowledge of banking and commercial law, and that she is user-friendly and very hard-working.’
Sandy Phipps
One Essex Court
‘Sandy is incredibly easy to work with, always approachable and responsive, and respectful of others’ boundaries and working patterns. His advocacy is calm, measured and persuasive.’
Adam Sher
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Adam has been in the key fraudulent misrepresentation cases over the last several years. He has superb knowledge of the law and is able to articulate complex concepts in clear, client friendly terms.’
Julia Smith
Henderson Chambers
‘Julia is very efficient and responsive on often quite time-sensitive instructions. Her technical expertise is clear from her advice, and she has a very logical approach.’
Ruth Bala
4 Pump Court
‘Ruth is simply the best for detail and can be trusted to get to the core issues whilst pulling no punches about weaknesses in our case. Her advice and document work is clear. She is fantastic to work with, easily approachable and very quick to respond and work to clients’ deadlines requirements.’
William Day
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Extremely intelligent and able to distil large quantities of information and complex law into clear summaries – both orally and in writing.’
Charlotte Eborall
3 Verulam Buildings
‘She is a superb barrister with a great mix of analytical skills whilst also client friendly. Her drafting is thorough, precise and persuasive. She is a fine advocate. An understated, collected but effective style which plays well with the Judiciary.'
Emma Jones
One Essex Court
‘Emma is an incredibly talented barrister, with a superb legal mind. She is exceptionally hard-working, writes beautifully, and thoroughly deserves her stellar reputation. She is definitely one of the future stars of the Bar.’
Geoffrey Kuehne
Brick Court Chambers
'Geoff is very bright and insightful. A real pleasure to work with who is sought out by top KCs for difficult cases. He has a calm but forceful style in court that makes him an effective advocate.'
Lisa Lacob
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Lisa is highly intelligent, great with clients and passionate in all she does. Lisa goes above and beyond for her clients - she is always contactable, offers quick advice when needed and very commercial is her overall strategy.'
Liisa Lahti
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Very user-friendly, she understands the commercial pressures of the clients that she works with and is an outstanding team player. Clients thoroughly enjoy working with Liisa. She is incredibly smart, dedicated and commercially minded.’
Nico Leslie
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Nico is super intelligent, pragmatic, calm, authoritative, user-friendly, commercial, practical and extremely hard-working. He is the complete package. He has no weaknesses.’
Stephen Neville
Gough Square Chambers
‘Fantastic knowledge of financial services and consumer credit law and practice that he has built up over many years and has a commercial and practical approach. A pleasure to work with.’
Simon Popplewell
Gough Square Chambers
‘Simon is extremely bright and very approachable. He knows the law inside out and back to front and can summarise it clearly. He is also an excellent advocate. Clients love him.'
Alan Roxburgh
Brick Court Chambers
'Possibly the best junior at the Bar.  Absorbs a huge amount of complex material and produces written work of the highest calibre.'
Nehali Shah
One Essex Court
‘Nehali remains at the top of anyone's wish-list of junior counsel. She is a rare combination of being extremely clever but also intensely practical and responsive. Phenomenally hard-working.’
David Simpson
3 Verulam Buildings
‘David is an indispensable member of any legal team. He is completely across the detail and has an encyclopaedic knowledge of the law, so can therefore provide sound strategic advice, spotting potential obstacles before they arise. He is also down to earth and user friendly.’
William Willson
South Square
‘William's strengths are his prodigious output and legal acumen. He is a master of detail and has an incredible memory. He knows a winning argument.'
Tom Wood
Brick Court Chambers
‘Tom is simply first rate. He is extremely intelligent, his drafting is clear and precise, and he has a very nice manner with clients.  He is very easy to work with.’  
Natasha Bennett
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Natasha is fantastically bright, her written product is absolutely superb and she is incredibly responsive; a definite future star KC in the making.'
Laurie Brock
Fountain Court Chambers
'Laurie is one of the leading junior barristers in the banking and finance world. He has been in many of the leading cases and is a favourite of many of the leading light silks.'  
Christopher Burdin
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Christopher is a fantastic junior. He is an excellent lawyer, he has a brilliant grip of both detail and big-picture strategy, his drafting is universally first-class and he is a great person to be stuck in the trenches with.’
Oliver Butler
One Essex Court
‘Oliver is an excellent junior - he has a clear and incisive sense of the law and how it applies practically, his drafting style is concise, clear and persuasive and he is extremely quick on the uptake and efficient.’
Cleon Catsambis
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Cleon is a diligent barrister and develops a great control over documents and facts in a case such that he is an asset to any legal team. He is a great asset to the team.’
Nick Daly
Fountain Court Chambers
‘An excellent, reliable junior who drafts beautifully and has a good feel for which points will work with different tribunals. Easy to work with.’
Daniel Edmonds
Fountain Court Chambers
‘An absolutely excellent counsel: stellar technical skills, very responsive and easy to work with, popular with clients and a great tactician. Daniel has an extraordinary ability to quickly assimilate complex fact patterns, find the critical pieces and come up with excellent strategic solutions. A hugely valuable counsel on any piece of complex litigation.’
Joseph Farmer
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Extremely diligent and can be trusted to be absolutely all over the detail. Never misses a deadline and the work product is consistently good. He’s a great person to have on your team.’
Richard Hanke
3 Verulam Buildings
‘A very strong performer.  Richard is incredibly bright and his written work is of the highest quality.  He is user friendly, responsive and hard working. His advice is always clear and considered and he is excellent on his feet.  Very popular with instructing solicitors and clients and a real asset.  Strongly recommended.'
Rebecca Loveridge
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Rebecca has extremely good judgement, is exceptionally bright and a real pleasure to work with. She is also a clear and calm advocate who delivers the points very effectively.’
Alec McCluskey
Maitland Chambers
'His ability to grasp key issues and to explain them to finance professionals is extraordinary.  His drafting is a very strong suit.'
Richard Mott
One Essex Court
‘Excellent intellect, great judgement, great at keeping solicitors informed and proactively updating on timing, great with clients, very adept at going through voluminous materials.’
David Murray
Fountain Court Chambers 
‘David shows excellent attention to detail and insightful analysis of the issues. His drafting is elegant and his advocacy is calm and measured. Clients are very impressed with him.’
James Potts
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Brilliant advocate. Unflappable on his feet – exudes calmness. Very responsive. Written work is excellent. Clear and succinct.’
James Ruddell
One Essex Court
‘James is London’s best kept secret. He is just excellent – extremely bright, commercial and responsive – an absolute pleasure to work with.’
Adam Rushworth
One Essex Court
‘Adam is a real talent – he is very quick to pick things up, excellent on the law and also has really good common sense judgement - solicitors trust him on everything they delegate to him. He is going to have a stellar career.’
Turlough Stone
Quadrant Chambers
‘Turlough is an extremely bright barrister, with a depth of knowledge and experience in the credit, asset finance and leasing sector. He is the go-to counsel for complex and high-value defended claims.’
Joseph Sullivan
Quadrant Chambers
‘An excellent barrister – very commercial whilst still delivering legal work of the highest quality. Appreciates the demands of large clients in a complex area. Very strong oral and written advocacy skills.’
Adam Temple
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Adam is a pleasure to work with, speedy in turning around complex and difficult pleadings and advisory work, highly articulate and clever with a real eye for detail and a deep knowledge of the legal principles and authorities on specialist areas of practice that the case have thrown up.’
Sarah Tulip
3 Verulam Buildings
 ‘Sarah is a force of positivity. She attacks all problems with a smile and enormous energy. Her legal reasoning is spot-on and she gets to grips very quickly with extremely complicated problems. She is greatly in demand as a junior for all of these reasons and has a fantastic future ahead of her.’
Craig Ulyatt
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Clear and sophisticated advocacy, both written and, especially oral – where he is a more effective oral advocate than various recently made up KCs and can be quite punchy when appropriate. Admirably quick on his feet and alert to advantage of his client. A pleasure to work with – he is user-friendly, pragmatic and both proactive and quick to respond.’ 
Kate Urell
Gough Square Chambers
‘Kate is a go-to barrister for Consumer Credit Act matters. She has in depth and entrenched knowledge of the issues both at hand and prevalent in the market in general.’
Karishma Vora
39 Essex Chambers
'Karishma brings a true knowledge of both the Indian and English legal markets which really valuable in cross-border disputes involving those jurisdictions where you have elements of law from both.'
Rebecca Zaman
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Impressive junior who is able to distil in clear and understandable terms complex and lengthy issues. A pleasure to work with.’
Alex Barden
Alex Barden
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Friendly and approachable.  Asked sensible questions to help us understand a complex product.’
David Mcllroy
David Mcllroy
Forum Chambers
  ‘David has been operating at KC level for a number of years. His technical ability, particularly in connection with complex issues over causation and regulatory aspects of banking, is exemplary.’
Simon Paul
Simon Paul
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Simon strengths are his strong drafting skills and his ability to form coherent and convincing written arguments that are then delivered persuasively in both in person and remote hearings.’
Nazeer Chowdhury
Henderson Chambers
‘Nazeer has all the technical expertise needed in a financial regulatory lawyer, but his particular strength is his commercial acumen.  He’s very easy to work with – almost like a member of the client team.’
Harrison Denner
Henderson Chambers
‘Harrison is a safe pair of hands. He’s able to grapple with papers and issues in dispute quickly and he has a good intuition for how a case is progressing. Any questions Harrison poses are always relevant, and he has a good commercial awareness – namely higher value and more complex claims warranting a greater proportion of time.’
Max Evans
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Max is a really excellent barrister.  He is extremely intelligent.  He thinks strategically and is good at identifying the strongest points.  He is regularly instructed in the biggest cases in banking and finance and is very popular with clients.'
Lee Finch
Gough Square Chambers
‘A silk in the making Lee is dedicated, reliable and bright, but personable and real pleasure to work with. Judges have always taken a real shine to his style, which is firm and direct, but polite and respectful at all times.’
Tom Gentleman
4 Stone Buildings
‘Tom is an exceptionally strong lawyer, and fantastic team player.  His written advocacy is of a uniformly high standard: well structured, clear and persuasive.’
James Knott
4 Stone Buildings
‘James’ attention to detail is very strong. The matter in which we are instructing him is an appeal on a narrow question of law – James is extremely thorough in understanding everything there is to know on this area; his knowledge is encyclopaedic.’
Christopher Langley
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Chris is very clear and concise with his advice and is client-friendly.  He is always able to spot the difficult issues in advance, which affords you an opportunity to be well-prepared for the road ahead. He is a pleasure to work with.’
Simon Mills
Radcliffe Chambers
 ‘Simon has an encyclopedic knowledge on all things asset-based lending, as well as being the king of injunctions.  He is an exceptional lawyer on his feet in court. He is also very user friendly.’
Leonora Sagan
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Leonora is an outstanding talent. She has a clear insight and understanding of banking issues. She is able to provide solutions of difficult problems. Her written advocacy is strongly persuasive.’
Sean Snook
Twenty Essex
 ‘An excellent all-rounder who produces excellent written work and advocates in a clear and compelling way. Sean can be relied on to manage a case with or without support from leading counsel, which is very reassuring.'
Niranjan Venkatesan
One Essex Court
‘Niranjan is an intellectual powerhouse and an extremely user-friendly barrister. His written advocacy is particularly persuasive and noteworthy.'
Timothy Goldfarb
Timothy Goldfarb
One Essex Court
‘Academically excellent, focused and user friendly. No obvious weaknesses. He is reliable and absolute star.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Ryan Ferro
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Ryan is incredibly capable and operates at a level which is far beyond his call. His attention to detail is first class and he secures results.’
Philippe Kuhn
39 Essex Chambers
‘Extremely knowledgeable, client-friendly, enthusiastic and proactive. Philippe is technically excellent and has a great ability to boil down complex issues to their basic principles, making it easy for clients to decide on a course of action.’
Georgia Purnell
3 Hare Court
‘Very user friendly, commercial, and client focused.  Robust in submissions and doesn’t back off a tricky argument.’
Henry Reid
Outer Temple Chambers
‘Henry is very approachable and user-friendly. He is an excellent advocate – punches far above his weight and holds his own against those much more senior.’