Leading Silks
David Edwards KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Has all the qualities of a KC you would ever want – always prepared, good on paper, good on his feet, and a good judge of the mood of the court.’
Siobán Healy KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Siobán is very bright, hard working and meticulous in her preparation. She is always on top of the details of the case. Her style of delivery at a hearing is measured and effective.'
Gavin Kealey KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘The clear superstar and leader of his field and generation in insurance and reinsurance. The go-to for any massive dispute. His reputation speaks for itself and is deserved. There is barely an important case in any field of insurance that does not have his name attached to it.’
Andrew Neish KC
4 Pump Court
'Andrew is very knowledgeable in this field - he is highly intelligent and very experienced. He gets right to the point and identifies what matters early on. He is very good on his feet and is a very strong cross examiner. He is also very good with clients.'
David Railton KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘David is a phenomenon. Without doubt among the best at the Bar. He has a sparkling intellect and provides unrivalled advocacy and judgement. The most highly respected and feared opponent.’
Andrew Rigney KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Very hard working and not afraid to roll up his sleeves. He is excellent with clients and provides practical and commercial advice, always having the client's objectives in mind.  Really at the top of his game.’
David Turner KC
4 New Square
‘David remains an impressive and quick-thinking KC. He is very client friendly, and provides incisive advice and has an impressive and diverse church of knowledge and experience to call upon in diverse situations.'
Andrew Wales KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Andrew is absolutely fabulous on detail and is then able to use that to produce extremely rounded advice, addressing all the various angles.'
Tom Weitzman KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Tom is supremely bright and yet manages to put the clients and people he works with at ease. He has an excellent calm manner and is a great advocate.'
Rebecca Sabben-Clare KC
Rebecca Sabben-Clare KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
Aidan Christie KC
4 Pump Court
‘He is one of a handful of KCs with a well-deserved, stellar reputation for providing insurance coverage advice. His work is detailed and meticulous, and he is very user-friendly.’
Anneliese Day KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Anneliese is an effective and efficient leader, great communicator and lawyer with excellent commercial instincts.  She is a steady, self-assured advocate  and a stellar team player with a very engaging style.’
Ben Elkington KC
4 New Square
‘He is exceptionally bright and very friendly to work with. He sees what points will have traction with judges and reads the mood of the court very well, and also explains issues very well to clients.’
Jonathan Hough KC
4 New Square
‘Jonathan is an exceptional barrister, fantastically intelligent and producing opinions of the very highest quality. He is great with clients and gracious with it. It is an absolute pleasure to work with Jonathan.’
Ben Hubble KC
4 New Square
‘Ben is a hugely experienced barrister at the top of his game.  He offers considered advice in a calm manner, and is always meticulously prepared.'
Guy Blackwood KC
Guy Blackwood KC
Quadrant Chambers
‘Guy is one of the leading silks in the market on the subject of marine insurance and, when KC level advice is needed, he is a first choice. He is very user-friendly, and turns around prompt and commercial advice.’
David Bailey KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘David is a genius both with the law and with clients. He is a particularly effective advocate who always has the ear of the court or tribunal.’
Nicholas Craig KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Nick is a go-to barrister for complex insurance disputes, subject to Middle Eastern law, and has been a number of years. He always makes the right strategic decisions and is well-prepared. He handles pressure well and is an excellent advocate and can be fierce if the circumstances require.’
Philip Edey KC
Twenty Essex
‘Philip is a top-notch silk, one of the best in his field. He has gravitas and charm as well as deep legal knowledge that is second-to-none. He exercises great judgement and has consummate client skills. He has a magic touch in court and is very strong on paper as well as orally, where the court listens to what he says. Superb.’
Isabel Hitching KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘Isabel is extremely astute, very careful and conscientious and always has a clear plan of action in terms of approach to the issues and getting the best out of the case for the client.  She manages expectations in relation to delivering work and solicitors know exactly where they stand.’
Jawdat Khurshid KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
'A very commercial and user-friendly silk, clients really like him. Exceptionally clever - clear, concise and persuasive both in written submissions and on his feet. All round impressive.'
Charles Kimmins KC
Twenty Essex
‘Charles has a really great way of distilling complex matters so that they are readily understandable. He is also very good with numbers so where one has technical matters that require, for instance, significant input from accounting experts, he is very capable in this regard and able to probe matters effectively.’
Stephen Moriarty KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘One of the biggest names at the Bar. Genuinely time to worry if he is your opponent. Outstandingly intelligent even by the standards of the commercial Bar, with superb oral and written advocacy skills. Everything a client could want in a senior leader.’
Alison Padfield KC
4 New Square
‘Alison is an absolute pleasure to work with.  With Alison there is never anything less than 100% effort.   She is always prepared, calm and unflappable and has a very easy manner that puts clients from all walks of life entirely at their ease.'
Howard Palmer KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Howard is part of the bedrock of the insurance Bar. He is a wonderful team leader, and puts everyone at ease in breaking down even the most complicated insurance issues. In court, he’s a smooth operator and holds the ear of any judge all the way up to the Supreme Court.’
Daniel Shapiro KC
Crown Office Chambers
  ‘Danny is a rising star in this area - he is bright, exercises good judgement, is approachable, pragmatic and practical where necessary, knows his law and is very easy to deal with. He is liked by clients and his solicitors team and is a fearsome opponent.'
Richard Southern KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Extremely bright - able to master the most complicated cases.  Always very well prepared.  Highly persuasive advocate.  Also very pleasant to work with.'
Roger Stewart KC
4 New Square
'Roger's strength is he sees the big picture very well and is highly respected. He is a strong advocate and a good team player.'
Colin Wynter KC
Colin Wynter KC
Maryon Wynter Chambers
‘Colin has a wealth of experience and gives advice in a straight-forward manner.  He is collegiate in his approach which makes him very easy to work with.  He is also extremely personable and warm.’
James Brocklebank KC
James Brocklebank KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
'James is incredibly intelligent and all over the detail on complex insurance disputes. His work ethic is first class. He is also very approachable and a pleasure to work with.'
Andrew Burns KC
‘Excellent attention to detail. Ability to assimilate vast amounts of technical documentation and provide clear, practical advice with the commercial interests of the client at its core.'
Michael Curtis KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘He has a tenacious work ethic and provides clear advice. He is very personable and has an ability to tailor his advice to his audience, whether they be lawyers or laypeople. He has a forensic eye for detail.'
James Cutress KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘James’s advices and pleadings are particularly strong; it is well considered, meets the lay client's needs, and engages with the necessary points clearly, effectively, and with a forensic eye for detail.’  
Derrick Dale KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Derrick is one of those barristers who thinks out of the box.  He is technically sound, but the main reason clients keep going back is that he has a habit of winning.’
Neil Hext KC
4 New Square
‘Neil is super smart, pragmatic, commercial and calm. As well as being very technically able, Neil also has superb client-facing skills and delivers clear and well-analysed advice in complex cases. He is a measured and effective advocate who can draw on a wealth of knowledge and expertise in insurance disputes.'
Michael Holmes KC
7 King's Bench Walk
 'An outstanding technical knowledge of insurance and reinsurance disputes, with an answer for everything. A delight to have on your team, appreciated by solicitors and clients alike.'
Michael Kent KC
Crown Office Chambers
‘He is one of the best appellate advocates solicitors have seen. He has a profound grasp of the law and combines that with diffident but highly effective advocacy. He is a real pleasure to work with, both one to one and as part of a wider team.’
Rory Phillips KC
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Rory is great with clients and instructing solicitors alike. He is extremely knowledgeable and able to recall the minutiae of specific concerns and arguments raised. He is able to take a step back and provide pragmatic commercial advice not only legal advice. Rory is one in a million and a joy to work with.'
Jamie Smith KC
4 New Square
'Jamie is great to work with, smart, personable, forceful where needed, client focused and friendly and very good on paper and in court. He is a real expert in this area of law.'
Akhil Shah KC
Akhil Shah KC
Fountain Court Chambers
'Akhil is hugely user-friendly and responsive.  Technically and analytically, he is outstanding.  On his feet, he speaks with authority and is calm and methodical.'
Stephen Kenny KC
Stephen Kenny KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
Michael Davie KC
4 Pump Court
'Very detailed focused - you know that Michael won't leave things to the last minute.  Great for written opinions.'
Clare Dixon KC
4 New Square Chambers
‘Clare is calm and unflappable.  She is incredibly helpful and rolls up her sleeves to become part of the team.  She is great to work with and is always well prepared.  On her feet she is methodical and persuasive.’
Patrick Goodall KC
Fountain Court Chambers
‘A reassuring presence who brings a calm and clear approach to complex issues, particularly in financial services matters. Always on hand to get stuck in with clear and commercial advice. Advocacy is outstanding and consistently listened to by judges.'
2022 Silks
Jeremy Brier KC
Essex Court Chambers
'Jeremy's written submissions are always well argued and make complex material easy to follow. A pleasure to work with and a real team player.'
Josephine Higgs KC
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘A true insurance expert, with enormous depth and breadth of knowledge and expertise. Brilliant on the law, fantastically responsive, and an absolute pleasure to work with. An incisive, clear and very persuasive advocate, who will be an extremely successful silk.’
2023 Silks
Richard Eschwege KC
Brick Court Chambers
‘Richard has a prodigious intellect, but also an unbelievable capacity for sheer hard work.  He has a complete mastery of the technical aspects of the insurance and reinsurance industry, and is a pleasure to work with.‘
Sonia Nolten KC
2 Temple Gardens
‘Ferociously bright, and has a pre-eminent position in the insurance market. She is particularly experienced in dealing with large claims involving fire, which require careful and forensic handling of expert evidence.’
David Pliener KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Solicitors are running out of superlatives to describe David. The interpretation of insurance policies, in particular, can be a challenge for even the most analytical of minds, but his thorough and methodological approach to problem-solving makes light work of the task.’
2024 Silks
Michael Wheater KC
Gatehouse Chambers
'Michael is particularly good at document-heavy and complex disputes, and at ensuring tactical considerations are at the forefront of his advice.'