Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Sandra Healy
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Sandra is reliable and responsive.  She has a great client-facing manner and she always comes up with the goods when needed.’
Keir Howie
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Keir has outstanding ability to analyse complex issues and provide clear legal and, just as importantly, strategic advice. He is very responsive and a pleasure to work with.' 
Sushma Ananda
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Very clever but also approachable and patient. Understands the questions clients will ask and present complicated concepts in a way that clients can understand. First-class attention to detail but also understands the bigger picture. Very responsive but manages expectation well when she is in trial.’
Timothy Kenefick
7 King’s Bench Walk
'Tim is an excellent, hands on senior junior who is a delight to work with.  A team player who will roll up his sleeves and get stuck in.  Calm and persuasive in manner and with a firm grasp of the commercial reality of a situation, he is excellent with clients.'
Marcus Mander
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Marcus is an excellent senior junior. His responsiveness, attention to detail, clear legal and strategic advice are all of the highest quality.’  
James Purchas
4 Pump Court
‘James is very good to work with. His analysis is first class, he is a great team player and whose advice and support reflects a deep understanding of clients' commercial drivers.'
Alexandra Bodnar
Keating Chambers
‘Alexandra is all-round an excellent barrister. She is very approachable and always makes herself available. She is extremely astute and able to identify pertinent issues quickly, which allows solicitors to get to the heart of any issues without delay.’
Nicholas Broomfield
4 New Square
‘Very bright and incisive, good at getting out of a hole and cutting through to the heart of the matter.  Excellent analysis and comes up with novel points.'
Benjamin Coffer
Quadrant Chambers
‘Ben is a first-class communicator. His written and oral advice is clear, straightforward, and easy to digest. Ben has a great ability to understand and get to grips with complex matters and issues quickly, and he always delivers considered and commercial advice. He is the go-to junior for marine insurance coverage work.’
Celso De Azevedo
Enterprise Chambers
'Celso is very experienced in the insurance market and knows very well the usual policies and coverages. He is undisputedly specialised in complex insurance cases and intricate contracts.'
Michele De Gregorio
Crown Office Chambers
‘Very pragmatic and very good with clients – approachable and excellent at explaining difficult concepts and issues to lay clients in a way that they understand without feeling patronised.’
Julian Field
Crown Office Chambers
‘Commitment, an ability to analyze a case thoroughly and to express his views clearly and logically on paper. Supportive and an all round good barrister. Terrific on paper.'  
Anna Gotts
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘Anna has a strong eye for detail and provides clear, practical advice. She is contactable and easy to deal with. She is able to think quickly and deal with changing circumstances both on paper and at court.’
Miles Harris
4 New Square
‘Miles is simply superb. His mastery of the developing law in this area is nothing short of astonishing.’
Kate Holderness
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Her great strengths are her focus, her ability to get the work done and her judgement.  She is always on top of the issues, always pulls out all the stops and is an invaluable sounding board, never afraid to express her own opinions but always a team player.’
Tim Jenns
7 King’s Bench Walk
‘He is extremely hard-working and able to produce first class written material in short order. His work ethic and quality is unrivaled. He is also a good cross-examiner and has a bright future ahead.’
Timothy Killen
2 Temple Gardens
‘Very bright and great with his case law.  Thinks about things carefully and is very responsive. Clients like him.'
Christopher Knowles
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Outstanding analytical mind, which is able to identify, assess and provide solutions to difficult legal problems. Christopher is able to assimilate and deploy quickly highly complex material.'
Athena Markides
Crown Office Chambers
‘Athena is incredibly detailed and thorough and always manages to identify the key issues be they commercial or technical at a very early stage.  Her advocacy and in particular communication is excellent.  Athena is a go-to barrister.’
Martyn Naylor
4 Pump Court
‘Martyn is an incredibly capable junior and gets up to speed very quickly with the issues at hand. His analytical and drafting skills are very impressive.’  
Ben Smiley
4 New Square
‘Ben is commercial, pragmatic and efficient. He is incredibly responsive and produces written work of a very high standard. He’s very user-friendly and accessible and provides succinct advice on complex issues.’
David Thomas
2 Temple Gardens
‘Reliable and helpful.  Good drafting skills and effective in Court, on what are often sensitive cases where the claimant has very strong views.'  
Carl Troman
4 New Square
‘Carl is extremely user-friendly. He is accessible and provides speedy, well considered and straightforward advice.’
Theodor van Sante
3 Verulam Buildings
‘Theo is both hard working and thorough. He always provides a fresh and analytically sophisticated view of difficult problems. In court he is a forceful and effective advocate.’
Simon Paul
Simon Paul
Fountain Court Chambers
‘Simon is a brilliant junior. His written work is superb. Clients completely trust him and rely on him heavily - his advocacy is clear and convincing. He is highly intelligent and a good pick for anyone with a high value and difficult case.’
Tom Asquith
4 New Square Chambers
‘Tom has an impressive knowledge of insurance law and expertise in policy coverage analysis.  He provides advice on complex policy coverage points in a manner that is clear, succinct and easily digestible, yet is very clearly on top of the detail.’
Alice Carse
4 Pump Court
 ‘Alice is a star for insurance related work. She has a clear grasp of the area, in terms of knowledge, tactical awareness, commercial realities and client priorities. In addition, she is a strong advocate. She is a delight to work with.’
William Clerk
2 Temple Gardens
‘Strong legal mind and knowledge tempered by commercial acumen, attention to detail and thoroughness, clear and concise written advice, tenacious but fair and respectful in their approach to advocacy.'
Joseph England
Quadrant Chambers
‘Joseph is a first-class barrister. His dedication and unwavering work ethic makes him an invaluable asset. His expertise in both civil fraud and contempt complement each other and often overlap, enabling him to provide sound advice from both a practical and holistic perspective. He is passionate, hardworking and quickly able to understand the key issues whilst constantly identifying weaknesses in his opponent’s case. Furthermore, he is a pleasure to work with and has a very bright future ahead of him.’
Joshua Folkard
Twenty Essex
‘Joshua is very responsive and thorough and is a pleasure to deal with. He adds commercial and practical input to his technical knowledge.'
George Hilton
2 Temple Gardens
‘George is extremely user friendly.  He is a real team player.  He is excellent at understanding the technical detail and testing the expert evidence.  His advice is always clear cogent and concise.  He is willing to take on cases at short notice and provides an excellent service.'
Diarmuid Laffan
4 New Square
‘Diarmuid provides clear and strategic advice. His legwork while preparing for arguments in outstanding. Given the time restrictions in arbitrations, he ensures time is utilised wisely, focusing on the primary points.  He is effective in his verbal presentations and gauges what the arbitrator sees as concerning issues, and deals with them in an entirely simple and cogent manner.’
Henry Moore
7 King’s Bench Walk
 ‘Henry is both analytical and tactical. His drafting is clear, persuasive and direct. Henry also gives practical advice. He has a good sense of humour and always goes the extra mile.'  
Rani Noakes
4 Pump Court
‘Rani is truly outstanding.  She is highly intelligent and able to analyse complicated claims in a forensic and clear way, and is also great to work with. Rani is very responsive and provides clear and well thought through, practical advice.’ 
Peter Oliver
4 Pump Court
‘Peter is easily the most personable barrister I have ever worked with. He is responsive, user-friendly and is adept at getting to the nub of tricky issues.’
Jason Robinson
7 King's Bench Walk
‘Outstandingly capable and grasps the issues extremely quickly. Jason produces excellent work product with exceptional turnaround time.’
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.