Professional disciplinary and regulatory law

Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
2 Hare Court
‘Stephen's advocacy is a pleasure to watch. He reads the room and his audience perfectly, and has everyone on tenterhooks as he delivers eloquent submissions and incisive cross-examinations.'
2 Hare Court
‘Andrew's ability to assimilate a vast quantity of information and present it in an easily comprehensible form is incredible. He knows his cases inside out.'
Temple Garden Chambers
‘A junior who stands out for her clear, pragmatic and practical advice. She is also very good in document-heavy cases, digesting information effectively, and often thriving in more complex cases.‘
39 Essex Chambers
'Peter always provides an excellent service. He is bright, reliable, approachable, and always remains calm under pressure.'  
‘A very responsive junior. Tom is great to work with; he is technically strong and sympathetic to clients' needs.'
2 Hare Court
‘Tom is fabulous. Throughout the lifespan of a case he provides an incredible level of service, and he gains the respect of panels with his thoughtful and persuasive advocacy.‘
2 Hare Court
‘Christopher is brilliant. He is fastidious in his preparation, he puts clients at ease, and is impressive on his feet.'
QEB Hollis Whiteman
 ‘She is extremely intelligent, thorough and articulate. Her questioning and submissions are always fair and realistic, rather than abrasive or aggressive.'
2 Hare Court
‘A passionate barrister with excellent oratory skills. He looks into the fine details of the case and puts them forward in strong arguments.‘
2 Hare Court
‘Vivienne has a great intellect, and is a robust and strategic counsel. She is also incredibly hardworking and very responsive. She has a real talent for delivering difficult messages to clients whilst providing them with a clear pathway for the next steps.‘
‘An outstanding counsel. She is willing to go above and beyond to ensure the client is best served.'
Crucible Chambers
'A master of her brief. She is pragmatic and exceptionally good with strategy. Her advocacy is engaging and impactful.'
39 Essex Chambers
'Alexis is very knowledgeable and personable. She has the confidence of her clients, and is an effective and incisive advocate.'
2 Hare Court
‘An incredible advocate. He is practical and persuasive, and his cross-examination skills are fantastic.'
2 Hare Court
‘Laura is a formidable, articulate and compelling advocate. She has an exceptional ability to capture the details of a complex case on a first reading of the papers.’
Old Square Chambers
‘Tim is an absolute treat to work with. He is smart, calm, creative and diligent, and his manner in court is absolutely superb.’
2 Bedford Row
‘Sam takes a robust and pragmatic approach to cases. He is responsive, confident and reassuringly calm throughout the course of a hearing.'
Alexander Dos Santos
Serjeants’ Inn Chambers
33 Bedford Row
‘Tope has an unflappable manner. She is methodical in her approach when dealing with any procedural issues that arise, and tailors her approach effectively to present her case in the best way.‘
33 Bedford Row
‘Zahra has an excellent understanding of regulatory and public law principles. As an advocate, she is unfazed by any opponent and can deftly respond to whatever is thrown at her.'
'A junior who is impressively articulate and dynamic in his advocacy.'
QEB Hollis Whiteman
'A meticulous junior, his advocacy is well thought out and delivered extremely effectively. He gets to grips with difficult issues quickly and comprehensively.'
33 Bedford Row
‘Francis is a standout practitioner. He is extremely thorough, conscientious and knowledgeable. He manages clients’ expectations extremely well, and always provides proactive advice.'
‘An exceptionally knowledgeable barrister in the regulatory sphere. He is tactically astute and has an exceptional eye for detail.‘
39 Essex Chambers
'David is an excellent advocate and one of the best juniors in this area. His written and oral submissions are compelling, and he is great on his feat when dealing with questions from the bench.'
25 Bedford Row
‘Priya is a phenomenal barrister. She is extremely clever and forensic in her approach, and her case preparation is impressive.‘
9BR Chambers
‘Whether presenting ostensibly simple cases or cases of the utmost complexity, Katie provides clear, well-reasoned and focused advice.'
QEB Hollis Whiteman
'He has the great ability to digest complex information quickly, and provides advice in a comprehensible manner. A calm and persuasive manner advocate.'
33 Bedford Row
‘Wafa is a persuasive advocate with a clear, unfussy delivery.  Her advice in conference is insightful and easily digestible.‘
Serjeants' Inn Chambers
  'She can handle vast amounts of information and find the vital elements to focus on. She provides clear and authoritative guidance to investigators on evidence, disclosure questions and case strategy. Her style is warm and she is a strong team player, empathetic but never afraid to challenge assumptions. '
Leading associates
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.