Leading Juniors
Leading juniors are those with significant experience of key cases, strong market recognition from both peers and clients, and are seen as future candidates for silk.
Simon Allison
Landmark Chambers
‘Simon is extremely knowledgeable but also pragmatic, applying good commercial sense and providing practical advice to clients and solicitors. His advocacy is controlled and he presents his arguments in logical and persuasive manner.'
Jamal Demachkie
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Jamal is a superb advocate; thoughtful, persuasive and likeable. He is always supremely well-prepared with total mastery of the case. He is very popular with lay clients who appreciate his friendly style and how clearly he cuts through the issues. His written advice is a wonder to behold; straight to the point and always gets to the heart of the matter.’
Martin Dray
Falcon Chambers
'Martin has the complete trust of the client. He is a calm and decisive litigator, getting straight to the point of knotty problems.'
Nathaniel Duckworth
Falcon Chambers
‘Nat is very clever, with an encyclopedic knowledge of property law.  He thinks about matters from every angle, anticipating the other side’s arguments and preparing thoroughly.  He outclasses his opponent in court and explains complex legal points simply and compellingly.’
Samuel Laughton
Ten Old Square
‘Sam is straight to the point and very knowledgeable. Clients can confidently rely on his advice and opinions and he is very approachable so easy to work with.'
Anthony Radevsky
Falcon Chambers
‘Tony gives very clear and firm advice which is succinct and commercial.  He will never sit on the fence or reserve opinion on something.  His knowledge of the enfranchisement legislation is second to none and if he thinks that it is a bad point he will say so rather than running up unnecessary costs.’
Nicholas Taggart
Landmark Chambers
‘Nic writes the best opinions of any barrister out there - he is unmatched in his intellectual capabilities, grasp of law and ability to apply it to complex facts.'
Emily Windsor
Falcon Chambers
‘Emily brings a KC’s intellectual analysis to legal problems, but also has an excellent client handling manner that leaves the client and instructing solicitor in no doubt that she is absolutely on board and prepared to fight the client’s case.’
Tom Braithwaite
Serle Court
‘Tom is an excellent advocate and thinking on his feet. Very knowledgeable on all matters land law and always willing to offer practical solutions.'
Andrew Bruce
Serle Court
‘Andrew is extremely erudite, but able to convey complex legal principles in a way which clients can understand. He adopts highly pragmatic solutions to difficult problems.’
Michael Buckpitt
Tanfield Chambers
‘Michael is phenomenal both as an advocate and in his written work. He is a tenacious advocate and whilst always courteous to his opponent, he leaves them with no place to go.'
Tim Calland
Maitland Chambers
‘Tim is very calm and measured, and excellent with clients. He is thoughtful and easy to approach. His advocacy is smart and confident.'
Andy Creer
Landmark Chambers
 ‘Andy is no-nonsense. She is bright and hard headed with her advice but is charming to work with and we really appreciate her candour.  A good advocate and always has the ear of the court.’
Daniel Dovar
Tanfield Chambers
‘Daniel gives quick, clear, accurate and decisive strategic advice. He has a wide breadth of experience in landlord and and tenant matters, particularly with tribunal work.’
Daniel Gatty
Gatehouse Chambers
'Daniel is a very careful and considered barrister. He is great at putting clients at ease and understanding the dynamics of the parties.'
Kavan Gunaratna
Enterprise Chambers
‘There is no junior barrister who prepares a case better throughout and for trial. Meticulous and exacting, Kavan knows exactly the line to tread when presenting a case to the court and is absolutely uncompromising to devastating effect.'
Camilla Lamont
Landmark Chambers
‘Camilla is very clear thinking and an excellent communicator with lay clients and the legal team alike. Her drafting is highly effective. She understands and fights the client's corner, at all times with a firm grasp of how the judge is likely to receive and respond to the information. Always a pleasure to work with.'
Mark Loveday
Tanfield Chambers
‘What Mark doesn't know about service charges is not worth knowing; he is the oracle. He is incredibly hardworking, responsive and is considered and commercial in his approach. He is a tenacious advocate and a pleasure to work with.'
Emer Murphy
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Emer is technical and sharp in her subject matter, very responsive and easy to work with. She is robust and solutions orientated and not fazed when faced with aggressive litigation tactics. When working with Emer you know you’re in safe hands.’
Jonathan Steinert
Henderson Chambers
‘Jonathan is a commanding and insightful advocate, that judges listen carefully to. He prepares incredibly hard and is willing to go the extra mile to try and achieve the client’s objectives.’
Jonathan Upton
Jonathan Upton
Serle Court
  ‘Jonathan is first rate on all things residential. He offers senior experience and service.’
Emily Betts
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Emily is extremely articulate and knowledgeable with a commercial instinct that results in excellent all round advice for the client.'
Richard Clegg
Selborne Chambers
'A team player - easy to work with and extremely knowledgeable. Excellent advocacy skills on his feet as well as excellent on paper.'
Cecily Crampin
Falcon Chambers
‘Cecily has an incredible grasp of the detail. She is very detail orientated and she knows the black letter law inside out. Cecily is great on her feet and you always feel you are in good hands.'
Shomik Datta
Cornerstone Barristers
‘He is exceptionally good at structuring and presenting complex arguments so that the court gets his key points first time and never loses sight of the bigger strategic picture.'
Benjamin Faulkner
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Ben is truly phenomenal. Technically brilliant and a superb advocate. Ben is very much part of the team, he consistently goes above and beyond and is always a total pleasure to deal with.'
Richard Fowler
Maitland Chambers
‘Richard is highly approachable, very good at handling clients and clear in his advice. His advocacy is highly articulate and persuasive both on applications and trials. He avoids much of the pomposity which can come with some counsel without losing his authority.’
Ellodie Gibbons
Landmark Chambers
‘As an advocate she is master of the papers. She’s extremely good on her feet, persuasive and good at taking the court along with her, and robust in defending her position when necessary.’
Jeff Hardman
New Square Chambers
‘Jeff is a creative advocate with excellent communication and client management skills. His delivery in court is clear and succinct and he exudes confidence in his delivery.'
Piers Harrison
Tanfield Chambers
‘Knows his stuff. Gets to the issues very quickly. Clear commercial advice. Effective advocate. Straight forward and pleasant to deal with.'
Thomas Jefferies
Landmark Chambers
‘Tom has a unique style; he is always user-friendly and has a great sense of humour, he is very approachable. He is a precise advocate and excellent in his handling of complex cases, witnesses and evidence.’
Joseph Ollech
Falcon Chambers
‘He is clear and practical in his advice notwithstanding there being often very complex issues crossing both property and insolvency law. He ensures that he knows and understands the issues and wider context in depth.'
Phil Sissons
Falcon Chambers
‘Philip is technically excellent with extensive experience and expertise in rights to light matters in particular.’
Nathan Wells
Radcliffe Chambers
‘He has an excellent eye for detail, but combines that with a keen sense of commercial reality and a fundamental focus on the client's best interests.'
Michael Walsh
Michael Walsh
Serle Court
'Michael is a phenomenal property lawyer who understands not only the academic intricacy of property law, but how it works and can be made to work in practice for his clients.'
Marie-Claire Bleasdale
Radcliffe Chambers
‘She is able to quickly understand the underlying facts of the dispute and deal with each point forensically in turn. Her legal understanding of this inherently complicated area of law is second-to-none.’
Jonathan Chew
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Jonathan is simply top-drawer. His highly analytical in approach and asks all the right questions. He is determined to solve even the most knotty of problems and clients value his robust but rounded commercial advice.'
John Clargo
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Very incisive, getting to the core of the issue and giving good clear, concise advice. Very quick turnaround. Excellent communications.'
Rupert Cohen
Landmark Chambers
‘Rupert is fantastic with clients and provides clear cut advice which the client understands and appreciates. His advocacy is well beyond his years.'
Philomena Harrison
Maitland Chambers
‘A considered and careful approach to matters, excellent at pulling all loose ends together and giving clear, thorough legal advice. Is very easy to work with and has authority with clients.'
Edward Hicks
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Ed has a stellar mind and intellectual ability. His detailed advice is always second to none and he can get to grips with complicated issues very well. He is logical and hardworking.'
Lina Mattsson
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Lina is a fantastically confident advocate with ferocious tenacity and commitment to her clients.  Lina is always very well prepared and does her very best for her clients each and every time she is instructed.'
Gary Pryce
New Square Chambers
‘Gary is very precise and knowledgeable. He makes himself available and is very supportive. He is always a big cog in the team.’
Faisel Sadiq
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Faisel is hugely knowledgeable and incredibly helpful. He is always willing to pick up something no matter how urgent and grasp all of the issues and nuances quickly and with ease.'
Howard Smith
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Howard is an excellent barrister in all respects. He is very approachable and good with clients and experts. His written work and pleadings are always well considered and to the point and his trial advocacy is very measured and effective.'
James Tipler
Falcon Chambers
‘He is a very responsive barrister - James is a extremely competent, efficient and effective counsel.’
Laura Tweedy
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Laura is a tenacious litigator who leaves no stone unturned. She fiercely fights matters for her clients to ensure that they get the best outcome possible. She is very personable and easy to work with.'
Aaron Walder
Landmark Chambers
‘Aaron is very good on his feet and calm and clear. Aaron is particularly good with clients and cutting through tricky factual matrixes to give clear advice. Aaron is also very user-friendly to work with for solicitors.’
Henry Webb
Selborne Chambers
'A very good all-round property law barrister, with a hands-on approach and patient with clients, taking the time to explain things clearly. Henry offers a high level of service and provides commercial and well-reasoned opinions.'
Simon Williams
Radcliffe Chambers
‘Simon breaks down the complicated in to simple and clear ways for the lay client to understand the merits of its case and likely prospects.  As an advocate Simon does not get wound up but rather remains calm and concise.'
George Woodhead
Selborne Chambers
'The most user-friendly of barristers, with the ability to really grasp the essence of a case. He is pragmatic and sensible in his advice, and willing to really press hard for his clients to win.'
Patrick Rolfe
Patrick Rolfe
5 Stone Buildings
‘Patrick is a class act. Amongst his strengths are his attention to detail and insightful advice on both legal and strategic matters coupled with a charming and user friendly manner that makes him a pleasure to work with.'
Simon Adamyk
New Square Chambers
‘Simon’s real strength is his meticulous attention to detail. With that skill, he immediately puts judges and clients at ease and unnerves opponents. He is also a real delight to work with – always cheerful and understanding of the demands on the team.’
Clare Anslow
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Clare has excellent client-handling skills and she is very communicative. She is very personable and her ability to explain technical legal concepts to lay clients is commendable. Her advocacy is clear, structured and highly effective.'
Evie Barden
Landmark Chambers
‘Evie is clear, concise and commercial.  She cuts right to the crux of an issue and always provides strategic and pragmatic recommendations to complement her legal analysis.  She is a hit with clients in conference.'
John Beresford
Gatehouse Chambers
 ‘An extremely bright and persuasive advocate who is always immaculately prepared - whether for a client conference or for a complex multi-day trial. A real joy to work alongside and always efficient in returning advice and paperwork.'
Sally Ann Blackmore
Enterprise Chambers
‘Sally is an excellent communicator and works closely with our instructing officers to provide clear and concise advice. She is always available to discuss matters and maintains excellent relationships.’
Edward Blakeney
Falcon Chambers
‘Edward is extremely good at breaking down complex legal points for clients to understand. He is at all times succinct and down-to-earth which is greatly appreciated by our clients.’
Toby Boncey
Falcon Chambers
‘Toby clearly has a very sharp intellect. He researches thoroughly and comes across cogently and very well prepared.'
Zachary Bredemear
Enterprise Chambers
‘Zach has an eye for detail, and is an excellent advocate. He has the ability to focus in on the detail and focuses on those matters that will truly win a case.'
David Brounger
Field Court Chambers
  'Lay clients like David, the simplicity of his delivery of complex legal issues, the pragmatic legal advice and the fact that he gets it right when he advises the clients on the merits in conference. Judges like him, the way he puts across his points and his advocacy skills are great. He is unruffled and puts across his points, clearly and succinctly.'
Richard Cherry
Enterprise Chambers
‘Richard is an extremely able advocate who prepares his cases with great diligence and leave no issue unexplored or investigated. He is extremely thorough and provides the very best service to his client.'
Paul Clarke
Maitland Chambers
‘Paul is very bright, and has a great understanding of the law which he applies effectively and persuasively in writing and on his feet. He is also adept at handling complex factual and technical material.’
Timothy Cowen
9 Stone Buildings
‘Tim is a delight to work with at all times. Professional and well organised. He is extremely knowledgeable on property law.'
Jack Dillon
Gatehouse Chambers
'Jack is an extremely promising junior whose expertise in the twin disciplines of property litigation and professional negligence make him an ideal choice for property based negligence claims. He is highly proficient and has a persuasive and effective writing style. He is also very hands on and easy to work with.'
Amanda Eilledge
Gatehouse Chambers
‘Amanda has an excellent eye for detail. She is very skilled in getting to grips with complicated scenarios and identifying the issues and most importantly providing clients with practical and pragmatic advice.’
Mark Galtrey
Falcon Chambers
'Mark is an effective advocate who is always up for a challenge. He puts things in an easy to understand way, supported by solid written work. He is practical and academic in excellent combination.'
Katie Gray
Tanfield Chambers
‘She is always very responsive and reliable. The written advice she delivered to us is almost akin to a piece of fine art, always a joy to read through.’
Antonia Halker
Lamb Chambers
'Antonia is a proficient and dedicated barrister. She is measured but robust when required and practiced at putting lay client landlords at ease.'
Alice Hawker
Wilberforce Chambers
  ‘Alice is very good with clients. She has good attention to detail and is extremely knowledgeable, which gives clients confidence and peace of mind. She produces very good written advice and pleadings.’
Tricia Hemans
Falcon Chambers
‘Tricia’s advice is always very thorough, and she is very good with clients. Her advocacy is extremely effective. She leads even the most sceptical judges through the case in a practical way.’
Lara Kuehl
Serle Court
‘Lara is bright, thorough, responsive and very easy to work with. She adds value to all that she has been asked to assist with which is exactly what is required.‘
Ben Maltz
Five Paper
‘He provides sound advice, coupled with practical solutions, which support commercial aims. Ben inspires confidence in clients and is an impressive advocate.’
Simon McLoughlin
Selborne Chambers
'One of the best juniors for property related insolvency work. Simon has superb attention to detail and never loses sight of the client's business objectives.'
David Nicholls
Landmark Chambers
‘David's paperwork is clear, understandable and well constructed. He has a good turnaround time and is great with clients in conference.'
David Peachey
Gatehouse Chambers
 ‘David’s manner is wonderful. He is calm and collected and has a certain aura about him that means his cool demeanor is welcomed by judges.’
Julia Petrenko
Falcon Chambers
‘Julia is an absolute tour-de-force. She has phenomenal attention to detail in trial preparation with other solicitors commenting what a strong advocate she is.’
Tom Roscoe
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tom is action-orientated and decisive. He gets stuff done. He likes the rough and tumble of court and is an effective and enthusiastic advocate. Tom is excellent on complex site-recovery issues.'
Cameron Stocks
Gatehouse Chambers
 ‘Cameron has an ability to set out advice in often complex matters that is clear and concise, allowing lay clients to understand key aspects of their matter and the advice.'
Max Thorowgood
Field Court Chambers
  'Max goes above and beyond in all cases and provides clear and strategic advice. He always has the client's best interests at the forefront. Max is eloquent but fierce in his advocacy and always strives for the best result.'
Rising stars
Rising stars at the Bar are defined as barristers between four and eight years’ call who are seen as up-and-coming members of the Bar in their respective practice areas by clients and peers alike. They will already be instructed in high-profile, complex, and high-value contentious and non-contentious matters, working with and opposite more experienced leading counsel.
Brooke Lyne
Landmark Chambers
‘Brooke is an excellent advocate - she is very clear and good on her feet.  She can hold her own against barristers with significantly more experience.  She is extremely good with clients, giving advice to them in plain English and ensuring that advice is understood.'
James Poole
Ten Old Square
‘Extremely personable and a very able advocate. James makes himself available and goes the extra mile to provide excellent client service, even on short notice. He has a very strategic approach and is a great asset to have in your corner.'