Leading Silks
Zia Bhaloo KC
Landmark Chambers
‘Always has the end game in mind and is the first to identify the correct strategy to get the client what it needs. Her advocacy is measured but forceful, and always focusses on the real issues.'
Guy Fetherstonhaugh KC
Falcon Chambers
  ‘Guy can turn his hand to anything; his command over English property law is astonishing. He cuts through the noise and gets straight to the heart of the issue.’
Stephen Jourdan KC
Falcon Chambers
‘He has no weaknesses. He is universally respected and liked throughout the profession. You know with Stephen that you are always going to get the right answer.'
John McGhee KC
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘John is a pre-eminent property silk who stands head and shoulders above the rest. One of his key strengths is his experience in complicated property structuring and joint ventures.’
Joanne Wicks KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘The premier property silk, a real problem solver who can think outside the box and comes up with innovative solutions. She is calm, collected and great with clients. Her advocacy is excellent.'
Ranjit Bhose KC
Cornerstone Barristers
‘Ranjit is unsurpassed. His preparation, grasp of complex facts and presentation is in a league of its own and there is no better at the Bar today.’
Janet Bignell KC
Falcon Chambers
‘Janet is incredibly thorough and detailed. She is able to communicate her views clearly to clients and demonstrates understanding of their commercial position as well as the legal one. Her level of service is also very good indeed.'
John de Waal KC
Gatehouse Chambers
‘John is able to see through the confusion and noise created guiding you to a strong commercial resolution. He is knowledgeable, measured and good with clients.'
Martin Hutchings KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘If you want calm and measured advice on a real estate litigation matter then Martin  is who you should instruct. He is technically brilliant but also so great at teasing out the arguments in court to bring the judge around to his way of thinking.’
Jonathan Karas KC
Falcon Chambers
‘His expertise in this area is truly incredible. Jonathan’s advice is always highly considered, never off the cuff, but at the same time digestible and client-friendly.’
Tim Morshead KC
Landmark Chambers
'Intellectually very able and quick; concise and to the point; a tenacious advocate who will roll up his sleeves for a fight; absolutely at the top of his game.'
Mark Sefton KC
Falcon Chambers
‘Mark has excellent analytical skills and is able to assimilate and digest complex facts very quickly and then to apply the law to them. He is clear, concise and consistent in his advice.'
Caroline Shea KC
Falcon Chambers
‘Particularly impressive in the courtroom – her cross-examination skills and courtcraft are second to none at the property Bar.’
Andrew Butler KC
Tanfield Chambers
‘Andrew is excellent in all respects. His legal and tactical advice is confident and direct and he is not afraid of nailing his colours to the mast when it comes to making tough calls on strategy. His pleadings are excellent and his skills as a trial advocate go from strength to strength.’
Christopher Heather KC
Tanfield Chambers
‘His advocacy is first-rate, and his judgement first-class. A top notch silk held in the highest regard. A real team player – willing to make himself available when needed.’
Katharine Holland KC
Landmark Chambers
‘Technically excellent and a clear communicator.  Approachable and willing to discuss and debate points with solicitors to evolve strategy.  She is a tenacious but measured advocate.’
Dan Kolinsky KC
Landmark Chambers
‘Brilliant. Very approachable and proactive, Dan is very clever and knows his subject inside and out. A pleasure to work with and an excellent advocate - clear, measured and persuasive.’
Timothy Polli KC
Tanfield Chambers
‘Tim is amazing. His written submissions in particular are beguiling and are so persuasive. Reading his work is a joy. He is so easy to work with and quite obviously cares about all of the matters he takes on.'
Rupert Reed KC
Serle Court
‘He is a strategic thinker, which clients value. His preparation and legal analysis is meticulous. In court, Rupert is authoritative and commands the confidence of the judge.’
Tiffany Scott KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Tiffany is an excellent advocate, her written advice is thorough and considered, she always looks at matters from every angle, ensuring that her clients are fully-prepared and there are no nasty surprises.  She is one of the best silks at the Bar.’
Malcolm Sheehan KC
Henderson Chambers
‘Malcolm’s preparation is meticulous and his advocacy is very pursuasive. He also has takes commercial approach to his cases and has a very good manner with clients.’
Zoë Barton KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘A first-rate silk who can off-balance the most established of opponents. A triple threat combining fine strategic thinking, no-nonsense effective advocacy and rolled-up sleeves collaboration with instructing solicitors.’
Clifford Darton KC
Selborne Chambers
'Instructing solicitors haven't seen anyone better than Clifford in cross-examination. He has a very special set of skills: he thinks fast, sets traps and closes the escapes.'
Jonathan Davey KC
Wilberforce Chambers
 ‘Jonathan has an impressive knowledge of a large number of different areas of law which he seems to easily draw on when advising and drafting. He is incredibly thorough in all aspects of his work.'
Nicholas Isaac KC
Tanfield Chambers
‘Nick is very good at controlling the lay client and getting to the heart of the issues. He has an air of confidence which is important for clients.'
Myriam Stacey KC
Landmark Chambers
‘She is a formidable advocate.  Her knowledge and technical expertise, particularly in the field of protest injunctions, is unrivalled.  Her easy way with clients makes her a sound choice for solicitors looking to bring a barrister onto their team.'
Ian Clarke KC
Selborne Chambers
'Very quick to get to the detail of a case, he spots things that others might miss and provides comprehensive, yet easily digestible, advice which gets the lay client on side immediately.'
Gary Cowen KC
Falcon Chambers
‘Gary is exceptionally calm and warm in manner, which masks a ferocious intellect and sharp advocacy skills. He is particularly good at making killer points gently and unobtrusively, but very effectively.'
Thomas Grant KC
Wilberforce Chambers
  ‘Superb advocate. Lucid, persuasive and focused. Commands the court room and is not afraid to fight his corner against the judge and his opponents.’
Julian Greenhill KC
Wilberforce Chambers
‘Julian is an intelligent and very experienced and thorough KC who is easy to work with,  excellent with clients and able to grasp complex issues quickly and efficiently. His written work is always comprehensive and well thought through and his advocacy is excellent.'
2022 Silks
Galina Ward KC
Landmark Chambers
‘Excellent client manner, very approachable, very intelligent, excellent advocate, and able to keep things simple when others seek to over-complicate.’
Toby Watkin KC
Landmark Chambers
‘Toby is a robust and tenacious advocate. He is terrier-like in pursuing good points and is excellent at keeping judges on side whilst effectively advocating and cross-examining.’
2023 Silks
2024 Silks
Justin Bates KC
Landmark Chambers
‘His knowledge and expertise in this field is remarkable and second to none.  He is like a walking encyclopaedia on all things relating to residential landlord and tenant.  He is able to explain what are often complex legal issues to lay clients and easily gains client confidence.’
Kester Lees KC
Falcon Chambers
‘Kester is superb on his feet – a highly effective cross-examiner and all round advocate. He is equally as impressive on papers and always gives solid commercial advice.’