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Private client
Private client
Contentious trusts and probate
Hall of fame
Leading partners
Next generation partners
Leading associates
Hall of Fame
The lawyers at the very top of the profession, widely known and respected by peers and clients for their longstanding involvement in market-leading work.
Dawn Goodman
Hall of fame
Withers LLP
Jeremy Gordon
Hall of fame
Farrer & Co
Toby Graham
Hall of fame
Farrer & Co
Roberta Harvey
Hall of fame
Forsters LLP
Paul Hewitt
Hall of fame
Withers LLP
Sofie Hoffman
Hall of fame
Harbottle & Lewis LLP
Emma Jordan
Hall of fame
Taylor Wessing LLP
Mark Keenan
Hall of fame
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Steven Kempster
Hall of fame
Withers LLP
Graeme Kleiner
Hall of fame
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Jeremy Kosky
Hall of fame
Clifford Chance LLP
Charles Lloyd
Hall of fame
Macfarlanes LLP
Emily Mailer
Hall of fame
Howard Kennedy LLP
Jenny McKeown
Hall of fame
Stephenson Harwood
Alison Meek
Hall of fame
Forsters LLP
Anthony Poulton
Hall of fame
Baker McKenzie
James Price
Hall of fame
Stewarts Law LLP
Ziva Robertson
Hall of fame
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Rupert Ticehurst
Hall of fame
Maurice Turnor Gardner LLP
Simon Rylatt
Hall of fame
Boodle Hatfield LLP
Andrea Zavos
Hall of fame
Boodle Hatfield LLP
Leading partners
The strongest partners in their field, leading on market-leading deals and endorsed by peers and clients alike.
Jonathan Arr
Macfarlanes LLP
Helena Berman
Stephenson Harwood
Monika Byrska
Howard Kennedy LLP
Michael Cash
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Duncan Elson
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Emily Exton
Forsters LLP
Charlotte Fraser
Farrer & Co
Richard Kershaw
Hunters Law LLP
Geoff Kertesz
Stewarts Law LLP
Neil Long
Womble Bond Dickinson (UK) LLP
Sangita Manek
Irwin Mitchell
Richard Manyon
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Kirstie McGuigan
Taylor Wessing LLP
Maxine Mossman
Clifford Chance LLP
Ryan Mowat
Kingsley Napley LLP
Richard Norridge
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
Naomi O'Higgins
Howard Kennedy LLP
Andrew O'Keeffe
Wedlake Bell LLP
Joanna Poole
Farrer & Co
Alison Regan
Russell-Cooke LLP
Stephen Richards
Withers LLP
Peter Steen
Mishcon de Reya LLP
David Wedgwood
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Mark Lindley
Boodle Hatfield LLP
Next Generation Partners
Junior partners with significant recognition from clients and peers in the market and key roles on multiple matters.
Sarah Arnold
Russell-Cooke LLP
Sarah Aughwane
Withers LLP
Oliver Auld
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Claire-Marie Cornford
Irwin Mitchell
Tom Dickinson
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Elizabeth Doherty
Macfarlanes LLP
Oliver Embley
Wedlake Bell LLP
Yindi Gesinde
Baker McKenzie
Simon Goldring
Fladgate LLP
Jessica Henson
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Beth Holden
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Emma Holland
Stewarts Law LLP
Gareth Ledsham
Russell-Cooke LLP
Sarah Lee
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Hannah Mantle
Forsters LLP
Henrietta Mason
Farrer & Co
Jessica Medus
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Caroline Miller
Wedlake Bell LLP
Tamasin Perkins
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Katherine Pymont
Kingsley Napley LLP
Elizabeth Sainsbury
Farrer & Co
Natasha Stourton
Withers LLP
Caroline Tayler
Taylor Wessing LLP
Ane Vernon
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Gemma Willingham
Baker McKenzie
Jack Bailey
Stevens & Bolton LLP
James Lister
Stevens & Bolton LLP
Leading associates
Leading associates with regular involvement in their team's key work, and recognition from peers or clients as being ones to watch.
Ashleigh Carr
Forsters LLP
Tom Deely
Russell-Cooke LLP
Alexandra Dix
Withers LLP
Clementine Dowley
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Emily Elliott
Clifford Chance LLP
Peter Gillis
Stephenson Harwood
Jemma Goddard
Stewarts Law LLP
Jemma Goddard
Stewarts Law LLP
Laura Hasson
Clifford Chance LLP
Charlotte Henshall
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Rosalind Hetherington
Fladgate LLP
Joseph de Lacey
Kimberley McGhie
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Tom McPhail
Farrer & Co
Andrew Morgan
Russell-Cooke LLP
Anna O'Carroll
Kingsley Napley LLP
Maryam Oghanna
Forsters LLP
Laura Phillips
Kingsley Napley LLP
Emilia Piskorz
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Luke Richardson
Baker McKenzie
Kate Salter
Kingsley Napley LLP
Alice Tomlin
Withers LLP
Jacob Ward
Macfarlanes LLP
Tom Watts
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
James Woods-Davison
Boodle Hatfield LLP