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Private client
Hall of fame
Leading partners
Next generation partners
Leading associates
Hall of Fame
The lawyers at the very top of the profession, widely known and respected by peers and clients for their longstanding involvement in market-leading work.
David Allison
Hall of fame
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Catherine Bedford
Hall of fame
Harbottle & Lewis LLP
Charlotte Bradley
Hall of fame
Kingsley Napley LLP
Alex Carruthers
Hall of fame
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Rebecca Cockcroft
Hall of fame
Fladgate LLP
Jane Craig
Hall of fame
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Sandra Davis
Hall of fame
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Stephen Foster
Hall of fame
Stewarts Law LLP
Pauline Fowler
Hall of fame
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
James Freeman
Hall of fame
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Nina Hansen
Hall of fame
Freemans Solicitors
Emma Hatley
Hall of fame
Stewarts Law LLP
Elizabeth Hicks
Hall of fame
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Frances Hughes
Hall of fame
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Jane Keir
Hall of fame
Kingsley Napley LLP
Jeremy Levison
Hall of fame
Levison Meltzer Pigott
Julian Lipson
Hall of fame
Withers LLP
William Longrigg
Hall of fame
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
William Massey
Hall of fame
Farrer & Co
David Hodson OBE KC(Hons) MCIArb
Hall of fame
The International Family Law Group LLP
Diana Parker
Hall of fame
Withers LLP
Simon Pigott
Hall of fame
Levison Meltzer Pigott
James Pirrie
Hall of fame
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Baroness Fiona Shackleton
Hall of fame
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
James Stewart
Hall of fame
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Suzanne Todd
Hall of fame
Withers LLP
Ayesha Vardag
Hall of fame
Helen Ward
Hall of fame
Stewarts Law LLP
Leading partners
The strongest partners in their field, leading on market-leading deals and endorsed by peers and clients alike.
Michael Allum
The International Family Law Group LLP
Tom Amlot
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Tom Amlot
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Amanda Andrews
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Naomi Angell
Toby Atkinson
Stewarts Law LLP
Camilla Baldwin
Camilla Baldwin
Kim Beatson
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Simon Beccle
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Sharon Bennett
Bross Bennett
Helen Blackburn
The International Family Law Group LLP
Claire Blakemore
Withers LLP
Sarah Jane Boon
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Simon Bruce
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Linzi Bull
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Peter Burgess
Burgess Mee
Russell Bywater
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Rebecca Carlyon
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
James Carroll
Russell-Cooke LLP
Debbie Chism
Stewarts Law LLP
Pamela Collis
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Daniel Coombes
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Philip Cooper
JMW Solicitors LLP
Laura Coyle
Freemans Solicitors
Teresa Cullen
Fladgate LLP
Jemma Dally
Goodman Ray
Maud Davis
Bindmans LLP
Sofia Dionissiou-Moussaoui
Joanne Edwards
Forsters LLP
Carol Ellinas
Russells Solicitors
David Emmerson
Anthony Gold Solicitors LLP
Tom Farley-Hills
Simons Muirhead Burton
Trudi Featherstone
Goodman Ray
Miranda Fisher
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Zoë Fleetwood
Mills & Reeve LLP
Sital Fontenelle
Kingsley Napley LLP
Brett Frankle
Withers LLP
Mark Freedman
Claire Gordon
Farrer & Co
Michael Gouriet
Withers LLP
Joanna Grandfield
Mills & Reeve LLP
Toby Hales
Irwin Mitchell
Georgina Hamblin
Hamblin Family Law LLP
Kate Hamilton
Russell-Cooke LLP
Mark Harper
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Charmaine Hast
Collyer Bristow LLP
William Healing
AFP Bloom
Sarah Higgins
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Richard Hogwood
Stewarts Law LLP
Caroline Holley
Farrer & Co
Henry Hood
Hunters Law LLP
Sarah Hoskinson
Burges Salmon LLP
Matthew Humphries
Stewarts Law LLP
Sarah Hutchinson
Farrer & Co
Mark Irving
Harbottle & Lewis LLP
Anne Kay
Vaitilingam Kay
Patrick Kearns
Newton Kearns LLP
Richard Kershaw
Hunters Law LLP
Suzanne Kingston
Mills & Reeve LLP
Renato Labi
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Katharine Landells
Withers LLP
Lois Langton
Howard Kennedy LLP
Alison Leivesley
Bindmans LLP
Sarah Jane Lenihan
Dawson Cornwell LLP
David Lister
Samantha Little
Russell-Cooke LLP
Jacqueline Major
Hodge Jones & Allen
Philip McGuirk
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Simon McKirgan
Antonia Mee
Burgess Mee
Clayton Miller
Ketley Miller Joels Ltd
Paul Newton
Newton Kearns LLP
Caroline Park
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Ben Parry-Smith
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Kathryn Peat
Sinclair Gibson LLP
Carolina Marin Pedreño
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Peggy Ray
Goodman Ray
Fiona Read
Russell-Cooke LLP
Barbara Reeves
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Sarah Richardson
Russell-Cooke LLP
Amy Rowe
Hunters Law LLP
Michael Rowlands
JMW Solicitors LLP
Neil Russell
Rosie Schumm
Forsters LLP
Catherine Thomas
Bortoft Bell
Ann Thompson
Goodman Ray
Joe Vaitilingam
Vaitilingam Kay
Liz Vernon
Nicholas Westley
Harbottle & Lewis LLP
Bradley Williams
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Anna Worwood
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Toby Yerburgh
Collyer Bristow LLP
Emily Brand
Boodle Hatfield LLP
James Ferguson
Boodle Hatfield LLP
Julian Ribet
Ribet Myles
Michelle Uppal
Lowry Legal
Next Generation Partners
Junior partners with significant recognition from clients and peers in the market and key roles on multiple matters.
Connie Atkinson
Kingsley Napley LLP
Simon Blain
Forsters LLP
Matthew Booth
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Alexander Breedon
Withers LLP
Alexander Breedon
Withers LLP
Kate Brett
Hughes Fowler Carruthers
Thomas Brownrigg
Goodman Ray
Abby Buckland
Kingsley Napley LLP
Lidia Cantele
Harbottle & Lewis LLP
Elizabeth Carson
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Dickon Ceadel
Forsters LLP
Kate Clark
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Stuart Clark
Rayden Solicitors
Charlotte Conner
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Catherine Costley
Fladgate LLP
John Davies
Farrer & Co
Jennifer Dickson
Withers LLP
Harriet Errington
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Lauren Evans
Kingsley Napley LLP
Amy Radnor
Farrer & Co
Frederick Tatham
Farrer & Co
Antonia Felix
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Elizabeth Fletcher
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Edward Floyd
Farrer & Co
Rachel Freeman
Burgess Mee
Helen Greenfield
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Richard Handel
Burges Salmon LLP
Flora Harragin
Farrer & Co
Robert Hines
Gemma Hodder
Miles & Partners LLP
Hilka Hollmann
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Charlotte Image-Flower
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Jamie Kennaugh
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Carly Kinch
Stewarts Law LLP
Tammy Knox
Penningtons Manches Cooper LLP
Caroline Korah
Natalie Lemonides
RWK Goodman
David Lillywhite
Burgess Mee
Anna-Laura Lock
Rayden Solicitors
Katie Longmate
Russell-Cooke LLP
Nick Manners
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Hannah Minty
Russell-Cooke LLP
Joshua Moger
Fladgate LLP
James Netto
The International Family Law Group LLP
Stacey Nevin
Kingsley Napley LLP
Priya Palanivel
Frances Petterson
Newton Kearns LLP
Olivia Piercy
Hunters Law LLP
Adele Pledger
Withers LLP
Jemma Pollock
Russell-Cooke LLP
Katherine Res Pritchard
Howard Kennedy LLP
James Rees
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Jessica Reid
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Colin Rogerson
Mills & Reeve LLP
Amy Scollan
Hunters Law LLP
Anna Shadbolt
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Forum Shah
Dawson Cornwell LLP
Kate Stovold
Levison Meltzer Pigott
Benjamin Stowe
Levison Meltzer Pigott
Natalie Sutherland
Burgess Mee
Charlotte Symes
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Andriana Syrimis
Freemans Solicitors
Antonia Barker
Hamblin Family Law LLP
Joanne Wescott
Sarah Williams
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Luned Rees Williams
Camilla Baldwin
Mariko Wilson
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Sara Wychrij
Vaitilingam Kay
Claire Yorke
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Amy Barrow
Thomas Mansfield Family Law
Alistair Myles
Ribet Myles
Katie O'Callaghan
Boodle Hatfield LLP
Lois Rogers
Ribet Myles
Helen Wilby
Clarence Family Law
Leading associates
Leading associates with regular involvement in their team's key work, and recognition from peers or clients as being ones to watch.
Catriona Allan
Goodman Ray
Selena Arbe Barnes
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Diana Bastow
Emily Borrowdale
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Harriet Brame
Miles & Partners LLP
Janet Broadley
Goodman Ray
Rebecca Christie
Fladgate LLP
Ali Granville
Newton Kearns LLP
Joshua Green
Charles Russell Speechlys LLP
Grace Lawrence
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Anest Mathias
TV Edwards Solicitors LLP
Umar Mirza
Curzon Green Solicitors
Katie Parkes
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Nicole Phillips
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Lewis Powers
Stewarts Law LLP
Lewis Powers
Stewarts Law LLP
Jade Quirke
Russell-Cooke LLP
Clare Radcliffe
Mishcon de Reya LLP
Amanda Sandys
Forsters LLP
Sarfraz Ali
Withers LLP
Isabella Savill
Payne Hicks Beach LLP
Rosa Schofield
The International Family Law Group LLP
Emma Sherrington
Goodman Ray
Kara Swift
Family Law in Partnership Ltd
Kelly-Ann Welsh
Curzon Green Solicitors
Alexander Woolley
Farrer & Co
Alexandra Hirst
Boodle Hatfield LLP
Katie Male
Boodle Hatfield LLP
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