Rose Court Chambers
Rose Court represents a bold new approach to barristers’ chambers. By utilising a new and effective business model and by embracing advances in technology and video conferencing, we are able to offer the highest level of service to our professional and lay clients. Equality, diversity, integrity and transparency are paramount in everything we do and stand for.
About us: Rose Court is a virtual chambers founded in January 2021 by two highly – rated and very experienced clerks and five senior barristers. Formed amidst the tumult of a global pandemic, chambers has as its core principles: excellence, diversity, equality and transparency. Chambers both defends and prosecutes and was created to herald the evolution of the modern Bar in the digital age.
We deliver a low-cost model of chambers fit for the 21st Century, which strives both to reduce the cost of providing legal services to those most in need of them, as well as promoting accessibility to the profession of under-represented groups for whom cost continues to act as a barrier to entry and progression. We work to the highest ethical standards whilst offering both our lay and professional clients the best service possible.
Discrimination against traditionally under-represented groups is an historic and continuing injustice which has deprived the legal profession of many skilled practitioners. Rose Court Chambers are committed to promoting the prospects of individuals from traditionally under-represented groups in order to overcome discrimination and allow the most able practitioners to succeed, regardless of their background or identity, with structures and systems in place to support practitioners with families and other commitments outside of work.
Chambers will grow according to carefully developed policies and will focus on strategic recruitment in order to ensure that it provides services of the highest quality, whilst maintaining a diverse membership who actively represent chambers’ core principles and values.
Areas of expertise
- Fraud, money laundering, bribery and corruption and white-collar crime
- Murder / manslaughter
- Serious and organised crime
- Serious sexual offences
- Human trafficking / modern slavery
- Cyber crime
- POCA / confiscation, civil recovery and asset forfeiture
- General crime
- Appellate
- Road traffic
Rose Court’s barristers provide professional legal knowledge and expertise, high quality advocacy and client-focused service across our diverse specialist practice areas.
Rose Court Chambers has a strong criminal team acting for both defence and prosecution from the Magistrates’ Courts to the Crown Courts and the Court of Appeal.
Why choose Rose Court?
At Rose Court Chambers, we pride ourselves on offering the highest standards of legal expertise, legal services and client care.
Solicitors choose Rose Court time and time again because of our professionalism and the efficiency with which we deliver legal services.
Our clerks are very experienced, approachable and adept at identifying the particular needs of our professional clients and ensuring that they receive the best service possible. Our members are all pro-active in their case management, technologically adept and responsive.
Lay clients choose Rose Court due to the outstanding calibre of our barristers and the high standards of advocacy, case preparation and written work that we consistently deliver, together with the care, attention and commitment given to each and every client and their specific needs. The achievements and track-record of our members speak for themselves.
We continue to strive to build a chambers focused on excellence, integrity and diversity. We are committed to bringing together top tier practitioners who are representative of the community we serve and who represent our core values.