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Through an open-minded and analytical approach, Astrid works in close partnerships with her clients to help achieve their commercial and legal goals. Astrid specialises in litigation and advising on individual and collective employment law issues. She advises many large financial institutions on strategic and cross-border employment issues associated with financial regulations. In such matters she regularly handles capital requirements restrictions for executive compensation & incentive schemes and the remuneration rules for alternative investment funds. Furthermore, Astrid advises companies dealing with strategic employment law issues associated with large restructurings, collective redundancies and on Dutch and European works council issues. Astrid has a Master of French Language and Literature from the University of Amsterdam (1997) and a Master of Law (2000), also from the University of Amsterdam.
Ingmar's expertise spans every aspect of construction law and commercial project development, providing his clients with the practical and concise advice they require. He advises on large, high value and technically complex construction and infrastructure projects. Ingmar has proven expertise in advising on a full range of building contracts (including UAV, UAV-gc and FIDIC contracts) and public private partnerships / private finance initiatives (PPP/PFI and DBFM(O) contracts). Of particular note is Ingmar’s litigation expertise, regularly representing clients involved in construction and real estate related conflicts before the courts, dispute adjudication boards and arbitration tribunals both in the Netherlands and abroad. Ingmar has a Masters in Law from Leiden University. He also holds a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.
Rein regularly assists companies in their dealings with national courts, national competition authorities, the EU Commission and the European courts. His expertise covers all areas of EU and competition law including cartels, joint ventures, abuse of dominance and state aid law. He assists clients across numerous business sectors from fast moving consumer goods to pharmaceuticals. Rein has a Doctor of Philosophy from European University Institute (Florence) together with a Master of Law from the University of Amsterdam. In addition, he is the professor of competition and regulation at the law faculty of the same university. Rein has published many articles and a book in his specialist area of EU and competition law called The Modernisation of European Antitrust Law.
Tijn specialises in administrative law, environment and planning, public private partnership and government liability. He advises and litigates on behalf of his clients from the public sector (ministries, provinces, municipalities, public professional associations) and the private sector (nuclear energy, chemical industry, project development, building and construction), before both civil and administrative courts. Tijn has a wide experience in the negotiation and drafting of contracts, and in conflict resolution with public authorities. He gives second opinions and is regularly requested to act as an arbiter, mediator or binding adviser in complex matters. Tijn teaches at Utrecht University and in various post academic programs. He is the editorial chairman of Kluwer’s Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Bestuursrecht (Dutch public law review) and editor of Administratiefrechtelijke Beslissingen and SDU’s VIND Bestuursrecht.