News and developments

Press Releases

PORTUGAL | Allianzgi-Fonds Aevn Case (C-545/19): WHT Applicable to dividends obtained by non-resident collective investment undertakings is not accepted by the ECJ

The European Court of Justice (ECJ) confirmed today that the withholding tax (WHT) applicable in Portugal on dividends paid to non-resident collective investment undertakings is incompatible with EU Law, in line with the arguments that we have sustained at the referring proceeding before the Tax Arbitration Court in Portugal.
28 March 2022
Human Rights

PORTUGAL | European Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive Proposal

In April 2020, the EU Justice Commissioner announced that the European Union was committed to legislate on mandatory human rights and environmental due diligence. In March 2021, the European Parliament approved a legislative proposal for the Commission to legislate on that matter and on 23 February 2022, the European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive on corporate sustainability due diligence.
07 March 2022
Corporate and Commercial

PORTUGAL | The Basics of Decree-Law 109-D/2021

Decree-Law 109-D/2021, of 9 December 2021 (DL 109-D/2021) partially transposes EU Directive 2019/1151 of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 20 June 2019 (“Directive 2019/1151") to the domestic legal order, whose purpose is to enable the use of digital tools and processes across a broad range companies law areas to set up companies and register branches more easily, rapidly and time- and cost-effectively.
07 February 2022
Projects, energy & natural resources


Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January 2022 (“DL 15/2022”) is the new piece of the legislation applicable to self-consumption and energy communities, which had so far been regulated by a separate act. The new act’s amendments to the existing legal framework seek to streamline procedures, encourage the adoption of self-consumption solutions and facilitate energy sharing between consumers.
27 January 2022
Projects, energy & natural resources

PORTUGAL | New Legal Framework for the National Electricity Sector Dl 15/2022, of 14 January 2022: Electricity Generation

Decree-Law no. 15/2022, of 14 January 2022 (“DL 15/2022”) was published on 14 January. The act was approved following a public consultation period that included over 160 contributions from players of the energy sector. DL 15/2022 consolidates different electricity sector frameworks foreseen in scattered legislation, while also reviewing and clarifying certain aspects that were raising doubts in the sector.
26 January 2022
TMT (Technology, Media & Telecoms)


The testing and trial of technology-based innovative technologies, products, services and processes now benefit in Portugal from an innovative, structured and cross-sector approach, as approved by the legal framework for the creation of the so-called Technological Free Zones (ZLTs), which aim to facilitate and streamline the development of new products and systems with higher added value and social and economic impact.
08 September 2021
TMT (Technology, Media & Telecoms)


Approval of a Draft Regulation on the sub-allocation of numbers from the National Numbering Plan The Portuguese national regulatory authority for the electronic communications sector, Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (“ANACOM”), approved, on June 24th 2021, a Draft Regulation on the sub-allocation of numbers form the National Numbering Plan (hereinafter “Draft Regulation”), only available in Portuguese (here).
08 September 2021
TMT (Technology, Media & Telecoms)


On June 4th, the European Commission (EC) approved the long awaited new Standard Contractual Clauses (SCCs) for transfers of personal data, replacing the former Clauses issued under Directive 95/46/EC. The SCCs arrive over 3 years after the application of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (General Data Protection Regulation or GDPR). These new Clauses were long anticipated, specially in virtue of the Schrems II judgement of the Court of Justice, and aim to also reflect the requirements associated with this ruling.
08 September 2021
Mergers & Acquisitions


Presidential Decree 107/21, of 29 April 2021, enacting the Agreement on the Promotion and Reciprocal Protection of Investments between the Government of the Republic of Angola and the Government of the United Arab States (the “Agreement”), came into force on its date of publication, 29 April 2021.
08 September 2021
TMT (Technology, Media & Telecoms)


On 13 April 2021, the European Data Protection Board (EDPB) published Opinion 14/2021 regarding the European Commission Draft Implementing Decision pursuant to Regulation (EU) 2016/679, on the adequate protection of personal data in the United Kingdom (Opinion). The Opinion is part of the procedure envisaging the formal adoption of the European Commission (EC) adequacy decision regarding the United Kingdom (UK), in order to safeguard the commercial relations between the EU and the UK, as the Brexit temporary solution established in the Trade and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and the UK is coming to an end (find more about this in our Flash on Transfers of Data to the UK).
08 September 2021
Projects, energy & natural resources


The Government issued a Council of Ministers Resolution yesterday, May 6, 2021, approving the 2021-2030 National Ocean Strategy (NOS), a programmatic document governing ocean-related political actions and enshrining the Government's commitment to protect the ocean and ensure the sustainable development of its many opportunities. The act is in line with global and European commitments, namely the United Nations Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goal 14: Life Below Water - “Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” -, the European Blue Agenda and the European Ecological Pact.
08 September 2021
TMT (Technology, Media & Telecoms)


The decision of the Portuguese Data Protection Authority On 27 April 2021, the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados – CNPD) issued a Deliberation (only available in Portuguese) addressed to the National Statistics Institute (Instituto Nacional de Estatística – INE) ordering this entity to suspend, within 12 hours, all data transfers to the United States of America (USA) or to other third countries that do not ensure an adequate level of protection.
08 September 2021
Projects, energy & natural resources


Pursuant to the provisions of the Foreign Exchange Law for the Petroleum Sector [approved by Law 2/12, of 13 January 2021 (“FELPS”)], the National Bank of Angola ("BNA") has recently published Order 3/2021, of 1 April 2021 ("Order"), which establishes the new foreign exchange regime applicable to the entities engaged in the prospecting, exploration, appraisal, development, production and marketing of non-associated natural gas and its derivatives.
08 September 2021
Press Releases

MOZAMBIQUE: Decree No. 20/2021, of 13 April - Amendments to the Investment Law Regulation approved by Decree No. 43/2009, of 21 August

With the aim of adapting national and foreign investment processes (“Investment Projects”) to a new institutional framework of coordination and in the context of a policy to attract and facilitate those investments, Decree no. 20/2021, of 13 April (“Decree”), was approved, introducing amendments to the Investment Law Regulation. We highlight the following: For the purposes of transferring profits abroad and re-exportable invested capital, the minimum value of foreign direct investment through the allocation of own capital shall now be MZN 7,500,000 (seven million five hundred thousand meticais) and the minimum value for annual exports of goods or services shall be increased to MZN 4,500,000 (four million five hundred thousand meticais).  The initial investment to be made in the first two years of activity by companies established outside Industrial Free Trade Zones, but that wish to benefit from the respective regime, will now have a minimum amount equivalent to MZN 75,000,000 (seventy-five million meticais). The Agency for the Promotion of Investment & Exports (Agência para a Promoção de Investimento e Exportações, I.P. – “APIEX”) replaces the Investment Promotion Centre and the Office of Economic Zones for Accelerated Development as the entity responsible for the development, promotion and management of Investment Projects, as well as the promotion of national exports. As regards the entities responsible for the approval of the Investment Projects, we note the following: Secretaries of State in the Province: for national Investment Projects in an amount not exceeding the equivalent to MZN 4,500,000 (four million five hundred thousand meticais); Director General of APIEX: Investment Projects in an amount not exceeding the equivalent to MZN 7,500,000,000 (seven billion five hundred million meticais) and projects under the Special Economic Zone and Industrial Free Zone regimes; Minister that oversees the area of Finances: Investment Projects in an amount not exceeding MZN 37,500,000,000 (thirty-seven billion five hundred million meticais); Council of Ministers: Investment Projects in an amount exceeding the equivalent to MZN 37,500,000,000 (thirty-seven billion five hundred million meticais). The transfer of an investor’s position, including in undertakings and units of the Integrated Tourism Resort Zone, shall now only be subject to authorisation by the entity that authorised the respective project and upon proof of compliance with the relevant tax obligations.
18 May 2021
Press Releases


The Republic of Angola and the Republic of Cape Verde have signed, on August 8, 2019, in Luanda, a Convention to eliminate Double Taxation of Income Taxes and to avoid Tax Evasion (DTT). Conventions to eliminate Double Taxation concluded between contracting States are a very important instrument for companies and investors’ trust when dealing with cross border transactions. The DTT signed between Angola and Cape Verde may assume an important role for structuring investments involving both countries. We highlight the following: Technical Services Fees The DTT sets forth a reduced 5% withholding rate on services paid by a client resident in on state to a service provider resident in the other state. Interest It is also foreseen a reduced 8% rate applicable on interest payments between both countries. Dividends To what concerns dividends, the applicable rates may vary between 5% and 10% depending on the situations. Entry into force The DTT has been signed in August 2019, however, only the Republic of Cape Verde has approved the agreement for ratification, as per the Resolution n.º 192/IX/2021 of 31.03.2021. The Republic of Angola has not approved similar procedure up to this date. Thus, the DTT has not entered into force yet. Angola has currently DTTs in force with Portugal and the UAE, and the DTT with China is still pending to be ratified. Cape Verde has DTTs in force with Portugal, Macau, Spain and Guinea Bissau. The DTTs with Equatorial Guinea, Mauritius and Sao Tome and Principe are still pending to be ratified.
18 May 2021
Corporate and Commercial


India has recently enacted the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 (Ordinance), under which the pre-packaged insolvency process (“PPIP”) for MSMEs with a default of up to INR10,000,000 (Indian Rupees Ten Million) has been made effective.  Further, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs has notified the minimum amount of default to trigger the PPIP under the Ordinance as INR1,000,000 (Indian Rupees One Million). Partner and Head of M&A, Rukshad Davar, assesses whether pre-packs will result in speedier distressed deals. Background Micro, Small and Medium Scale Enterprises (“MSMEs”) have faced a lot of hardships and financial stress during the Covid19 pandemic.  The Indian government has taken several measures to mitigate their distress, including increasing the limit of the minimum amount that constitutes a default for the initiation of the Corporate Insolvency Resolution Process (“CIRP”) and suspending the filing of fresh insolvency applications under the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 (the “Code”) for a year post March 25, 2020. The government also constituted a sub-committee of the Insolvency Law Committee (the “Sub-committee”) to prepare the framework for pre-packaged debt resolution.  The Sub-committee submitted its draft report last October. Based on the Sub-committee’s report, on April 4, 2021, the President of India promulgated the Insolvency and Bankruptcy (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 (the “Ordinance”), under which the pre-packaged insolvency process (“PPIP”) for MSMEs with a default of up to INR10,000,000 (Indian Rupees Ten Million) was made effective.  Further, on April 9, 2021, the Ministry of Corporate Affairs notified the minimum amount of default to trigger the PPIP under the Ordinance as INR1,000,000 (Indian Rupees One Million). PPIP under the Ordinance The PPIP commences on the date of admission of an application by the National Company Law Tribunal (the “NCLT”) (the “Pre-packaged Insolvency Date”), and the maximum time frame provided under the Ordinance for completion of the entire process is one hundred and twenty (120) days from the Pre-packaged Insolvency Date. A PPIP is initiated by the corporate debtor itself, and the decision to initiate a PPIP is typically arrived at after the corporate debtor and its creditors have arrived at an informal plan to resolve the corporate debtor’s outstanding debt obligations. Within two (2) days of the Pre-packaged Insolvency Date, the corporate debtor is required to submit to the insolvency resolution professional (the “IRP”): (i) a base resolution plan; (ii) list of claims; and (iii) preliminary information memorandum containing all information relevant for formulating a resolution plan.  The IRP is, in turn, required to submit this to the committee of creditors (the “CoC”).  On the Pre-packaged Insolvency Date, a moratorium is imposed, and within ninety (90) days of the Pre-packaged Insolvency Date, the IRP is required to submit a resolution plan (approved by 66% of the voting share of the CoC) to the NCLT.  The NCLT is then responsible for passing an order approving or rejecting the resolution plan within thirty (30) days of submission of the resolution plan. Under the PPIP, the following eligibility criteria have to be fulfilled before initiation of the process: The corporate debtor must not have undergone a PPIP or completed a CIRP for at least three (3) years prior to the initiation of the current PPIP; The corporate debtor must not currently be under a CIRP and/or no liquidation order must have been passed against the corporate debtor; The corporate debtor must be eligible to submit a resolution plan under Section 29A of the Code; The financial creditors (who are not related parties to the corporate debtor) must have proposed the name of the IRP and his/her appointment must have been approved by at least 66% (by value of debt) of such financial creditors; A majority of the directors or partners of the corporate debtor must have made a declaration to the NCLT stating: (i) that they will file an application for initiating the PPIP within ninety (90) days; (ii) that the PPIP is not being initiated to defraud any person; and (iii) the name of the IRP;  Members of the corporate debtor must have passed a special resolution, or 3/4thpartners of the corporate debtor must have filed a resolution approving the filing of the application to initiate PPIP. Key changes under the pre-packaged regime Shorter timelines Under the CIRP, the resolution process is long-drawn and takes up to two hundred and seventy (270) days for resolution of stressed companies.  However, under the Ordinance, a PPIP must be completed in one hundred and twenty (120) days.  This shorter timeline will benefit MSMEs owing smaller debts and their creditors as a quick resolution can be achieved for such insolvent MSMEs. Debtor in possession The CIRP follows a model of IRP in possession and creditor in control, whereas the PPIP provides for a debtor in possession and creditor in control model.  It means that under the CIRP, the IRP takes over business of the corporate debtor, but under the PPIP, the debtor remains in the driving seat and runs the company until the resolution plan is finalized.  At the same time, to protect the interest of creditors, the CoC can also pass a resolution, with at least 66% of the voting share, to direct the promoters to hand over the management of the corporate debtor to the IRP.  Practically speaking, this move to allow the debtor to be in possession will ensure that the MSME has a higher chance of continuing to operate as a going concern.  Moreover, this model is likely to incentivize promoters to seek the initiation of PPIPs to resolve their insolvency.  Further, this model may ensure a reduction in the litigation as a majority of the litigation in insolvency cases is initiated by ousted promoters. Freedom with the debtor to negotiate with potential investors As the PPIP envisions the immediate submission of a base resolution plan, a corporate debtor can negotiate with potential investors or buyers, and creditors for the sale of a stake in the debtor company or other revival structures.  At the same time, to protect the interests of the creditors, the PPIP also provides for a swiss challenge mechanism, under which the IRP can invite resolution plans to compete with the base resolution plan if the base resolution plan is not approved by the CoC.  Given this, a PPIP incentivizes the corporate debtor to resolve debt obligations promptly so as to ensure continuity of the business. Conclusions The PPIP is very popular in several countries, including the UK, the USA, and international experience has shown that the PPIP has helped in preserving the value of the business or debtor entity.  However, in India, the pre-packaged insolvency regime may face certain challenges. First, adhering strictly to timelines for disposal of issues is going to be a major challenge for the insolvency tribunals and courts, because even basic issues and settled positions seem to get litigated.  In our experience with the Code thus far, the CIRP generally takes longer due to procedural issues and other complexities, thereby defeating the very purpose of a time-bound insolvency process.  As such, the onus will be on the insolvency tribunals to make sure that the parties involved in the PPIP adhere to the timelines mentioned in the Ordinance. Second, in the PPIP, certain issues may be raised with respect to the transparency of the entire process as promoters will be in charge of keeping the corporate debtor afloat. Operational creditors, although protected, may, nevertheless, be at the receiving end of proposed resolutions.  There may also be legal issues alleging the honesty of the entire process.  Therefore, the insolvency tribunals and courts will have to strike a balance between managing these challenges without compromising the intent of the Ordinance. Having said that, the Ordinance is a good first step in India towards creating a PPIP jurisprudence, which will evolve over time just like the Code did.
23 April 2021

Transitional regime applicable to the provision of financial services by United Kingdom based entities

On 23 December 2020, the Portuguese Government enacted Decree-Law no. 106-/2020, approving the transitional regime applicable to the provision of financial services by United Kingdom based entities. The regime enters into force on 1 January 2021 if, on that date, no agreement (or equivalent decision) has been reached between the European Union and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, regulating the matters covered therein (“Decree-Law").
02 February 2021
Projects, Energy & Natural Resources

MOZAMBIQUE - New Regulations on the Licensing of Petroleum Facilities and Operations 

By means of Decree No. 84/2020, of 18 September, the Government of Mozambique has approved the new regulations on the licensing of petroleum facilities and operations. This new Decree, which is part of an ongoing reform in the O&G sector, although not expressly revoking Ministerial Order No. 272/2009, of 30 December (Regulations on Licensing of Petroleum Installations and Activities), ends-up grandfathering the same.
29 January 2021


On  October 16, the Proposed Law no. 53/XIV was approved. In addition to providing for exceptional and temporary changes to the existing rules on insolvency proceedings, the Special Revitalization Proceedings ("PER"), the Special Proceedings for Payment Agreements ("PEAP") and the Extrajudicial Company Recovery Scheme ("RERE"), this diploma creates the Extraordinary Company Enablement Procedure ("PEVE"). According to the approved Proposal, still subject to enactment by the Portuguese President, this new procedure as well as the amendments to the other listed proceedings, will enter into force on the day following its publication and, unless further extended,  will remain in force until 31 December 2021.
10 June 2022


On 24 September the European Commission issued a Digital Finance Package, which includes the Digital Finance Strategy for the EU. As the Covid-19 pandemic spread through Europe, the uptake on new digital financial solutions increased while the need for a widespread adoption became evident. With the Digital Finance Package, the European Commission is aiming to tackle the challenge of promoting digital finance services while addressing the risks that may arise for users and for the stability of the financial market.
10 June 2022


On 12 of July, an important regulation which sets new rules in the context of e-commerce entered into force: the Regulation on Promoting Fairness and Transparency for Business Users of Online Intermediation Services (Regulation (EU) 2019/1150 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 20 June 2019) ("P2B Regulation"). The main objective of the P2B Regulation is to create greater trust and confidence in e-commerce by laying down rules applicable to business relationships between (i) entities providing online intermediation services (OISPs) to business users and (ii) entities providing online search engines (OSEs) to users of corporate websites. All OISPs and OSEs, regardless of place of establishment or residence, are covered by the P2B Regulation provided that business users have a place of establishment or residence in the European Union (EU) or offer their goods or services to consumers located in the EU.
05 August 2020

European Parliament’s Think Tank - Study on the impact of the GDRP on artificial intelligence

On the 25 June, the European Parliament’s Think Tank published a new studyon the impact of the GDRP on artificial intelligence (AI). The study was prepared at the request of the Panel for the Future of Science and Technology (STOA) and managed by the Scientific Foresight Unit, within the Directorate-General for Parliamentary Research Services (EPRS) of the Secretariat of the European Parliament.
20 April 2023
Corporate and Commercial

Angola - New Governance Model for the Mining Sector (June 2020)

Presidential Decree no. 143/20, of 26 May, has approved the new Governance Model for the Mining Sector (the “Presidential Decree”). Pursuant to the Presidential Decree, the newly approved governance model aims to increase the efficiency of the sector by (i) the reduction of the State’s direct participation in mining activities and (ii) the optimization of the role of private agents, (iii) allowing the concentration of strategic functions in the Ministry of Mineral Resources, and (iv) promoting transparency in the industry.
20 July 2020
Corporate and Commercial

New Regulations on Civil Construction and Public Works, Works Planning, Works Inspection Activities

By means of Presidential Decree no. 146/20, of 27 May, the Angolan Executive has approved the new Regulations on Civil Construction and Public Works, Works Planning and Works Inspection Activities (the “Regulations"). The Regulations apply to all individuals or legal entities engaged in the carrying-out of civil construction and public works, works, works planning and inspection activities.
20 July 2020
Corporate and Commercial

CABO VERDE - State of Emergency declared from 29 March 2020

In order to ensure the constitutional legitimacy of the measures approved by the Government to control the country's epidemiological situation and to anticipate and contain the foreseeable increase of the COVID-19 contagion lines in the country, the President of the Republic of Cabo Verde declared a state of emergency by Presidential Decree 06/2020, of 28 March 2020 ("PD 06/20"), after hearing the Government and securing Parliament’s authorization.
27 April 2020
Corporate and Commercial

Equatorial Guinea - COVID-19 Outbreak

COVID-19 Outbreak 31 March 2020   The Equatorial Guinea Government has been active in adopting measures to face the outbreak of the novel coronavirus (the COVID-19) in Equatorial Guinea, including those taken in 12 March 2020 suspending international flights as from 15 March 2020 and keeping the population well informed (particularly by the Ministry of Health) of all COVID-19 symptoms and of what health measures should be followed during the pandemic.
27 April 2020
Corporate and Commercial

Equatorial Guinea - COVID-19 Outbreak Update | New Measures Adopted

In addition to the measures adopted on 23 March 2020 to prevent the spread of the COVID-19, and as already announced in our previous Flash on this subject matter, considering that more COVID-19 cases have been confirmed in Equatorial Guinea, the Prime Minister, after consulting inter alia with the Novel Coronavirus Surveillance Technical Committee, has issued a notice adopting new preventive measures. These measures – adopted, publicized and enforceable on/since 31 March 2020 and that apply in addition to those adopted on 23 March 2020 – may be summarized as follows: •As from 3 April 2020 and for a 14-day term, the circulation of vehicles and people between districts in the mainland of Equatorial Guinea is suspended, i.e., all mainland districts are quarantined; (we note that the notice indicates that this measure will continue in place until 15 April 2020 but that the 14-day term ends on 17 April 2020; our best interpretation is that the measure should be deemed effective until 17 April 2020) •The Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock, Forestry and of the Environment is responsible for organizing, with groups of producers of essential food, the transportation in trucks of said products and of the people selling them, from different places in the mainland inland to stock the markets of the city of Bata (the biggest city in the Country’s mainland region); •It is restated that: oall clothing and general supplies’ businesses, supermarkets, shops, pharmacies, hairdressers, electronic materials and other home supplies’ stores must remain open until no later than 8pm; and oall restaurants and canteens serving prepared food must close by 9pm; •The Ministry of Health, the Home Ministry, the Ministry of National Security, the Ministry of Finance, Economy and Planning, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Public Works, Real Estate and Housing, the Ministry of Culture, Tourism and Craftsmanship and the Ministry of Defence may adopt as many measures as are appropriate to ensure the enforcement of these measures; and •The Novel Coronavirus Surveillance Technical Committee, headed by the Home Minister and in the mainland assisted by the Deputy General Director of Homeland Security, governors and Government delegates, are to ensure full compliance with these measures during the length of the crisis. We plan to continue issuing updates on the measures put in place in the Country regularly.
27 April 2020
Projects, energy & natural resources


NEW CUSTOMS TARIFF FOR IMPORT AND EXPORTDUTIES A new Customs Tariff for Import and Export Duties ("Customs Tariff") was approved by Presidential Legislative Decree No. 10/19 of 29November. The new Customs Tariff is geared at the modernization of the Angolan customs system and aims to promote national production, attract investment and promote employment and national labour. This new Customs Tariff is also meant to adapt to the new version of the Nomenclature of the Harmonized System (“SH"). Among the various changes, we highlight the adaptation of the new Customs Tariff to VAT and Excise Tax. This law enters into force on 29 December 2019.
08 January 2020
Projects, energy & natural resources


A series of Notices have been approved by the National Bank of Angola (Banco Nacional de Angola) to ensure transparency and balance of the foreign exchange market, the protection of consumer rights of financial services and products, as well as strengthening the process of standardisation of the foreign exchange market, having also been introduced the applicable rules to the oil and gas sector.
08 January 2020


Law no. 69/2019, of 28 August (“Law”), was published yesterday in the Official Gazette of the Portuguese Republic. The Law provides for the execution in the Portuguese jurisdiction, of Regulation (EU) 2017/2402 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 12 December 2017 (“Regulation”), which lays down a general framework for securitisation and creates a specific framework for simple, transparent and standardised securitisation (“STS Securitisation”).
08 January 2020

Angola | Amendments To The Legal Framework Governing Registration

ANGOLA | AMENDMENTS TO THE LEGAL FRAMEWORK GOVERNING REGISTRATION WITH AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE MANDATORY SOCIAL SECURITY SYSTEM Presidential Decree 227/18, of 27 September 2018, which will come into force on 27 December 2018, repealed Decree 38/08, of 19 June 2008, and significantly amended the Legal Framework governing Registration with and Contributions to the Mandatory Social Security System. Important amendments include:
16 January 2020

Mozambique Environment

MOZAMBIQUE: ENVIRONMENT | NEW REGULATION ON THE EXTENDED RESPONSIBILITY OF PRODUCERS AND IMPORTERS OF PACKAGING On 29 December 2017, Decree 79/2017, of 28 December 2017, approving the Regulation on the Extended Responsibility of Producers and Importers of Packaging (the “Regulation”), came into force. The Regulation’s objective is the adoption of principles, rules and guidelines to increase the responsibility of producers and importers of packaging in order to safeguard the environment and public health, in the context of sustainable development.
16 January 2020

Beware Of Rpm – Commission Issues Fines For Online Resale Price-fixing

July 31, 2018 On 24th July 2018, the European Commission (EC) issued four decisions fining Asus, Philips, Denon & Marantz and Pioneer, for a total of 111 million EUR, for fixing or establishing minimum resale prices on online retailers, a commercial practice also known as resale price maintenance (RPM). According to the EC, such RPM practices restricted online retailers’ ability to set their own retail prices for widely used consumer electronics product infringing EU competition rules.
16 January 2020

Privacy, Data Protection & Cybersecurity

19 February 2018 COMMISSION COMMUNICATION – GUIDANCE ON THE DIRECT APPLICATION OF THE GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATION The European Commission (the “Commission”) has issued, on the 24 January, a Communication containing guidance in view of facilitating the direct application of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in all the European Union (the “EU”) as of 25 May 2018 (the “Communication”). Simultaneously, the Commission has also published a set of GDPR-related Q&A and an online tool to help companies – focusing on SMEs -, citizens and public administrations understand the new rules.
16 January 2020

Mozambique | Spectrum Auction

The Mozambique Government has recently published in the Official Gazette Resolution no. 12/2018, of April 25, determining the authorisation for the launch of an auction procedure for the grant of rights of use of radio frequencies in the 800MHz, 1800MHz and 2600MHz bands. The base bidding prices shall be set by a Joint Order to be issued by the Ministers of Finances and Communications. The rules and procedures governing the auction shall be determined by INCM, the communications national regulatory authority.
16 January 2020

Guidance On The Direct Application Of The General Data Protection Regulation

The European Commission (the “Commission”) has issued, on the 24 January, a Communication containing guidance in view of facilitating the direct application of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) in all the European Union (the “EU”) as of 25 May 2018 (the “Communication”). Simultaneously, the Commission has also published a set of GDPR-related Q&A and an online tool to help companies – focusing on SMEs -, citizens and public administrations understand the new rules.
16 January 2020

Beware Of Rpm – Commission Issues Fines For Online Resale Price-fixing

On 24th July 2018, the European Commission (EC) issued four decisions fining Asus, Philips, Denon & Marantz and Pioneer, for a total of 111 million EUR, for fixing or establishing minimum resale prices on online retailers, a commercial practice also known as resale price maintenance (RPM). According to the EC, such RPM practices restricted online retailers’ ability to set their own retail prices for widely used consumer electronics product infringing EU competition rules.
16 January 2020

New Basic Regulation On Common Rules In The Field Of Civil Aviation

NEW BASIC REGULATION ON COMMON RULES IN THE FIELD OF CIVIL AVIATION AND ESTABLISHING A EUROPEAN UNION AVIATION SAFETY AGENCY On 11 September 2018 came into force the new Basic Regulation – Regulation (EU) 2018/1139 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2018 on common rules in the field of civil aviation and establishing a European Union Aviation Safety Agency (“New Basic Regulation”) – that repealed the former Basic Regulation (Regulation 216/2008 of the European Parliament and of the Council).
16 January 2020

Conversion Of Credits Into Capital In Companies With A Minimum Turnover Of €1 Million

Law no. 7/2018, of 2 March 2018 was published last Friday, establishing a new legal framework for conversion of credits into capital. Approved as part of the Programa Capitalizar (Capitalize Program) and effective as of 3 March, the Act affords companies and their creditors an extrajudicial recovery and restructuring avenue to act swiftly with regard to the capitalization of companies in a weak financial position but that are economically viable.
16 January 2020

Right To Compensation For Damages From Infringements Of Competition Law

Act 23/2018, establishing the legal framework on the right to compensation for damages from infringements of competition law, was published on 5 June 2018. This legislative act transposes into Portuguese law the Directive 2014/104/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of 26 November 2014, which established common rules to all Member States on actions for damages from infringements of competition law provisions.
16 January 2020

Angola | Amendments To Private Investment Rules On The Government Radar

A new organizational model for the carrying-out of private investment operations is currently being considered by the Angolan Government. The basis for this new model was recently published by the Technical Unit for Private Investment (“UTIP”) – a specialized unit established back in 2015, responsible for assisting the Head of the Executive with private investment related matters – in a document entitled the “New Private Investment Operational System Framework (“NPIOSF”). In a nutshell, the NPIOSF recommends the implementation of two structural changes to the existing framework:
16 January 2020

What Is New In Public Procurement In Angola: Public Procurement Unit And Project Or Contract Manager

Presidential Decree 88/18 came into force on 6 April and establishes the rules for the organization and operation of the Unidades de Contratação Pública [Public Procurement Units] (“UCP”). These Units will intervene at the stages of formation and management of projects and contracts executed by Entidades Públicas Contratantes [Public Contracting Entities] (“EPC”), i.e., public entities (and state-owned companies) qualified as such in the Public Contracts Act.
16 January 2020

Competition & Eu: Angola Approves Competition Act

On 18 April 2018, the National Assembly of Angola approved the Competition Act (the “Act”). The safeguard of sound competition between economic agents aims at fully implementing a market economy, stimulating the Angolan economy and improving the standing of Angola in the “Doing Business” international rankings. The Act is applicable to all economic sectors, thus covering private, public and cooperative undertakings, as well as business associations.
16 January 2020
Press Releases

VdA has been appointed to preside over the Steering Committee of GRACE

VdA has been elected President of the Steering Committee of GRACE for the period 2018/2020. Partner Margarida Couto, shall take office on behalf of the firm. GRACE ( is a pioneering non-profit public interest organisation gathering over 160 companies of all sizes and across industries, engaged in deepening their social role, as well as promoting and developing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Portugal.
07 June 2022

Credit Intermediation And The Provision Of Consultancy Services

Decree-Law no. 81-C/2017, of 7 July, approved the regime governing Access to and Exercise of Credit Intermediary Activities and the Provision of Consultancy Services, which regulates the conditions, across the board, for the exercise of such activities in relation to any consumers in Portugal, regardless of the type and scope of credit agreement in question, having even transcended the reach of Directive no. 2014/17/EU on consumer credit agreements relating to residential immovable property, which it also partially transposed into Portuguese law.
16 January 2020
TMT ( Technology, Media & Telecoms)

Cnpd Approves 10 Measures To Prepare For The General Data Protection Regulation

On 28th January, 2017, the Portuguese Data Protection Authority (Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados/CNPD) published a document establishing 10 measures for entities to prepare for the application of the General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”). Since the GDPR will apply from 25 May 2018 onwards, CNPD points out that both public and private entities should begin to implement internal procedures and mechanisms so as to ensure compliance with the new data processing.
28 October 2019
Corporate & Commercial

Angola | New Regulation On The Licensing Of Establishments And Of Commercial Activity

Presidential Decree no. 193/17, which approves the Regulation on the Licensing of Establishments and of Commercial Activity and Market Services (“Regulation”), was published on 22 August. The Regulation, which will enter into force on 21 October (60 days after its publication), establishes the conditions and procedures governing the licensing of commercial activities and market services, as well as the licensing of the respective establishments, revoking Presidential Decree no. 288/10, of 30 November (Regulation on the Licensing of Commercial Activity and the Provision of Market Services), as well as all prior regulations on the matter contrary to the provisions of the new Regulation.
28 October 2019
TMT ( Technology, Media & Telecoms)

Article 29 Working Party Guidelines On The Eu General Data Protection Regulation

In order to clarify some of the new obligations stemming from the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), which will apply as of 25th May 2018, the Article 29 Working Party (“WP29”) – the independent European consulting body for data protection issues – recently issued its “Guidance on Data Protection Impact Assessment (“DPIA”)”. This document will be available for public consultation until 23rd May, 2017.
28 October 2019
Projects, Energy & Natural Resources

Mozambique | Petroleum Products Supply

Ministerial Statute 50/2017, of 11 July 2017, sets forth the measures approved by the Ministry of Mineral Resources and Energy to streamline petroleum products’ import into and supply to the country and ensure fuel supply safety, regularity and quality. The newly approved measures obviously have a direct impact on distributors, but also affect suppliers, IMOPETRO, commercial banks operating in-country and the Banco de Moçambique (“BdM”).
28 October 2019
TMT ( Technology, Media & Telecoms)

Angola | Law On The Protection Of Networks And Information Systems

Law No. 7/17, concerning the Protection of Networks and Information Systems (LPNIS) was recently published in the Official Gazette, which imposes a set of new obligations to several players in the Angola market. Electronic communication undertakings, information society service providers, primary storage service providers, critical infrastructure service providers (e.g., entities responsible for supply chains, health, security and utilities), as well as entities providing critical social functions (financial sector, transportation, Oil&Gas) are now subject to obligations in what concerns information and information systems protection and security, storage of data, data retention for investigation purposes, cooperation with the competent authority and interception of communications, depending on the scope of activity carried out.
28 October 2019