Anzhelika LivitskaPartner at ARZINGER LAW FIRM, Head of Energy and Natural Resources, Environmental and Sustainable Development practice, co-head of Real Estate and Construction practice.
Kateryna OliinykPartner of Intellectual Property, Patent&Trademark Attorney of Ukraine, UDRP & URS Panelist of the National Arbitration Forum (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), UA-DRP panelist of WIPO (Geneva, Switzerland)
Lana SinichkinaPartner, Attorney-at-law, Head of Life Sciences & Healthcare, Food & Beverage, Antitrust & Competition, Public Procurement, as well as Co-Head of Anti-Corruption Compliance and Business Ethics practices
Oleksander PlotnikovPartner, Attorney-at-law, Head of Banking & Finance as well as Co-Head of White Collar Crime practice
Sergii ShkliarFounding Partner, Attorney-At-Law, LL.D., Merited Lawyer of Ukraine, Head of Dispute Resolution, Antitrust and Competition, GR.
Taras KyslyyPartner of Intellectual Property, Attorney-at-law, DRP and Dispute Resolution Arbitrator at ccTLD .UA under the UA-DRP procedure of the International WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (Geneva, Switzerland).
Timur BondaryevFounding and Managing Partner, Attorney-at-law, Head of Real Estate and Construction practice, Co-Head of Antitrust and Competition practice at Arzinger. He also heads the Automotive, Energy and Retail industrial practices.