News and developments

Press Releases

Raue Advises on the Sale of the Rainer Maria Rilke Estate to the German Literature Archive Marbach

Raue represented the three great-granddaughters and sole heirs of the estate of Rainer Maria Rilke (deceased 29 December 1926) in the sales negotiations with the German Literature Archive Marbach. Aim of the negotiations was to sell the entire Rilke archive, which is owned by the Rilke heirs and has been excellently processed, to the Literary Archives. The purchase price was raised from public funds (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media, Baden-Württemberg and the Berthold Leibinger, Carl Friedrich von Siemens and Wüstenrot Foundations).
14 February 2023
Press Releases

Götz Valien Sues the Estate Martin Kippenberger for Acknowledgement of Co-Authorship of the "Paris Bar" Paintings

Berlin, 4 July 2022 – The law firm Raue has filed an action on behalf of the Berlin-based artist Götz Valien before the Copyright Chamber of the Regional Court of Munich against the Martin Kippenberger Estate, which manages the copyright estate of Martin Kippenberger and publishes the artist's catalog raisonné. The action is directed at prohibiting the estate from any exploitation of the so-called "Paris Bar" paintings without naming Götz Valien as co-author.
02 August 2022
Press Releases

Götz Valien verklagt mit Raue den Estate Martin Kippenberger auf Anerkennung der Miturheberschaft an den „Paris Bar“-Bildern

Berlin, 4. Juli 2022 – Die Rechtsanwaltsozietät Raue hat für den in Berlin lebenden Künstler Götz Valien Klage vor der Urheberrechtskammer des Landgerichts München I gegen den Estate Martin Kippenberger eingereicht, der den urheberrechtlichen Nachlass von Martin Kippenberger verwaltet und das Werkverzeichnis des Künstles herausgibt. Die Klage ist darauf gerichtet, dem Estate unter Androhung eines Ordnungsgeldes von bis zu 250.000 € jedwede Verwertung der sogenannten „Paris Bar“-Bilder zu untersagen, ohne Götz Valien als Miturheber zu bezeichnen.
02 August 2022
Press Releases

Raue Advises on the Future-Oriented Project De-velopment "Das Neue Gartenfeld" in Berlin-Spandau

Raue has comprehensively advised the planning consortium "Das Neue Gartenfeld" on the legal planning for the model quarter of the future Das Neue Gartenfeld in Berlin-Spandau. For this purpose, ENGIE Deutschland and GASAG are forming a joint venture and investing a double-digit million sum in the development of sustainable solutions for energy, mobility and digitalisation. Both energy service providers have now signed the contract for the realisation of the new Gartenfeld district with the developers, Planungsgemeinschaft Das Neue Gartenfeld GmbH & Co.KG. The development plan is expected to be approved at the end of 2022.
19 January 2022
Press Releases

Raue Advises Tiko on its Series A-Financing Round

Raue comprehensively advised proptech start-up Tiko Real Estate Technologies ("Tiko") on its US$65 million Series A financing round. The financing round was led by the digital tech fund and private investor network of btov Partners. Tiko's shareholder base includes other well-known venture capital investors such as Rocket Internet and business angels. The equity financing round was accompanied by a debt investor. Tiko's innovative tech platform allows any homeowner to sell their house in a few days. This is done using a data-driven valuation algorithm. The financing round ensures Tiko's continued rapid growth. The capital raised will be used to further strengthen Tiko's data-driven valuation algorithm and to continue the international expansion beyond its home market of Spain. Raue advised Tiko on all German law aspects of the financing round especially on all corporate issues. About Tiko Tiko is a Proptech company, launched in 2018 in Spain by its founder and CEO, Sina Afra, and co-founders Ana Villanueva, Can Günay and Paco Sahuquillo. Today, Tiko is present in Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao, Malaga and Seville. With an ambitious expansion plan in Europe, its model is based on applying technology to the real estate sector. The key to its rapid success is its technology platform, which only needs homeowners to fill out a short form to send them a purchase offer within 24 hours. Advisors to Tiko: Raue, Berlin (German Law): Prof. Dr. Andreas Nelle (Partner, Lead, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Dr. Michael Gläsner (Counsel, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC).
27 August 2021
Press Releases

Raue Advises Tau on the Extension of its Series A-Financing Round

Raue advised Turin-based technology start-up Tau ACT GmbH („Tau“) on an extension of its Series A- financing round to raise a further 10.25 million euros. Investment company Finindus N.V., founded by the international steel group ArcelorMittal S.A. and the Flemish Region, joined Tau as a new investor. In addition, various existing shareholders, including the German specialty chemicals company ALTANA, took the opportunity for further investments. Raue had already comprehensively advised Tau in its Series A financing round in 2020 and in February 2021. Raue advised Tau on all corporate and tax issues related to the financing round. About Tau Focused on applications for automotive, energy and agriculture, Tau makes protective coatings for copper, aluminum and steel wire more durable, resistant and light. Tau’s proprietary DryCycle and LILIT technologies meet the demands of electrical automotive engineering for ever smaller, lighter and yet more powerful and reliable electric motors. DryCycle technology offers higher performance, greater sustainability and stronger reliability in wire enameling. By using only solvent-free polymers, DryCycle reduces the production of harmful VOC during the coating process and lowers carbon dioxide emissions. Tau has offices in Turin (Italy), Moscow (Russia) and Berlin (Germany). Advisor to Tau, Berlin Raue, Berlin: Prof. Dr. Andreas Nelle (Partner, Lead, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Dr. Friedhelm Unverdorben (Partner, Tax), Dr. Michael Gläsner (Counsel, Corporate/M&A, PE/VC), Susann Steinecke (Associate, Tax).
27 August 2021
Press Releases

Federal Court of Justice Obliges State of Berlin to Award Gas Concession to NBB

Raue, together with BGH attorney Dr. Peter Rädler, secured a historic victory for GASAG/NBB. On 9 March 2021, the Cartel Panel of the Federal Court of Justice (BGH) handed down its decision that the State of Berlin is bound to award the tendered concession for the operation of the gas supply network in Berlin to NBB Netzgesellschaft Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH & Co. KG, the network subsidiary of GASAG, the Berlin-based utility.
15 March 2021
Press Releases

Geschäftsschließung aufgrund Coronavirus - was bedeutet das für Vermieter und Mieter

Berlin, 25. März 2020 - Die Bundesregierung hat weitreichende Maßnahmen zur Eindämmung des Coronavirus erlassen. Ziel ist es, den Kontakt der Menschen untereinander auf ein Minimum zu begrenzen. Das öffentliche Leben soll zum Erliegen kommen. Umgesetzt werden diese Maßnahmen in den einzelnen Bundesländern durch Rechtsverordnungen. Rechtsgrundlage ist insoweit § 32 Abs. 1 des Infektionsschutzgesetzes vom 20. Juli 2000 (BGBl. I S. 1045, zuletzt geändert durch Artikel 1 des Gesetzes vom 10. Februar 2020, BGBl. I S. 148).
31 March 2020